Ludolf the led nose leindeer.
Ludolf de Jongh or Ludolf Leendertsz. De Jongh (1616 – 1679) was a Dutch painter, known for his genre scenes, hunting scenes, history paintings, landscapes, cityscapes and portraits.
Karl Henrik Ludolf Nielsen, also known as Ludolf Nielson, (1876 – 16 1939) was a Danish composer, violinist, conductor, and pianist. Today he is considered one of the most important Danish composers of the early 1900s (together with the more famous Carl Nielsen).
You currently have Ludolf listed as being archaic in Germany, i.e. it is no longer in use. That is incorrect: you can still find living German bearers on Facebook and LinkedIn, so the name is just rare instead of archaic: [noted -ed] (lists only bearers living in Germany) name is also still in use in the Netherlands (and to a lesser extent, Flanders in Belgium). It is rare, but it seems to be a bit more common there than in Germany: (in Dutch; shows the prevalence of the name in the Netherlands in 2014) (in Dutch; shows the prevalence of the name in Belgium in 2009) (lists only bearers living in Belgium) (lists only bearers living in the Netherlands)Lastly, the name is also used in Scandinavia, but it is extremely rare there: (in English)
Ludolf Bakhuizen (1631-1708) was a Dutch painter mainly of marine subjects.
I think this is a really interesting and usable name. :)
Pronounced LOO-dawlf. [noted -ed]

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