I have always really enjoyed the name Lottie; I think it's the perfect combination of cute and classy. It's most common as a nickname for Charlotte, but I actually prefer Lottie as a first name, not as a nickname. I think that names are what you make them; I personally feel that Lottie could fit any type of girl, no matter her personality! If you're considering the name Lottie for your little girl, totally go for it, I say!
Absolutely adorable nickname for Charlotte, but probably best as a nickname.
I’m not the biggest fan of Charlotte, but Lottie is adorable.
It's also a wonderful nickname for Loretta.
I think the name Lottie is really cute for a little girl, I don't really like the name Charlotte but I think it's fine if Lottie is a full name not nickname.
Lottie could be nickname for Clotilda (and its variants), Lotus and Loretta.
Rhymes with potty, but still a cute nickname for Charlotte!
Only okay for nickname for Charlotte, it’s too nicknamey for a name on its own.
Cute nickname for Charlotte.
Lottie, born Charlotte, is the sister of supermodel Kate Moss.
Not a good nickname.
Not as bad as Totty, but it’s still too cute!
Lottie is that girly pink otter from Happy Home Designer.
In 2018, 87 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Lottie* who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 1, 633rd most common female first name for living U.S. citizens. *as a first name, not a nickname.
I prefer Liselotte to Charlotte, but it's okay. I prefer this name to Charlotte.
My name's Lottie and I love it and don't think it's old-fashioned either! I think it's very trendy and I like my nickname more than my real name (Charlotte). Everybody calls me Lottie and I love it!
The name Lottie was given to 78 girls born in the US in 2015.
I got this name from the Princess and the Frog and I love it as a nickname for any name!
Cutesie name.
This was my great-grandfather's nickname. He was Polish and his full name was Walter.
In the Netherlands, this name is also used as a diminutive for Charlotte (and has been since at least 1893). For more information, see here:
This is a cute vintage nickname of Charlotte. :)
The name Lottie was given to 57 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
I love this as a nickname for Charlotte. It annoys me how trendy Charlotte is getting and how many people use Charlie/Charley as a nickname. Charlie is a boy's name! Lottie, however, is sweet, old-fashioned but not overused or dated, and absolutely adorable. It's a bit childish as a full name though, I'd stick to Charlotte or Carlotta or any other name Lottie could work as a nickname for, and you can't go wrong!
Love this as a nickname for Charlotte, I think it could fit all ages.
Lottie Moon.
Lottie Moon is a famous bearer of this name (though her given name was Charlotte). She was a missionary to China in the late 1800 to early 1900s. Her story can be read in brief here:
Sounds like lotto or lottery.
I first heard this name in a story we read at school a few years back. Lottie was a girl who didn't seem to live anywhere, stole food and other various necessities, and had a big thing for Mr. Goodbars. She befriended a girl, who's name I can't remember, and they went to some store and stole a bunch of junk by hiding it in Lottie's giant hat. They got caught and Lottie wasn't seen again. It was a good story, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was called.
I really like this name for a little girl but I feel dreadfully sorry for any tomboys called this. But it's very pretty.
My friend's name is Lotti without the e. People usually spell it wrong and it is an unusual name.
Lottie could also be a nickname for Liselotte or Carlotta.
I think this is a very cute nickname for a girl named Charlotte. If I have kids, I am going to name my first girl Charlotte and maybe call her Lottie.
On the movie The Little Princess and in the book there is a character named Lottie, she is the one who cries a lot because her mother died.
I first heard this name when I was little, in a book called "Lisa and Lottie". In the book, two girls by those names attended summer camp. They looked exactly alike and concluded that they were identical twins, seperated due to a divorce. Each assumes the other's identity and go to the other's home when summer camp ends. Sound familiar? Yep, this is The Parent Trap. The book was written in 1949 by a German author, Erich Kästner. The film was first adapted in 1961. The book is definitely better.

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