Léa Bayekula (b. 1995) is a Belgian Paralympic athlete who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
Léa Olivier, a character in the book series The Complicated Life of Léa Olivier. She moves from a tiny town in Quebec with her family to Montreal, leaving her friends behind.
Also Judeo-French:
So I always thought Léa was plain and boring, it kinda is, but you can put personality into it. It’s just extremely common and feminine, but timeless.
My first name is easy to write, because it is short =)
I like my name, it is Léa because it is a feminine name, it is delicate, refined and simple.
My name is too common in French but I like my name despite it being too short. A famous bearer of the name is French actress Léa Seydoux. Léa in England is Leah with a "h". In Portuguese Léa is Lia, strange no?
The short name is Lélé it is fun and strange enough.
A famous bearer of the name is French actress Léa Seydoux.
Pronounced le-ah.
I've always heard it pronounced LAY-ah.
Lea means Meadow in English (Wiese in German). My love's called Lea. :)

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