Laura-Liis Juursalu (b. 1980) is an Estonian Paralympic triathlete who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.Laura Kangasniemi is a Finnish Paralympic equestrian who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
My birth name is Laura. As a child, my parents thought it sounded too mature for a baby, so everyone called me Laurie. When I was 13, I decided I was mature (lol) and started using Laura. I answer to both easily, but it confuses people who didn't know me as a child as to why I answer to both. I'm used to it, and it sounds strange to me when my family calls me Laura. I always pronounce it lor-e or lor-uh. There is a lady I deal with in a business that insists on pronouncing my name la-rue-ah. I correct her every time, and she argues with me every time that I'm pronouncing it incorrectly. I've explained to her that I'm 60, and that is not how I pronounce my name. I can't imagine arguing with someone and telling them they don't know how to say their name correctly. Anyway, I like the name. As a child I didn't like it very much, but I think most children dream of being someone else. Now I'm happy with the name; I think I'll keep it even if I don't pronounce it correctly.
This is my name and I've always liked it, I like its meaning and how it sounds and I think it fits me really well. It is quite common where I live, which caused quite a few inconveniences, but not too much after allI was actually named by my sister after the Hamtaro character (she was obsessed with Hamtaro at the time). When she suggested the name to our parents they both immediately liked it and decided to give me this name, and I'm glad they did beacuse it suits me more than the names they had in mind.
― Anonymous User 7/26/2023
A famous bearer of this name is Peruvian Talk Show Hostess Laura Bozzo, born August 19, 1951 in Callao, Perú. She is well known for her controversial talk show that started in 1997 called Laura en America, which was broadcasted all over the United States, and in Spanish-speaking countries.
My name is Laura, I'm Lithuanian and my name's pronunciation is [Lawra] not [Lora]. Just English speaking people pronouncing my name [Lora] but I always correct them, as my parents when I was born gave me the name Laura but not Lora, what is in Lithuania a totally different name. I'm always saying that's my birthright to be called by the name given me by my parents, it doesn't matter in which country I am. I really like my name and I have heard many times that my name sounds very posh and sexy.
One of my least favourites, I just very much dislike it and it seems cold, unfriendly and without personality. Laura also, not lying or not making it up, means 'penis' or 'b---end' in Urdu and Hindi. I thought maybe it was pronounced differently, but unfortunately it has the same -aw- vowel sound at the au and the r is only different in that it is pronounced further back in the to the average person, similar enough.
― Anonymous User 9/30/2022
Laura is one of the prettiest names. It's soft but not wispy, and it has historical staying power. I also like Laurel, but I'm not fond of Lauren, which seems very dated to girls born in the 1980s.
I like the name Laura quite a lot, it works well in pretty much every European language other than French and it's just a sweet and simple feminine name, ik a girl named Laura and I like her.
Laura Spencer is an American actress. She is known for playing Jane Bennet in the 2012 web series The Lizzie Bennet Diaries which is an adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, intern Jessica Warren in seasons 9 to 12 of Bones, and Emily Sweeney in seasons 7 to 10 of the CBS comedy series The Big Bang Theory.
I think Laura is a pretty name. It sounds soft and gentle, and it rolls nicely off the tongue. The meaning is pretty too. I won't lie, I do have a somewhat negative personal association with the name, but I'm not going to be biased because of it. So I still think it's a cool name.
"Laura" is a classic film noir from 1944, where a detective falls obsessively in love with a woman named Laura (played by Gene Tierney) while investigating her apparent murder.
Laura Wilson is the main character from the graphic novel series "The Wicked and the Divine", about teenagers who are reincarnated as gods. She is eventually the incarnation of the Greek goddess Persephone.
Also Romansh. Source: "Vornamen in der Schweiz. Prénoms en Suisse. I nomi in Svizzera. Prenoms in Svizra" (1993) published by the Association of Swiss registrars Https:// Https:// Https:// Http://
I love this name! It's so pretty and feminine but also versatile and strong. I feel like it can grow with a person through life. I pronounce it Lo-ra, but I also like La-ra.
Hurricane Laura is a major hurricane that trekked through the Caribbean islands and is currently threatening the coastal areas of the Texas-Louisiana border.
― Anonymous User 8/26/2020
Laura Elizabeth Loomer is an American political activist and internet personality who recently won the primary of Florida's 21st Congressional District.
