Good luck with the job hunt! :D.
All of you who rated it 'devious', how is it devious if you paid attention to what this name means and its true history? Ignorance is the only explanation and I wish you all would be informed.
I've seen many saying this can't be a girl's name and I totally get it, I think it seems more manly too, but it can be a girl's name just like Billy and Tyler. In the original usage of Lucifer, it had no gender association. It was used to refer to the planet Venus in the morning, the morning star. Fun fact, "Noctifer" was used for the evening star or Venus as it appeared at dusk. Noctifer translates to "night-bringer" or "bearer of night." Comes from "nox" meaning "night" and "ferre" meaning "to bring." Neither of these names are or ever were the name for the devil for most of history and it's embarrassing that for 100s of years people have been indoctrinated into this complete lie to the point of absurdity. I was grown up Christian so I know what this must sound like to Christians who have been so brainwashed. I was drawn to the name despite the evil connotation and I decided to do some research and completely changed my world view, dare I say my life. Try it sometime, Christians. Do some real fact-checking and research and maybe try out actually reading the bible rather than listening to and repeating what others said before you.
The whole story about this name being the original name of the so called angel that became the devil is absolute utter nonsense! Lucifer was actually used among early Christians for their beloved devout sons because it had a religious and positive aura. People thought of Jesus as a Lucifer or a light-bearer. There's even Saint Lucifer of Cagliari. Don't believe me? Don't take my word for it! Go see for yourself! The TITLE Lucifer is in the bible only as a descriptive term to describe the Babylonian king who had fallen from grace. I hope every person who reads this and is a Christian decides to stop being fools and think for yourselves and name your kids Lucifer and make Jesus proud! Jesus called the fallen angel anti-God thing or whatever Satan, and whether or not that was nothing more than a metaphor for general physical temptations is yet to be known. He very likely was speaking of the Jewish interpretation of temptation. Don't name your kids this if you have nefarious intentions because people misunderstand the name enough as it is. If you are a devil worshipper then name your children Satan, Mephistopheles, Beelzebub, Abaddon, Belial, or Antichrist so we can pick them out of the crowd. You'd be doing all us normal people a favor. Also btw, the devil isn't real. Most Abrahamic religions throughout history have believed that evil was inside us all and that 'satans' were agents of God who were sent to test us and the name Satan means adversary. It wasn't until Zoroastrians showed up and started living among early Christians did the idea of this ridiculous red evil supernatural beast or an anti-God came into existence. Zoroastrians had been believing in a good god and bad god duality far far before any Christian or Jew ever cared.
Even though it’s associated with satanism and the like, i still think it’s a very pretty name :)
I like it. Its meaning is "light". Though it is commonly associated with Satan, you can name your child whatever you want unless its offensive, so if you want to name your child Lucifer, go for it! Nobody cares what you name your child, and if someone does, tell them to be quiet.
The reputation of this name is such a shame. The meaning of "bringing light" is splendid, and it sounds good as well. For the social life of your child, I don't recommend this name. Go for alternatives like Lucian, Luciano or Luca.
Very bad name indeed, utterly trash.Here comes the incoming downvotes.
It's not a bad name. It's a great name. It's very sad though that this name isn't used as often because of the story behind it.
Luci — full name Lucille Lucifer Jr. DCLXVI, Son of Satan — is a main character in Matt Groening's Disenchantment.And he says, if you're thinking about using this name: "Do iiiit! Do it do it do it do it do it!"
