Variant English Pronunciation: LAK-shmee.
With 2 545 932 bearers, Lakshmi is the 18th most common given name in India (2014 Data). About 98% of bearers of this name are Female in India (2014 Data).Source:
Also Odia.Scripts: ଲକ୍ଷ୍ମୀ (Odia) [noted -ed]
I love this name, but would only use it as a middle name since I am not Indian.
My cousin's middle name, and she has an aunt named Lakshmi. I think it's very pretty.
Lakshmi Menon is a model from Bangalore in India.
Lakshmi Tatma was a girl born with four arms and four legs, which were actually those of her parasite twin. She was named for her resemblance to the goddess Lakshmi.
Lakshmi is also a common townie name in the game Sims 2.
I'm not sure if this counts as famous, but Lakshmi Singh is a reporter for NPR.
Lakshmi is also a famous South Indian actress.
Name of the main character in the book SOLD.
I like the name Pandora Lakshmi, but it sounds more like a full name.
The actual pronunciation is closer to lucksh-mi. [noted -ed]
Yes, the current listed pronunciation is incorrect. It's more like LUCKSH-mee. [noted -ed]

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