― Anonymous User 8/19/2020
It seems like a beautiful name, even if it's overused in so many languages, as its Greek and Latin origins, like many other names, are a bit predictable.
Amanda, Laura, Savannah, and Rebecca are tied as my favorite girl's names. Laura has been my favorite since 2013. I think it's a beautiful name. I'm surprised I didn't comment on this name when I first came to this site in early 2019. Laura is a timeless classic and fits a variety of girls. There's also the famous Laura Ingalls Wilder who is the author The Little House books. I think Laura is a strong name because of Laura Ingalls Wilder. While the name doesn't make the person, it makes an exception of a beautiful, wonderful, strong, kind, beloved girl. It grows with you, and it works well. You should totally use this name.
Laura Peverara (c. 1550 – 4 January 1601) was an Italian virtuoso singer who was also a harpist and dancer; born and raised in Mantua. Her father, Vincenzo, was a merchant, an intellectual who tutored princes, leading to Laura being brought up in courtly society. In the 1570s she was singing in Verona.
Laura Martinozzi (27 May 1639 – 19 July 1687) was a Duchess consort of Modena by marriage to Alfonso IV d'Este, Duke of Modena. She served as regent of Modena during the minority of her son Francesco from 1662 until 1674.
Laura Battiferri (1523–1589) was an Italian poet during the Renaissance period. She was born in Urbino, Italy as the illegitimate daughter of Giovanni Antonio Battiferri and Maddalena Coccapani of Carpi. She published two books of poetry: "The First Book of Tuscan Works" (Florence, 1560) and "The Seven Penitential Psalms… with some Spiritual Sonnets" (Florence, 1564). She died in 1589 while compiling a third, "Rime", which was never published. She married the sculptor, Bartolomeo Ammannati in 1550 and they remained married until her death.
Laura de Noves (1310–1348) was the wife of Count Hugues de Sade (ancestor of the Marquis de Sade). She could be the Laura that the Humanist poet Francesco Petrarch wrote about extensively; however, she has never been positively identified as such. Laura had a great influence on Petrarch's life and lyrics.
Laura Neri (Greek: Λάουρα Νέρι) is a director of Greek and Italian origins. Born in Brussels, Belgium, she is a graduate of the USC School of Cinematic Arts in Los Angeles and has lived in Belgium, the US, the UK, Greece and briefly in Argentina.
Laura Biagiotti (August 4, 1943 – May 26, 2017) was an Italian fashion designer and the founder of the House of Biagiotti. The House of Biagiotti is listed among the largest fashion houses in Italy. Its products include women's wear, men's wear, accessories and watches.
Personally I think Laura is a very beautiful and sophisticated name. I know a girl named Laura and she's very sweet so I might be just a little biased. I think Laura could suit many types of personalities AND it can grow with you, so that's a plus.
Laura Faye Smith is a popular American voice actress who’s best known for voicing Rosalina in the Mario games since 2013 to the present, starting in Super Mario 3D World for the Wii U. She also voiced Baby Rosalina in Mario Kart 8, which was also for the Wii U, released on May 30th, 2014. She is the current voice actress of Rosalina and Baby Rosalina in the series.
I like this name a lot since it is my first name. What I like most about it would be how easily relatable my name is with my Guatemalan relatives. They don’t have any difficulties saying or writing my name since it is exactly the same in the spelling department. My name also ages well which is an added bonus in my opinion.
I am Lora, have been for 60+ years. It always get pronounced correctly L-or-ah but never spelled correctly even when I say it phonetically as it is spelled. It's because most don't know Laura from Lora as far as pronunciation. What annoys me more is those who call me Lori. It's never been my name and it often feels condescending or overly friendly like "oh honey" which annoys me when it's a stranger. I am named after a woman from the south, Newport News, Virginia to be exact.
I feel like no one's mentioned another classic Laura; Laura Wingfield, the shy and innocent character in Tennessee Williams' "The Glass Menagerie." I am IN LOVE with that show, and Laura is my dream role. I did get to play her for a scene in an Intermediate Acting course, but I'm hoping someday I'll get to play her in a full production. People have said that it's a perfect role for me.
― Anonymous User 12/30/2018
Automatically makes me think of Little House in the Big woods which is a good thing, I loved those books as a kid. I am mixed on Laura personally since one of my favorite pairings has a variation of it and I just think it also doesn't go well with the other name. However this is still a classy and elegant name and should still be open. It's a lot better than some of the names used today, I loved that it's used all over in Europe and the meaning is gorgeous.