Lucifer Morningstar is a supporting character in Vivienne "Vivzie" Medrano's Hazbin Hotel season 1. He is the husband of Lilith Morningstar and father of main character Charlie Morningstar. (and he is, in fact, Hell's Greatest Dad ;) ) He was previously named Lucifer Magne in the pilot episode on YouTube ('Hazbin Hotel (Pilot)')
I think it's a very cool name that just sounds unisex, though you might have a hard time getting that past certain folks, but maybe it won't be that hard because Lucy is already a very well-known feminine name.And I don't mean to offend anyone, but in my opinion, you're the aggressor if you're hating on others for their name just because of that name's connotation in your religion. As far as I'm concerned it's just as silly as hating on mythological-based names for being 'pagan'That said, it's probably not a great choice for a baby in many countries because a kid in school being bullied for being evil or whatever is just not a great thing growing up. It can be an amazing choice for edgy folks choosing a new name for themselves.(Also maybe I'm biased because I'm kindof a semi-satanist myself but in my personal opinion it's a mega-based name. Others are free to disagree)
It's a cool name and meaning. Like it.
Lucifer is the name of a star deity and brother of Vesper. He is a Roman pagan deity.
Seriously? The meaning is beautiful, and so is the name. The problem is the accursed pig who bears it, and who made it the most infamous of all names. Because of this filthy and disgraced person, the name is ruined and unusable. We don't honor this name.
This name is great in my opinion. Too bad it's the devil's name. But that doesn't mean that it's unusable. I mean, even with the association and all, this name still got a 71% rating.
This name must sound evil.
Lucifer, son of the morningGreat red dragonDifferent man.
Beautiful name with a beautiful meaning. It's just a shame that Christians would never leave you or your child alone.
Despise! Why not just Lucy or Lucile?
Do people seriously name their child this? Even with the terrible association with Lucifer the fallen angel? It's basically the equivalent of naming your child Satan.
This name sounds so innocent but still, no. It's better than Satan though.
I don’t like this name at all even without the devil association. It just sounds weird to me. Maybe as a middle name.
I'm thinking about going by Lucifer with Cipher for short. I think it's a great name.
Although it's associated with the bible, at least it's better than Satan.
I do hope that no one is naming their girl this, this is a boy name and it is very rare and is not a combination of Lucy and Jenifer, get your facts right, read the meaning and history of the name and you’ll find out.
Robert De Niro's character name in the movie, "Angel Heart" (1987) was Louis Cyphre... He Was supposed to be the devil in the movie..A Huge number of cats are named Lucifer!Someone here said why couldn't Satan have a name like "Bob", (so the name Lucifer wouldn't be demonized)
I was LMAO!
Remember Flip Wilson's "The devil made me do it!"No no!.. BOB made me do it!
Not super religious myself, so can't say I've anything against this name. It also just so happens to be the name of one of my favorite television series of all time. Would totally recommend this name to anyone feeling adventurous. To me, it gives off an air of mystery and mystic, and if it weren't so closely associated with evil, I think it would be pretty popular. Sadly, being that I've never had the pleasure of meeting someone named Lucifer, this is just my impression of it.
This is Satan's name. I don't really like it because it sounds close to Jennifer, one of my favorite girl's names.
I absolutely adore this name!
My (real) name is Breathe, so it should be pretty obvious that I don't judge or discriminate against unique names at all, in fact, I absolutely adore them! However, “Lucifer”, in my opinion, is taking it to a whole other level... Satan is referred to as Lucifer, and Satan is the Prince of Darkness... That being said, I have no idea why anyone would desire to give their child this name, because it is the exact opposite of everything good, pure and righteous. Honestly, in my opinion, Lucifer is the worst name I've ever heard...
Why couldn't Satan be called something like "Bob"? Fricking love this name, even if I'm a Christian.
I’m actually a satanist, so maybe I’m biased, but I adore this name. I wish I could name a kid this, but they’d end up being bullied their whole life. Oh well, it’s still a gorgeous name.
It’s not bad. It sounds lovely and has a good meaning but literally the worst association ever, considering that this is widely believed to be the name of the embodiment of evil.
Consider something else, maybe?
When I was a kid, my aunt was pregnant with her third child. The first two were named Christopher and Jennifer (my cousins, of course). They told me if the baby was a boy, he would be named Lucifer, to match Christopher and Jennifer. My aunt said "No, he's NOT!" I'd never heard the name before and I thought it was beautiful. I was just a kid too and had no idea of its association with evil.
