Lively and effortlessly gorgeous!
Beautiful and lovely alternative for Olivia and Lavinia.
I pronounce it live e on uh. It is similar to Olivia/Alivia. I like it. Liviana a very pretty name.
Feminine form of liviano meaning 'light, lightweight' in Spanish.
Liviana is a very pretty and beautiful name that definitely stands out from the crowd. It’s a refreshing choice to Olivia (Which is also beautiful but way too popular at the moment), as it’s also quite intriguing and foxy.
Liviana is a really cute alternative to Olivia. Liv or Livie would be a sweet nickname :D.
This is cute, it would be good for someone who likes the name Olivia but doesn’t like how popular it is. There is also some nicknames like Liv and Livi.
Also used in Slovenia: -- mention it as a variant.
You'll find bearers on social media.
My Great Grandmother's name was Livianna. She lived in Finnsnes Norway, and was born approximately in the year 1829. So, this name has been around for centuries, and has stood the test of time. My niece who is now pregnant, was looking for a family name, so I suggested Livianna. Both her and her husband fell in love the name, so after more than 180 years, my niece's baby (if it's a girl) will take the name of Livianna.
I say it as liv vee an nu/uhPretty name.
Beautiful and expressive. Liv is also a cute nickname.
The Italian pronunciation:Lee-Vee-AH-NahThe "I" in "Li" is stressed. "I" is stressed yet again to "EE" in "Vi." "A" is spoken as in "Father," "Aw." For "Na," let me repeat the "Father," "Aw." [noted -ed]
Liviana is a pretty name. Although, with all Olivia's popularity, I see Liviana becoming popular. Liv is a great nickname.
It's very pretty, and it makes a great alternative to Olivia. I prefer Livia, though.
Olivia is very common and honestly not that pretty. But Liviana is a beautiful, I love it!
If you like the nickname Liv, Liviana is a great alternative to the ultra-popular Olivia.

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