Telltale's Jurassic Park: The Game featured a character named Laura Sorkin, one of the park's scientists.
― Anonymous User 11/27/2018
Boring and very dated-sounding. I agree that Lauren is prettier. It's similar to Laura, but a much better choice for a name.
― Anonymous User 11/12/2018
I prefer Lauren to Laura. Lauren is prettier.
― Anonymous User 10/7/2018
In 2018, 46 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Laura who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 67th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/5/2018
Laura Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie (The TV show).
Laura is a common Lithuanian name as well. I do know that as a fact, however, that's as far as my knowledge goes. I would suspect it came from Rome when Balts traded amber for things Romans would offer, but I could not find any source confirming it so it is only my guess. If it was't from Romans, then it had to be from Poland either after Christianity was introduced, or after Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was created.
Laura is the name of one of the American speech synthesisers by Acapela Group as well as one of Dutch voices by Vocalizer.
― Anonymous User 12/31/2017
When I was a little girl I adored the name Laura along with Klara. I considered them an ideal twin set. I was thinking Laura is a very mysterious and original name, with an icy cold, but also gentle vibe to it. I think many people considered it very original and mysterious back then. Now Laura is excessively popular here in Poland and because of this, it's lost a bit of that lady-like charm to me. I mean, it's still a beautiful name, but not original at all and my first association with it is a baby girl, or not more than 5 years old. Still though, I think the Polish pronunciation is better than the English, the English one sounds a bit too serious and haughty in my opinion. It is a serious name even pronounced in Polish, so I don't think it's really good when it's too serious. I associate it with Laura Pyziak, a heroine of Polish book series called "Jeżycjada" by Małgorzata Musierowicz, with Laura Ingalls Wilder, with my two little cousins and dozens of other little Lauras, with ice, porcelain and... gingerbreads. Don't ask me why, I don't know, just when I say the name Laura in any language, I think about the taste, the smell and the texture of gingerbreads with icing.
Laura Fella is a member of the German pagan folk band Faun.
― Anonymous User 12/31/2017
Pronounced LAH-w-rah in Polish.
― Anonymous User 12/31/2017
Laura is also used in Poland. It wasn't very popular for ages, but started to gain some popularity in 80s' and now is overwhelmingly popular. To show you how popular it is I can tell you I have two little cousins with this name. I think some time ago it was generally considered quite mysterious. Nameday is 17 June. Some more common diminutives include Laurka, Lara or Lusia.
― Anonymous User 12/31/2017
Boring name.
― Anonymous User 12/12/2017
My sister's name is Laura and our family calls her Laurie/Lori for short. It's a nice name for a calm intelligent person :)
My name is Laura and, as a child, there were at least 3 of us in any classroom. I used to be jealous of my sisters' more modern, more feminine names, because mine seemed so plain next to theirs, but I feel like I've finally 'grown into' it (if that makes any sense).
Our daughter's name is Laura and though she's a teenager now, when she was about five a friend of hers couldn't pronounce it right so it it came out as Loyra! Which sounds like how Curly of the "Three Stooges" comedy team would say it. Of course that meant dear old dad would have to start calling her that. Which she hated at first so he stopped and she realized she missed it! So dad (me) would use it again but not while her friends were around.
I like this name, but my problem with this name is the two subtly different pronunciations. I think LAW-ra sounds prettier than LOR-ra, but it would be a pain for Laura to always be correcting people to what she prefers.
Laura Vanderboom (1935-1971) is a descendant of the mysterious Vanderboom family featured in the Cube Escape app series. She is the main character of Cube Escape: The Lake and Cube Escape: Seasons.
Laura Marina Villanueva, from Santa Marta, Peru. Her older sister's 45-year-old companion, a former soldier and her neighbor, raped the girl three times, just before her birthday on June 24. Her pregnancy was discovered in late September, at 19 weeks, by chance after she was admitted for a snake bite. The father, Gaudencio Castañeda Pulido, was on the run when the discovery was reported in the media and continued threatening to kill the girl and her mother, Nidia Villanueva Tolentino. On January 24, 2012, she delivered a 2.21 kilograms (4.9 lb) boy by cesarean section, whom she named Justin, after singer Justin Bieber. Castañeda Pulido, who had previously impregnated the girl's then-15-year-old sister, was sentenced to 35 years in jail.