People, listen the devil is not the evil, the devil punishes evil.
Satan is not one to be played with. Repent your sins to God and ask him to your heart (become a Christian) and you'll find yourself in Heaven when you die. If you don't you'll burn in Hell with Satan. Jesus came to Earth to save you from that. Now please, spread this good news of Jesus and Heaven.
Romans 5:8.
I don't understand why people believe Satan is a bad representative. Honestly. Because we have free will, God nor Satan can compel us to do stuff. You choose to do things whether they are bad or good. Satan punishes those who deserve punishment and ultimately it's our CHOICE to do bad stuff. All that stuff with people saying "Oh yea Satan is within you because you murdered someone." No. You did the crime, don't tie him with all that. I don't understand why it is so hard to understand, God gave us a choice. You chose.
This name has great meaning and is beautiful-sounding, but it has the worst association possible. Definitely do not recommend for anything.
The name Lucifer when translated in Latin means "light giver" or "morningstar". Lucifer was also used to refer to the planet Venus. According to the Dictionary of Angels, by Gustav Davidson, the name of Lucifer wasn't associated with Satan until "St. Jerome and other Church Fathers" associated the name with this figure. Davidson also includes that "the authors of the Old Testament knew nothing of fallen or evil angels", but they did "indicate that angels were not all that they should be". This would make sense, as the first written evidence of fallen angels did not occur till the writing of the Book of Enoch, which was written hundreds of years after the texts of the old testament. Also, translations in the old testament included in the Bible usually replace "morningstar" with the word "Lucifer" to refer to the devil, even though the text was originally referring to Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon.
It does sound really cool, but I would never name a child this because of you know, the connotations.
In some countries, this name is actually illegal, I'm not surprised. I can't say whether it's a good or bad name because it's very controversial, but Luci is a cute nickname for it. Luci is the name of a demon character from a show called Disenchanted by Matt Groening.
From 1880 to 2017, the Social Security Administration has recorded 115 babies born with the first name Lucifer in the United States.
Name your child Lucifer and he’ll grow up using a ouija board and become a voodoo priest and you’ll have to call in an exorcist because he’ll get possessed. If he was a Christian, he would hate you for naming him after the Devil. There are a million other names out there. Why do you have to use this one?
Lucifer may not refer to Satan in the bible but the morning star sure does, which is Satan's name when he was in heaven. I still would never name a child Lucifer that had a reference to Satan.
If you're here, you should already know that Lucifer is Latin for "light bringer" or "morning star". This stems from the ancient pagan religions, where Venus was worshiped as the bringer of the dawn (light bringer). Venus is visible before sunrise, being the brightest "star" in the sky. As the dawn comes, Venus is still visible in the sky (morning star). Anyone who claims they wouldn't use the name Lucifer because they're Christian isn't a very good Christian. Try reading the bible instead of believing the stories you heard when you were a kid. Never once was the name Lucifer used for Satan until John Milton's Paradise Lost. The name Lucifer appears -twice- in the Bible: First used in the book of Isaiah, to describe the King of Babylon who believed himself to be greater than God and was struck down for his blasphemy. The second time is in Revelation when Jesus Christ identifies himself as Lucifer, calling himself the Morning Star. There are other uses of morning star in the bible that aren't relevant to the point I'm making, but to be clear: Lucifer is NOT the name of the devil. Lucifer is NOT the name of some rebel angel who became Satan. The story you heard about that has NO BIBLICAL FOUNDATION.
If you're twisted enough to name your kid the name that belonged to Satan before the fall, then quite literally, God help you & the desperately poor child you curse with it!
Lucifer is a name that is combined by two girl names “Lucy and Jennifer. Lucifer is a very beautiful and delicate name, but I love it for a girl. I’m afraid I don’t care for Lucifer on a boy since it sounds so feminine. I love Lucifer for a girl especially paired with very feminine middle names like Juliana and Marie.
