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I prefer Lisa or Lissa. I dislike this spelling and the Greek meaning.
Lyssa can be be used as short form of Larissa.
I prefer Alyssa and Lisa, not a huge fan of this, to be honest.
Really? Trashy? Well that may be what you think but personally I find that it's a beautiful name, especially seeing that it's the name I was born with. It's not a common name, it is unique. It is associated with a goddess that was not a major one and because of that many people do not know her and finally, I find that it stands out because of the fact that it is not as common compared to names close to it but more common like Melissa, Lisa or Alissa.
Also short for Alyssum. Alyssum is not in the database, but I know a girl by this name who goes by Lyssa. I think it is beautiful!
Lyssa isn't necessarily a nickname for Alyssa. In actuality, Alyssa is formed from the the Greek "A", against and "Lyssa", madness/rabies. SO technically, Alyssa is formed from the name Lyssa. This is also my friend's name, and the meaning really suits her. She is very crazy/mad. :) I would really recommend naming your daughter this, it is such a sweet name, that is good for all ages, and if you didn't want Lyssa to be the full name, you could name her Alyssa or Elisabeth or Elyssa and just call her Lyssa for short.
Lyssa is also the name of a figure from Greek mythology, as someone had already stated before me. In that case, the name is derived from Greek 'Lyssa' meaning "rage, frenzy."
Too short, boring, and overused too me. At least name her Alyssa. It's more sophisticated. Lyssa is a trashy, ugly name.
This name seems like it is a good shortened version of Alyssa or Elizabeth but it does, indeed, already have its own meaning. Lyssa was the Greek goddess of madness or rage. Doesn't make it a bad name if you ask me though.
My name is Alyssa but I disliked how my family shortened it to Aly, and now I use Lyssa. It is often a diminutive of Alyssa, Elizabeth, Elisabeth, etc., but it also is a stand-alone name (whose origin I can't recall at the moment) which means 'honey.'
Looks like a good name, but its meaning is really rabies/hydrophobia.
Lyssa is a nickname (not only for Alyssa, but Elisabeth and Melissa.) How could it have a meaning?
I have a friend named Lyssa. It is not short for anything. It is a diminutive of Elizabeth.Ares, the god inherent in the savagery of war and battle, was invoked by Homer as "the manslaughtering, bloodstained stormer of walls." Ares' demeanor was typically described by such epithets as lyssa, signifying "martial rage, raving, frenzy." (, a Greek deity: Meaning "Frenzy", she was summoned by Hera to afflict madness on Heracles, whereupon he killed his children and, according to Euripedes, his wife Megara. (

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