Laura G. Ling is an American journalist and writer. She worked for Current TV as a correspondent and vice president of its Vanguard Journalism Unit, which produced the Vanguard TV series. She was the host and reporter on E! Investigates, a documentary series on the E! Network. In November 2014, it was announced that Ling joined Discovery Digital Networks as its Director of Development.
Laura Shields is an English model and beauty pageant titleholder. Born in Oldham, Greater Manchester and brought up in neighbouring Rochdale, to a Sri Lankan mother and an English father. She was signed to Elite Modelling Agency before her 15th birthday but is no longer a signed model at the agency. Shields became Miss UK International and represented the UK in Miss International 2004, placing in the top 10, and was the 3rd runner up in Miss Europe 2005. She was a model on the NBC show Deal or No Deal, holding case number 22 for season 2. She was listed in Stuff magazine's 101 sexiest women online in 2005 and has appeared in numerous magazines.
I really love the name Laura, mostly because of the Little House On the Prairie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. It's also a really nice, flowy name that is common but not too common.
― Anonymous User 5/16/2017
Laura Põldvere, sometimes known professionally as simply Laura, is an Estonian singer. She represented Estonia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2005 as part of the girl group Suntribe and did so again in 2017 in a duet with Koit Toome, singing "Verona" but failed to qualify to the final.
Laura Ann Osnes is an American actress and singer known for her work on the Broadway stage. She has played starring roles in Grease as Sandy, South Pacific as Nellie Forbush, Anything Goes as Hope Harcourt, and Bonnie and Clyde as Bonnie Parker, for which she received a Tony Award nomination for Best Actress in a Musical. She also starred in the title role of Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella on Broadway, for which she received a Drama Desk Award and her second Tony Award nomination for Best Actress in a Musical.
Laura Dianne Vandervoort is a Canadian actress. She is best known for her roles as Sadie Harrison in the CTV teen drama Instant Star, Arla "The Bolt-Gun Killer" Cogan in the Syfy supernatural drama Haven, Kara Zor-El in The CW serial drama Smallville, and Lisa in the ABC science fiction series V. In 2014, she starred in the Space drama series Bitten, a TV adaption of Kelley Armstrong's book series Women of the Otherworld as Elena Michaels.
Oh my gosh in Spanish class it's so weird... my Spanish name is Laura, but it sounds really weird like Low-rah or something like that. I'm not used to it yet.
Laura Boushnak is a Kuwaiti-born Palestinian photographer and artist whose work is focused on women, literacy, and education reform in the Arab world. For her ongoing documentary project "I Read I Write" she photographed girls and women changing their lives with education in Egypt, Yemen, Kuwait, Jordan and Tunisia.
Laura Mackenzie Phillips is an American actress and singer best known for her roles in American Graffiti and as rebellious teenager Julie Mora Cooper Horvath on the sitcom One Day at a Time. She is more recently known for her role in the Disney Channel science fiction show So Weird.
Laura Antonelli was an Italian film actress, who appeared in 45 films between 1965 and 1991. Laura Antonelli was born Laura Antonaz in Pola, Italy, former capital of Istria. She moved with her family first to Genoa and then to Venice, before they all eventually settled in Naples. She had a childhood interest in education, and as a teenager she became proficient at gymnastics. In an interview for The New York Times she recalled, "My parents had made me take hours of gym classes during my teens... They felt I was ugly, clumsy, insignificant and they hoped I would at least develop some grace. I became very good, especially in rhythmical gym, which is a kind of dance."
Laura Maria Caterina Bassi (1711-78), was the first woman to officially teach at a college in Europe. In 1732, she was appointed professor of anatomy at the University of Bologna at the age of 21 and two years later was given the chair of philosophy. In 1738, she married Giuseppe Veratti, a fellow academic and had eight children. She was mainly interested in Newtonian physics and taught courses on the subject for 28 years. She was one of the key figures in introducing Newton's ideas of physics and natural philosophy to Italy. In her lifetime, she published 28 papers, the vast majority of these on physics and hydraulics, but she wrote no books. In 1745, Lambertini, Pope Benedict XIV, established an elite group of 25 scholars, Bassi pressed hard to be appointed to this group and he appointed her to the final position, the only woman in the group. In 1776, at the age of 65, she was appointed to the chair in experimental physics by the Institute of Sciences.