I think this name is so cute! I think the association of Lucifer and Satan is pretty much unknown in Sweden (my home country), because Swedes are very atheist. I actually have more muslim friends in Sweden than christian friends. Me and my husband would love to name our son Lucifer, since Satan has no significance to us at all. However, I would not want him to be judged by his name. Like if he wanted to move to a country that is less atheist/agnostic than Sweden. And I wouldn't want his name to make people in his surroundings uneasy. I think it's a beautiful name and if it became popularized, it could lose the negative connotation.
I kinda like this name as a unisex name. It’s a cute name for boys and girls, but I prefer it more for a girl because it’s a combination of two female names. “Lucy” + “Jennifer”= “Lucifer”. So technically I think it’s better as a feminine name than a masculine, but I don’t detest the name on a boy. It’s gender neutral. I hope to name my daughter this. Lucifer Lynn sounds cute :D!
I can see why this would feel more like a feminine name than a masculine name. Lucifer is the combination of Lucy and Jennifer. Overall, I never even heard of this name. It think females can have any kind of names. No matter if they’re feminine, unisex, kri8iv, or masculine. It’s the males who have to deal with having only two kinds of name acceptability; masculine and only a few unisex names. I guess it’s great being girl. I wouldn’t name my daughter this though! But definitely not my son, if he’ll get teased.
I’m Christian and I love this name!
Name your child what you want to name your child. Nobody else can tell you what to do. You should think this over carefully, though. Children can be very mean and they may tease your child.
Sadly, 24 baby boys were burdened with the name Lucifer in 2017.
Are you serious?! Your kid would get teased to no end with this name, no matter how pretty you think it is or the history. Kids can be assholes, especially nowadays.
I also really like that name but some family members are Christian and my mother seriously dislikes it for how it sounds and the meaning.
It's an okay name minus the bad reputation this name gets.
The only problem is that this name sounds really old fashioned. It sounds like the kind of name that would be trending in the 1500's. I can't see a modern day kid having this name. Just sounds too old, but I do kind of like the way it sounds.
I think this name is beautiful, and if I have a boy I would love to call him Lucifer. When I tell people this they look horrified. It's so nice to see that other people also like this name.
I think the name is a perfect fit for my personality. And I like the name inspired by a tv drama called “Lucifer” which the main character is very funny, same as me. When I am 17, I will change my name to Lucifer immediately.
A notable real-life bearer of this name was Lucifer of Cagliari (though he is known as Lucifero di Cagliari in Italian), a medieval Italian bishop who is venerated as a saint in Sardinia: (in English).
I love Lousifer.
Don't punish the name, punish the association.
For me there's no problem to having the name LUCIFER. There's a feeling that you can't express. I feel MORE MASCULINE. Anyway, I used that name and I love it.
I can't think of this name without thinking of that ugly cat from Cinderella...
Lucifer is referred to in Isaiah 14:12 (KJV): "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" In other versions a translation of the name is given, such as "day bringer", "morning star", "son of the morning". Isaiah wasn't referring to anyone who already existed; 14:12 occurs in the context of the Triumphant Exultation Over Babel, wherein Isaiah was prophesying about future human kings. John Milton in his work, Paradise Lost, introduced the character of Lucifer, an angel who fell because he would not serve God. Milton's work is a work of fiction and his character of Lucifer is a fictional character just as Harry Potter is a fictional character created by J.K. Rowling.
The name Lucifer, in my opinion is a beautiful name. It has always annoyed me when people overreact, if someone says they like the name. I am not religious, but I'm aware of what it's associated with. Either way, someone shouldn't hesitate, or be harassed for liking the name or thinking about giving the name to a child.
My true name is Lucifer Lux Morningstar. My parents said my name means God-given.
