Lizzie is short for Lizbeth, Lizbet, Elizabeth, Elizabet, Elizabettany, Elizabethany, Elizbeth, Elizabetha, Lizbetha, and more! Luv the name Lizzie and Lizzy and Lizzi if you ever thought of spelling it as Lizzi.
Where did Elizabethany come from. Never heard of it. Just use Bethany instead.
― Anonymous User 5/15/2022
I won't be having kids for a very long time, but if I ever have a daughter her name will be Eliza, nickname Lizzie (with the middle name Jo). I definitely recommend it.
This nickname is so adorable for this name but now whoever names their daughter Elizabeth only uses Lizzie. What about Eliza? Eliza is so cute! But I do think this name is adorable but I'm just sayin'.
In 2018, 80 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Lizzie* who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 1, 790th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens. *as a first name, not a nickname.
Lizzie Devine is a fictional character in Codename: Kids Next Door.
― Anonymous User 5/4/2014
Cute nickname for Elizabeth, one of my favorites along with Ellie and Bessie, though it's not nearly formal enough to be considered as a full name. I like this spelling much more than Lizzy, that just looks ugly to me for some reason.
― Anonymous User 2/18/2013
Lizzie reminds me of a person who is not intelligent enough to be called Elizabeth.
I think the name Lizzie is a great name. It means that a person with a formal name can change it to suit them. If I'm introduced to a Lizzie an image of a girl with bright eyes and is naturally hyper comes to mind, who isn't put down very easily and is very chatty. I always think of a girl with short, blonde, frizzy hair, I don't know why. But the name does sound energetic and bouncy.
Lizzie is my name, short for Elizabeth, but my best friend recently suggested I spell it with only one 'Z' which I now do. It's fun, because people never know how it's spelt first up. I found that at my old, Anglican school I was the only Lizzie in grade, whereas at my new Catholic school there's about 5 or 6 of us!
Bad namesakes aside, I find this name cute. As a diminutive of Elizabeth, it gets to ride on the regal impression I have of it - as if it were meant for a cute little princess (or gentle, witty girl) in her childhood who hasn't matured enough to fit her full-fledged name.
I LOVE the name Lizzie! If I ever changed my name it would be to Lizzie. I told a kid that was my name once and he believed me because he knew it started with L. I don't think it suits older people though, once people get older they should change it.
Lizzie McGuire from the TV show was played by Hilary Duff.
― Anonymous User 1/12/2007
Alleged & acquitted Lizzie Borden is forever immortalized in the playground verse:Lizzie Borden took an axe And gave her mother forty whacks. And when she saw what she had done, She gave her father forty-one.
Lizzie Andrew Borden, American alleged murderess. (Though acquitted, she was and is widely believed to have been guilty.) "Lizzie" was her real name. After the trial, she opted to call herself "Lizbeth," the name on her gravestone.