Laura is so pretty. It's soft and subtle yet has an undeniably pretty sound to me. It strikes me as boring and even dull at first blush but that's only because of its popularity. Once I really listened to the way it sounds, I was like "Gosh, that's a really nice name."Ella Fitzgerald's "Laura," made me see the name differently. Give that song a listen!
I love this name, probably because it's mine. However, thanks to it being more uncommon recently and being in the South, people like to pronounce it LAW-RA or just call me Lauren.Personally, I think the AW or OW sound is very unattractive and don't like it when people use that pronunciation. I prefer LOR-A, and I like it when people use my actual name instead of Lauren, like people are so prone to do, since it is a very common name where I am.
My name is Laura and I love it. Pronunciation is L-au-ra like cl-ou-d not Lowra or whatever, please, it is way better this way. I have lots of friends who don't like their names, and I'm very thankful to my dad for choosing this one for me and it has an awesome story: Laura was my father's first word and he didn't knew any Laura when he was a baby *-*
I'm proud to be a Laura. I've always liked my name, and I've never wished to have a different name. I like that the first three letters of my name are the same as the first three letters in the word "laugh." In that regard, I think that the name has a friendly feel to it. I don't really mind the various pronunciations of the name. My mom always pronounced my name LAR-ra, but I personally pronounce it LOR-ra. If I am giving someone my name (for example, placing an order on the phone), however, I pronounce it LAR-ra and then I spell it for them. They're more likely to spell it correctly the first time when it's pronounced that way. I tell people I don't mind being called LOR-ra or LAR-ra; either is fine. But I hate being called Lori. My name isn't Lori or Laurie; it's Laura!The one thing I don't like about the name is that it's difficult for young children to pronounce because of the L at the beginning and the R in the middle of it. L's and R's are difficult letters for toddlers to pronounce.
One of those names that's still beautiful no matter how popular it is, because the fact that its been so consistently popular is what makes it classic! :)
It's quite a pleasant name, but doesn't have much of a ring to it. And it was also the name of a person who wouldn't leave me alone for years, which puts me off it altogether.
― Anonymous User 1/19/2013
President Laura Roslin from Battlestar Galactica (2004), played by actress Mary McDonnell, is a famous character with this name.
Love this name! I've never met a Laura before, and I think it's pretty. I chose the name for a doll when I was a kid, and have loved it ever since. I like the combination Laura Valerie.
My aunt's name is Laura. I love her so much - she's the best aunt ever! On top of that, I love Laura Ingalls Wilder and her books. Go for this name, it's pretty and awesome! Besides the only Laura I know is my aunt. :)
My mother named me Laura after one of my ancestors. She was one of Queen Victoria's Dressmakers/Seamstress. Proud of that heritage & namesake. Although my boyfriend doesn't think my name is pretty enough--he says it's rather plain. Not sexy sounding enough for him. I'm not about to change my name for anyone that's for sure!
From the Latin root "Laura;" Feminine form of "Lawrence"Literal Meaning: "Crown of Laurel Leaves" Natural Meaning: "Victorious" Spiritual Meaning: "Victorious in Spirit"A crown of laurel leaves is bestowed upon the winner of a race (the one who is victorious)Research into the characteristics of this namesake:- Believes in doing her best - Has a high endurance - Is not jealous of competitors or those who excel - Is polite, refined and well-spoken - Is warm and sincere with her family - Greatness is in her looks; resolved and brave - Is quick-witted and often very clever - Is a woman of many virtues
Actress Laura Dern is a famous bearer of this beautiful name. She is beautiful herself, and epitomizes what I would think a "Laura" would look like, although I have known several Lauras and they are all very different in looks and personality. Laura Dern has starred in a number of great movies, such as "Jurassic Park" and "October Sky". My mom wanted to name me this but my dad liked the wretched "Amanda" better. Curse you dad!
― Anonymous User 12/21/2010
I can't believe someone hasn't mentioned Laura Winslow, one of the main characters of Family Matters. Also, I pronounce the name LAW-rah.