I believe Lucifer is a beautiful name and would not hesitate to name a child this. Nor do I believe a child's name would hinder their baptism. Not really sure where that line of thinking even comes from. I did however want to point one thing out though. Satan is not a name. Satan is Hebrew for "advisary".
So Lucifer's name did not change with the fall, just how he was referred to.
Oh my gosh is Lucifer is beautiful/nice name. I don't know why, but I like that name for some reason, even though I know is Satan/Devil name.
First off, there is no evil character in the bible named Lucifer. Lucifer is only referenced once in the old testament and it refers to the fall of a Babylonian king. In the new testament, the only references to Lucifer are to Jesus.
Secondly, I named my son Lucifer just 9 months ago, despite getting a lot of flack from my wife's side of the family (who are Catholic). We love the name however, and it fits him perfectly. He is such a happy and loving little boy. We both call him Luc (loose) for short, and my wife's side of the family that is against the name has started calling him Luke. 90% of people who have heard his name since birth have given a positive response to it, and the other 10% either just give a strange look or ask a simple "why?" We definitely didn't want a typical name. We wanted something strong and powerful, with real meaning behind it. We both decided on Lucifer before we were ever pregnant, and even after our first child (a daughter named Lilith), we kept the name available for our son, and I have never had a moment's regret. Anyone who meets him falls in love and I hope he keeps that quality throughout his life for his own benefit but also to bring honor back to such a powerful name.
I personally love this name. It's a shame so many people would judge the child and parent if he/she was named this. It's just a name, and so what if in the bible the "bad guy" was named this? Not everyone reads or associates things with the bible. I'm Hellenic, as in I believe more in the Greek gods and goddesses so I see no harm with naming my son this. My family is really christian so saying my son would be Lucifer might anger them. I believe no-one should judge on what a person names their child. They could have a different idea on what the name means and doesn't just look at the historical terms of the chosen name.
Oh, geez.I like the name Lucifer because of its meaning "light-bringing". But aside of that, the associations bog this name down a huge margin.As I am not religious (I am an agnostic) I don't seriously care about any satanic associations, but the loom of the name and the upcoming series Lucifer might bring the integrity of this name into question.I am using this name as the name of the accidental anti-hero in my Gothic mystery story "Shadows in the Moonlight", the first name of Lucifer Enoch Talbot, a medical student who... ah ah AH!
This name sounds beautiful.
Being associated with the devil makes it all the more appealing!
Can someone please just write a bestselling novel with the main character's name being Lucifer who is shy and sweet so we can all go back to being normal? I would love to see this name being used because it is a beautiful name. That would be much appreciated!
According to, as of 2014, 59 people have been named Lucifer in the US since 1880. (source:
I absolutely love this name, but I would be afraid to name my son this because of the biblical reference. I feel like people would be very concerned if I named my son this, and they would assume something was wrong with me. It's such a shame since it is one of my favorite names.
I came across this name while trying to find a nickname for "Lucky", and I think an innocent and fun nickname like that would draw the bad biblical reference out of the picture. I could see myself naming my son this and calling him "Lucky" in the future.
Before it became associated with the Christian devil/Satan, Lucifer was a perfectly respectable Roman name. It was used as a translation for Phosphorus, the Greek personification of the morning star.There's even an early Roman St Lucifer.
The name Lucifer from the Latin words lux (lux) and fero (to bear). Contrary to popular belief, Lucifer is not the name of the Devil.
The name of Lucifer was actually borne by a saint as well! This saint was Lucifer of Cagliari (Italy), who lived in the 4th century AD.Another known bearer was a bishop of Siena (Italy), who died in the early 4th century AD.So there you see: this name was borne even by devoutly religious men!
There was also a Lucifer (Lucifero) who was Bishop of Siena in the 4th century.
