The Lalo brand of blanco tequila was created by Eduardo “Lalo” González and David “R” Carballido.
Lalo (his real first name is Eduardo, but I think only gets called this three or four times) Salamanca is a character from the show Better Call Saul, introduced in Season 4, played by Tony Dalton, who by the way 110% deserved an Emmy nomination and win for his portrayal of the character.
Eduardo "Lalo" Salamanca is a character on the television show "Better Call Saul".
Honestly this is actually a good name and I really like it! I wouldn't expect it to be a variant of Eduardo, but nonetheless, a very nice, strong name.
I pronounce it LAY-lo, though I realize that's not authentic. I made it up for a character in a story and pronounced it this way before I realized it was an actual name. I was very surprised the first time I saw it on a real person.
Lalo Schifrin is a composer who writes many movie scores.
Lalo is also a diminutive of Gerardo.
Very odd but strong if the name was meant for males.

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