A fictional famous bearer of this name is Laura Thyme from the ITV British murder mystery series Rosemary and Thyme, played by Pam Ferris. I also think this is a lovely name, but sadly a bit too overused. :)
Laura Dewey Bridgman (1829-1889) was the first deaf-blind American to get a good education, learn to communicate fully, and become famous, fifty years before Helen Keller. At the age of two, she caught scarlet fever along with the rest of her family, and got it so badly that she was not only rendered blind and deaf, but also lost her sense of smell and taste. In childhood, she was discovered by Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe, director of the famous Perkins Institute for the Blind in Boston (and later husband of Julia Ward Howe), and given an education using tactile type and the manual alphabet. She met the fellow dead-blind Helen Keller when she was a much older woman.
This should be my name, my mommy wanted it. But my dear daddy decided that it will be Ena pronounced like Anna. Thank God that I'm not another Laura: 1st it's too common 2nd: It seems too "sweet". In Croatia, where do I live, it's pronounced LAH-oo-rah. Sorry to all Lauras, but I just don't like this name.
Personally this name is very elegant, and lady like. It just seems to be old fashioned, which I like. There are two girls in my class with the name Laura, but one has it spelt differently, L.O.R.R.A which is made out of her parents names. I like both spellings, Lorra and Laura.
Laura is a really sweet name! It's cute, yet very mature at the same time! This is one of the few manes that will sound good at any age and no nickname is really needed for such a pretty name XD.
― Anonymous User 5/30/2009
There is a little girl named Laura in Silent Hill 2.
Laura La Plante (November 1, 1904 - October 14, 1996) was a famous actress of the silent screen. She appeared, among other films, in "The Cat and the Canary" (1927) and Show Boat" (1929). She played Magnolia in the latter.
A famous bearer is American actress/singer Laura Bell Bundy (born April 10, 1981). Among her notable stage acting credits include "Ruthless! The Musical" off-Broadway as Tina Denmark from March 1992 until January 1993, as Amber von Tussle in the Broadway production of "Hairspray" from July 2002 until July 2003, serving as standby in the Broadway production of "Wicked" for stars Kristin Chenoweth and Jennifer Laura Thompson, and as Elle Woods in the Broadway production of "Legally Blonde: The Musical" in Seattle in January and February 2007 and on Broadway from April 2007 until July 2008. Additionally, she starred as Marah Lewis on the soap opera "Guiding Light" from October 1999 until October 2001.
My name is Laura. I used to like it when I was small, but now it's just too common. There are dozens of Lauras, Laurens and Lorraines at my school. It drags too much in my opinion: LAAAUUU-RAAHH *shudders*
― Anonymous User 12/6/2008
My name is Laura (pronounced law-ruh) and I hated my name until I was about 13. It was never popular when I was small, so until I started camp, the only other Laura I had met was my great aunt. I love my name now, because although I have met a few other Lauras it still is not as common as Megan (or Meghan, Meaghan what have you). Also, it is pretty timeless because you can be 7 and have Laura seem like a regular name, but also be fifty and not have someone give you an inquisitive look. I love that my name comes from a flower and not some city off in the middle of nowhere. It's a hard name to have as a kid, though, because very few notebooks, pens, etc have Laura printed on them, and other children do not understand why your name is different.
Laura is my mother's name. I have never met anyone else with it. When I think of the name, it is classic, refined, and not at all too common. It is a good name to have as an adult. Laura feels responsible and down-to-earth.
I have no idea where all you guys get the idea that Laura is such a popular name. I have been the only Laura my entire time in school. I have never met another Laura in my life.Anyway, I like my name because it's so uncommon(here at least). I was named after my great grandma Laura, so it's a special name to my mom. I feel like with a name like Laura people take me much more seriously than if my name were something like Ashley. It's a feminine name, yet has some authority behind it. I used to not like it, but I've grown to appreciate and love my name.
Laura is my best friend's name! I love her name although I don't want it for myself! Laura rolls off the tongue nicely and I love her name so much!P.S. Her name is pronounced Loh-ra! I like this pronunciation better than any other, unless it's spelled differently.
There's nothing wrong with the name itself, but it's far too common, and it has been ruined, at least for me, by people like the ghastly Laura Schlessinger and Laura Ingraham. I've heard of some other Lauras I haven't liked, so my impression of this name has been ruined by the nasty bearers.