This is also the name of a 4th century Italian (Sardinian) saint, Lucifer of Cagliari, called Lucifero in Italian. He was well known for his opposition to Arianism. There is also a Church of San Lucifero in Cagliari. To all those saying that Lucifer isn't a Christian name, put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Personally, I think this is a beautiful name. I've always been fond of names beginning with "Luc". The only thing that holds me back from using it is the unfortunate association... Being nonreligious, it wouldn't bother me except that I wouldn't want my son being teased because it is a name associated with the Devil, and a commonly known one at that.
I love this name. You could call them Luke for short. Also one of my friend's characters is named Lucifer, Lucifer Morningstar. Though the character is supposed to be the devil... Either way I love the name.
I love the way Lucifer sounds and its meaning. It's timeless and beautiful.
I absolutely love this name. It's a huge pity that it will never become popular...
Lucifer Chu, translator responsible for translating Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings into Chinese.
I know 2 kids, Lucifer and Damien. They both go to Catholic school. Nobody teases them about the bad connotations of their names. (Satan and his supposed son).
I have always liked this name and I despise that people always associate it with bad things. I'm not religious so I honestly don't give a flying pancake about it. I think people need to get over it, seriously.
It would be nice if it wasn't the original name of the devil.
Not my favorite name. I personally dislike the sound of it (though it isn't horrible), though I have no problem with the connotations. I do like the Hebrew name that was translated into Lucifer--"Heylel" (äéìì) which I believe translates more directly as "shining." In any case, if someone wants a name with a similar meaning while avoiding the negative connotations that Christianity has given the name Lucifer, Heylel works.
I love the dark, quiet strength of Lucifer.
Man doesn't anyone get that this name is associated with the angel who BETRAYED God? Who was once the most beautiful who turned into a power lusting and an ugly, evil creep? Definitely a no on my list.
In school I used to know someone with this name, actually. People were actually NOT ALLOWED to say his name. They *had* to shorten it to Luke. I feel really bad for him. Why should a name be against rules? :(
The actual meaning is "light bearer".
Famous Bearer: The fat cat in that princess movie.
Lucious Malfoy's (you know, the death eater) name came from this.
I personally don't like what it means, but I think it is pretty and I would definitely use it as a character in a story, probably either a rebel or a villain. I think it is more beautiful on a girl.
I knew a girl named Lucifer. Her sister's names were Lucy and Jennifer and the mom combined the two and created Lucifer. Regardless I think it is a cool name, connotations aside.
I really like Lucifer. It would make a really nice middle name.
I would like this name if it wasn't for the Satan association.
The name of Lucifer should be put into the section of Roman Mythology, where it belongs first and foremost. Its place in Roman Mythology is much older than its place in the Judeo-Christian Legend.As you may know, Roman mythology was strongly influenced by Greek mythology, meaning that the ancient Romans had incorporated many elements from Greek mythology into their own. Thus, some names were directly taken from Greek mythology and romanized (e.g. Hesperos became Vesper), others were simply translated into legitimate Latin. The name Lucifer is an example of that; it is a direct translation of Greek Phosphoros. Phosphoros was a name that was sometimes used for Eosphoros, the son of the Greek goddess Eos; Eosphoros was the Greek personification of the morning star. So, in short, Lucifer is another example of incorporation of Greek elements into Roman mythology.
In the Book of Moses in the Pearl of Great Price, the specific reason why Lucifer was cast out of heaven was because he wanted to take away everyone's freedom to choose for themselves: he wanted to force everyone to be good at all times. He also wanted to take God's glory and power for himself. The meaning of his name is also given as "son of the morning." How tragic that an angel with so much potential would deliberately turn so evil.For these reasons alone, I would not name a child (or even a pet) after him, no matter how nice the name itself is. However, I'd be happy to try to reclaim the name through a character.
I'm an atheist, I'm not planning on sending my future son 'named Lucifer' to church school (duh) and so I do not care at all about the orgin of his name. So- haha.
