This is a beautiful name and I wonder why it isn’t more popular in English speaking countries. I prefer the name with a single L but this spelling is fine.
To be honest, I'm very surprised that this name isn't more popular. It's similar to Lily and Lillian. And although I like those names, it would be nice to hear something new. I encourage parents to use this name more.
I heard the name Lillia recently and fell in love. It’s sooooo pretty and a great way to honor my grandmother, Lillian.
I prefer Lilia without the extra "l".
The name Lillia was given to 10 girls born in the US in 2016.
In Bulgarian the name Lilia comes from the name of the flower lilia (European White Waterlily). The diminutive form is Lily.
I think it would be even cuter spelled Lilia.
The name Lillia was given to 68 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
This name is so cute and feminine, great alternative to Lillian or Lily.
Any person that plays Harvest Moon : Friends of Mineral Town or its girl version would know that Lillia is the name of Rick and Popuri's sickly mother.
Personally, I like this better than "Lily/Lilly/Lillie/Lillian/Liliana". It is very modern and different - not to mention cute and pretty. I would definitely use this someday.
It's actually not modern- (though I guess the "lilli" does make it sound modern with the obnoxious overuse of the name Lily) in fact the only time it was listed in the top 1000 was the late 1800s. So, it's an old-fashioned uncommon name. And I personally think it's very pretty :)

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