A famous bearer is American actress Laura Linney (born February 5, 1964). She's received Academy Award and Golden Globe nominations for roles in films like "You Can Count On Me" (2000), "Kinsey" (2004), an additional Academy award nomination for "The Savages" (2007), an additional Golden Globe nomination for "The Squid and the Whale" (2005), and a BAFTA nomination for "Mystic River" (2003). She's also won Emmy Awards for her roles in the 2001 telefilm "Wild Iris" in 2002, as well as a guest appearance on "Frasier" in 2004.
Rhymes with 'boring'. Kind of. And that about sums it up for me. Not an ugly name in itself - it would really be quite striking if it were rare. And I like the Petrarch link. But about every other girl born in England in the 80s was named Laura. Yawn. It has become totally, totally colourless for me. I much prefer Lauren (which, I know, is the Laura of the 90s, but at least I didn't have to go to school with ten thousand of them).I also prefer the Italian pronunciation, Low-ra (first syllable rhymes with "Ow!", or, er, "Ciao"!) Much perkier than "LAU-ra, BOR-ing, YAWn".
Not many people know this, but famous singer or actor (I don't know which he is) Justin Timberlake had a twin sister Laura Kathrine who died two minutes after her birth. She was born five minutes after the pop senstaion and died shortly after that.
This is my name and I love it. During elementary and middle school I was the only Laura in my year. Now that I am in High School, there is only 1 other Laura. A good name because it is not to common, but it is not so unique that a child would be teased for it.
The Italian poet Petrarch wrote sonnets to his love, a woman named Laura.
― Anonymous User 12/12/2007
Famous bearer includes famous author Laura Ingalls Wilder, one of The Ingalls sisters, and second daughter of Charles & Caroline Ingalls.Laura's character was in all of the 'Little House' books, portrayed by Melissa Gilbert in the famous '70's-'80's television series, and also in many miniseries and movies based off of the life of the Ingalls Family.She married at 18 in 1885 and they had two children (one surviving): she had daughter Rose Wilder Lane, at age 19, and an unnamed baby boy, who died soon after birth in 1889.Laura Ingalls Wilder was born in 1867 and died in 1957, 3 days after turning 90.
The most famous female soap opera character of the 1980's was General Hospital's Laura Spencer, played by Genie Francis. During her character's heyday on the show, Christopher Cross released a lachrymose single called "Think of Laura", about a friend of his who had passed away. The song became linked with the GH character, which was kind of weird, because the TV Laura wasn't dead.
Laura Palmer was the main character (more of a catalyst) for the cult TV series, Twin Peaks. Laura Dannon was Nora Zehetner's character in Brick, too - both breaking the wholesome "Laura Ingalls Wilder" mold for the name.
― Anonymous User 8/27/2007
Laura is such a beautiful classic name! And quite uncommon too!
Laura is a name that's sadly been losing popularity among the years but I'm sure it'll make a big comeback. Laura is classic yet modern, it's strong yet refined, and its meaning definitely couldn't be better!
I like this name, as I should considering it's mine but am extremely annoyed when someone calls me Lauren (a nice name but not mine). Just reading over the previous comments I only just learned about Laura Jean being Reese Witherspoon's first two names. I find this extremely interesting considering those are my first and second names. Also my name is pronounced LO-ra but I really like LAW-ra better.Just for information. I live in eastern Canada and Laura is not a popular name at all so it's kinda more unique around here which I love!
I am a Laura myself, and I sort of feel that my name is rather plain. But I still like it! I am intelligent, with a quirky sense of humour which most people don't understand (unfortunately). I like how my name comes from something that is awarded to the victorius, because I can relate to that (I always try to do my best and come out on top)!
― Anonymous User 1/8/2007
Laura is a gameshow model (Deal or No Deal) on NBC.
Sometimes I like being called Laura, and other times I don't like it at all. I think it's because there are so many girls with the same name, but it's also quite a pretty name compared to others.
Laura is a nice name and all, but it is a bit boring, and I know so many Lauras that it has lost all individuality. I think it would be at its best teamed with another name to give it flair and originality, but alone it's not very interesting.
― Anonymous User 8/9/2006
I think that Laura is a pretty name, it one of those semi-popular names that I really like. Also my sister is named Laura, and my best friend 3rd-6th grade was named Laura.
Laura Hawkins was the girl after whom Mark Twain modeled his character Becky Thatcher. She lived across the street from him when he was growing up, and her house can be visited by tourists today.
― Anonymous User 7/18/2006
This is my friend's name, but she spells it Laurah. I like that spelling better because it is more unique.