Lucifer is NOT a human name. I'm not even going to go into why I hate this name because of how evil and diabolical it sounds.
Actually, Lucifer and Satan are the same. So my question is why do they make a point of saying that there is a difference between Satan and the chief angel, when they are one in the same. Also the name Lucifer is yes a beautiful name, in fact Lucifer or Satan rather is actually supposed to be the most beautiful creature ever. So thats why most people have a forboding sense to it plus its past does not help. Overall some of this information is inaccurate.
Lucifer is like the names Lucy and Jennifer put together.
The only thing I really think of when I hear this name is that it reminds me a lot of "Oliver".
Lucifer would be an okay name if it weren't associated with Satan.
I find this a terrible name to give to your boy. I'm sorry, but as well as the meaning, it sounds like a combination of Lucy and Jennifer, to me. It would be a very pretty girl's name.
Lucifer Sam is a Pink Floyd song from their first album, Piper at the Gates of Dawn. It's about a cat, so I think that the Lucifer part of the title refers to the cat from Cinderella. (Though I couldn't even begin to guess at the Sam part.)
Well, this technically isn't Satan's name (it was only his name when he was an angel). And I think this is a rather pretty name with a nice meaning (bringing light). I wouldn't use it, though, simply because of the associations it has with it. I think it's rather funny, though, that somebody with this name might be given the nickname Lucy. (Actually, I used to think this was a girl's name, because I used to only know this name from Cinderella, and I thought Lucifer the cat was a girl.)
It boggles my mind that some people are actually naive, or maybe intensionally obtuse, enough to just say that they simply like the sound of it, so what's the problem? Well, the associations are the problem. Everyone has heard of the Biblical Lucifer, and of course anyone would assume that the parents of a girl/boy with this name named her/him Lucifer as some type of bizarre statement. They'd think the parents were lunatics of some kind: Satan worhippers, cult members, or just very immature people who thought it would be cool. I can also imagine that especially in the US, people would be rather distrustful of a woman/man named Lucifer.
Well, it does mean 'Light-Bringer'. It's a name with character but it is, ultimately, an angelic name - just because it belonged to the being Christians call Satan before he fell, doesn't mean it's somehow marked forever or a bad name. Any reasonably thinking Christian would catch onto that eventually. It actually gives me the impression of being a righteous name, one fitting for someone with a strong and interesting personality.
If you name your son Lucifer, don't try to send him to a Catholic school.
Lucifer means "match" in Dutch, as in the piece of wood used to make fire. A pretty good name considering it means light bearer. :P
I really like its meaning. Despite its unfortunate connotations, it's a nice name. Anyway, Satan WAS an angel before he became evil. So, this name can't be all bad.
The name's pretty cool despite its history.
I love the original meaning to the name, bringing light. I think it is absolutely beautiful. To be honest, I have no problems at all with this name and I think it sounds rather awesome.
I don't like the obvious associations with the name. Sometimes I think bad associations can ruin the name for some. And for me this name is ruined.
I love this name! I don't plan on having any kids, but if I do end up with one I'd name it Lucifer or Lucifel. The name seems masculine and romantic, perfect for a tall, dark stranger.
Lucifer is the name of an angel in the Bible. People only associate it with bad things because he was not the typical figure we imagine angels to be. Lucifer is a protector. I think this name is cool, but it is not meant to be used on a person, as it does have a reputation and is associated with evils.
After talking to the wife of a priest, as long as you don't name your child this and expect to have it baptized there should be no real problem.
I adore the name I mean it does have many pet forms that are in common use today so don't see this as a bad name, dispite its assiotation with the devil. This in my opinion is an Angelical Name used before The Devil fell plus sounds very roman, classic and masculine. No problem with this name at all I would happily call any future son of mine this.
I've actually never heard of the name Lucifer being connected with the "devil" but would think that a kid would be teased just because of the evil cat in Cinderella. The name for the cat suddenly makes sense though. It's too bad because it's a lovely name.
