For the Dutch pronunciation of Lowie, you can listen to the audio clips featured on the websites below: (in Dutch) (in Dutch; this bearer is Flemish and the name is said at 0:00)Converted to IPA, it should be: /lo:.'ʋi/Also, the pronunciation indicates to me that this name is a 'dutchization' of the French name Louis. It seems unlikely to have started out as a diminutive of Lodewijk, as in the Dutch language, the stress is never placed on the part that contains the diminutive suffix (which would be -ie in this case). If Lowie were a diminutive, the stress would have been on the first syllable.Another thing that indicates a French origin for the name, is the fact that as an official name on birth certificates, Lowie is significantly more common in Belgium (specifically Flanders) than in the Netherlands. The French language has a much stronger presence in Belgium than it ever did in the Netherlands - both past and present. As such, it makes sense for Lowie to be a result of this strong French influence. [noted -ed] (in Dutch; shows the prevalence of the name in the Netherlands in 2017) (in Dutch; shows the prevalence of the name in Belgium in 2009)
"Lowie" is the nickname of "Lowbacca". A "Wookie" appearing in several future novels about the young Jedi knights, training on a Jedi academy on "Yavin 4" (in an old rebel base from the original movies) led by "Luke Skywalker" of the original "Star Wars" movies. "Lowie" becomes a student there along side "Jacen & Jaina Solo", the teenage twins of "Han & Leia Solo", both characters from the original "Star Wars" movies. As well as "Tenel Ka", the friend of the twins whose parents are only know from one future novel, that tells the tale of what happens after the last of the original movies. "Lowie" are the nephew of the character "Chewie", who was also in the original "Star Wars" movies. "Lowie", "Jacen", "Jaina" and "Tenel Ka" becomes close friends.

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