Heck yeah it's an awesome name, not just because it's my name too, but just because... think about it. Laura can be preppy, as it can also be like hippie. It's such a feminine yet unfrilly name. I love it and I love how it can be so different LAH-ra, LAW-ra, LAO-ra rolling the r like in Spanish. It's awesome! ;)
Laura is such a pretty, feminine name, a real timeless classic. I just love this name.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2006
My best friend is called Laura and I think that the name is becoming increasingly popular and common, but I love the way it sounds and that it gives my friend an identity almost! If I make sense!
The Italian poet Petrarcar made this name popular. In his sonnets he used the name Laura for the woman he loved, but who was unreachable for him. Schiller and other poets have since than used the name for women they loved, but who were out of their reach.
My name is Laura and I was named after Laura Ingalls Wilder, which I think is neat. I've never had a problem with my name, and I still think it's not too common, I didn't run into another Laura really until high school.
My favorite female name. Simple, strong, not uncommon but also still unique and beautiful sounding. The few girls with this name I've known have all been wonderful people.
My mom's name is Laura, but it is spelled Lora! I like this spelling a lot! I think Laura should mean beautiful because all the Laura's I know are really pretty, including my Mom!
― Anonymous User 3/3/2006
This is my mother's name, and she pronounces it LAW-ra, not LOR-uh. I love the way she pronounces it, and I think it is a lovely name.
My name is also Laura and I've always wanted to know things about it. I was watching my favourite TV show Supernatural and there was a focus on the Woman in White (or LaLlorona) so I did some research on her and I found she has four names; Sofia, Maria, Linda and LAURA, each name with a different story. So I looked at Laura and this is what i found.Laura was an attractive girl from an extremely humble background. Almost as soon as she could walk, she began working to help support the family. When she was sixteen she landed a dream job as a sales clerk. Within a few days on the job, she met Miguel, a well-to-do man who relentlessly pursued her until she finally agreed to go out with him. One evening after only a few weeks of knowing each other he asked her to marry him. Laura accepted, and that night she made love for the first time. After their passionate night, everything changed. Miguel refused to see her. Laura soon discovered she was pregnant and struggled to hide it as long as she could. When her parents finally found out, they threw her out of the house. Her baby was born sick and undernourished. With no other place to go, Laura turned to Miguel and begged for his help. He told her to stay out of his life. Laura wandered to a nearby lake and slowly walked into the water until both she and her baby were consumed. A few weeks later, Miguel mysteriously disappeared. Since then, men who have been out drinking or cheating on their wives have also disappeared, all having last been seen following a mysterious woman through the winding streets of the dark city. (this is from the website
My name is Laura. I have to admit, I do not like to be called Lori. I think my name is beautiful and I'd like people to use it and not a short form of it. It doesn't have the same feel about it. I think Laura is simple yet wonderfully rich and warm to say. It suits me.
― Anonymous User 1/23/2006
Laura Fairlie is the fictional character in the book The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins. She's a beautiful girl with golden hair.
― Anonymous User 1/15/2006
My name is Laura pronounced LAW-ra, which I think is lovely, as is the common pronunciation LO-ra. I have found that in the western states it is more common to pronounce it the way I do where LO-ra is more common in the eastern states. My husband's sister is named Lara (LAW-ra) which is the spelling used in Russia. The meaning of this spelling is derived from Saint Larisa from Russia and not from the Laurel crown of ancient Rome. I absolutely love my name and recently had the honor of my cousin naming her darling little girl "Laura" after me. It is not as common now as it used to be, but may be one of those lovely classic names that makes a big comeback. If you do name your child Laura, do her a service on deciding how to pronounce it and don't let others get away with saying it wrong or mistaking it for one of the many variations that exist, for example, Lori, Laurie, Lora, etc. And make sure she reads the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. She is a Laura anyone would be proud to share a name with.
I really don't like this name. I think it's plain and extremely common. And it's very irritating that it rhymes with my name, Nora, which is much more unique, and whenever I say my name, people think I'm saying Laura.
I've always found this name a bit plain. I don't really like it because it's my name and I would have prefered something more unique. I think it's a great name on other people, it just doesn't suit me.
― Anonymous User 10/10/2005
A famous bearer is Laura Esquivel, author of "Like Water for Chocolate" and "Law of Love."
Laura Kangasniemi is a Finnish Paralympic equestrian who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.