I think it's a shame this name is so marred by the supposed "devil". Lucifer has a beautiful meaning and sound. Regardless, this is one of my favourites.
I think Lucifer is a beautiful name too, but even besides the Biblical smear, I would be concerned that a boy might get called "Lucy" by other kids.
Reminds me of that Black Sabbath song "N.I.B.""Look into my eyes, you'll see who I am,
My name is Lucifer, please take my hand." :)
I don't like it. Not because of what it's associated with, but just the way it sounds. I wouldn't mind it if it was someone's name, of course. I wouldn't think them as evil. I'm sorry, but I have to pity any person named this. A lot of close-minded people would put this person down, and this person would get teased all through school. This name may even hinder his success in the real world. It's really unfair and prejudice, but it's simply the truth.
I do think it's quite pretty as a name and it has a beautiful meaning, but there's absolutely no way it will come into great popularity.
Sorry but I just don't like this name and wouldn't subject my kid to the teasing he would endure with this name.
I'm pleased to see that other people share my opinion that Lucifer is a simply gorgeous name and should be revived!
I like this name. I feel bad that it has a reputation for being the devil. When I think of this name, I don't think of the devil at all. I actually think of a light of some sort. I mean, how could a name be evil if God gave the name to an angel?
A fabulous name! I must say, though, that the child WOULD be teased if named this - just because kids wouldn't normally know who the original "Lucifer" was, doesn't mean that the parents wouldn't. A simple, "Then Lucifer said ..." would coax the parents to tell the story (or what they know of it). Kids can be jerks - young Lucifer would be tormented throughout elementary school.Because of this, I wouldn't name my child this way - although it would make a great name for a quiet, bullied character.
I'm pretty sure the kid wouldn't be teased. I mean no offence but like 5% of kids old enough to be immature enough to tease someone for their name care about the bible. Besides, it's been recorded Lucifer was stolen from the Greeks to stomp out their religion, like the Christians ripped pagan gods and made them look evil just to get more groupies.
We have a boy in out school named Lucifer, we just call him Lou but that is beside the point. I really like this name a lot it just sounds so pretty to me, I don't associate it with evil and all that either I always picture some sort of angel type thing when I hear the name. That being because of its meaning, but anyway this name is very nice and its bad associations should be tossed away.
Personally, I think this is a beautiful name. And, as other people have stated, biblically the name Lucifer bore angelic connotations. Etymologically it is also a lovely name, since it does mean "light-bringing". Still, it might be hard to have a name with so many negative connotations behind it.
It's a VERY good name. But a kid with this name would be taunted, you don't need twenty guesses to know why.
This name creeps me out.
I've always liked this name. The history part can be misleading in regards of this name. As many know, it was the name of the first angel in heaven, and the most loved one, but he rebelled and was ejected out of heaven. What many don't know is that in Christian mythology, it is stated that once Lucifer was out of heaven, he lost this name and became Satan. So Satan is no longer called Lucifer, and to call him that is wrong. So, all in all, the name Lucifer has no bad meaning whatsoever. :)
I actually really like this name. It sounds lovely, and there is nothing terrible about the meaning at all.
Lucifer is the mean cat in the Disney's animated version of "Cinderella."
I think Lucifer is a beautiful name and very much thought of to be a bad name even though other names are derived from this name.After having a chat with a wife of a priest there is definitely no problem in naming a child this, after all it is an Angelical name. A friend and I are seriously considering reviving this name when we both have children.
Lucedio is the Italian form of Lucifer.
Lucifer was the Roman god of light, he was known to bring light, hence the bringer of light, and to also bring enlightenment. I personally find this to be a beautiful name, despite the bad image given to society by the bible.
I really bemoan this name's bad reputation. It really is a beautiful one if you look at the definition, and not it's history.
I find it to be a very beautiful name, when all prior bad associations with it are put away.
In my opinion, this is an awful name!

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