Less popular than Kylie, but it’s not too out there. I love the way this name sounds! Kyla is definitely a favorite of mine. Another alternative is Kylan, which is androgynous.
My first name is Kyla, but my teachers ALWAYS call me Kayla. I have given up. It is hopeless. Love the name though! Never have met another Kyla and I feel different.
― Anonymous User 2/12/2020
I was named Kyla due to the Gallic meaning to come calmly and to be beautiful. I hated my name so much as a child and teen. Lol everyone pronounces it wrong when they read it always say Kayla!? I’m like it’s KYLA! KY-LA! I’m 37 now and gave up on correcting everyone. Now I say with a shake of my head just call me Ky. I’m surprised when people say it correctly and I’m so thankful to have this name. I’ve never met another Kyla and now I’m seeing my name everywhere it’s truly special to be unique if only we Kyla’s can get people to read and say it properly all would be great lol. FYI you never hear anyone pronounce Kyle as Kayle? Hmm...lmao.
I've had the name 39yrs now, and admit I wasn't a fan when I was younger, though I've grown to feel it fits me well (not sure what that will mean to those who say it's 'ugly') as being different, unique, and uncommon. While I've rarely needed to correct people's pronunciation of my name (usually only people doing it intentionally to be rude), the SPELLING chosen by my mother has meant endless corrections and arguments- Kylha. Yup, there's an unnecessary 'h' that you don't even pronounce. Thanks Mom. (Tip from my father- laugh at the end of the name, Kyl-hahaha. Thanks Dad) And I was told Kyla/Kyle derived from Conan, commonly meaning/referencing barbarian. I'm not sure how accurate that is, but it always made me laugh, lol.
My name is Kyla, my mother named me after a character in a movie called Losing Isaiah. Halle Berry played the character but it was spelled differently. My mother also said the name was short and sweet, and I’d like to say she is a very simplistic person. Very simple, doesn’t like too many extravagant things. I am 18 years now and I’ve grown to love my name. A lot of people get it confused with Kayla and sometimes Kyra or Kiya but now I’m used to it. I don’t even correct them at times.
My name is Kyla Ann and I was born in 1954. So I could be the original. For years I heard of no one else with the name. Now it is more popular. I have enjoyed this thread! I get many compliments on the name. I am constantly correcting people on the pronunciation.
This is my name, and I love it. It wears well (I'm 40), and is unique and in my opinion, beautiful. I've noticed in the past few years that more and more seem to get it right--perhaps as the (I'm sorry) unattractive Kayla fades in popularity a bit. If it is pronounced incorrectly, that's what I get (Kayla).It's derived from the Gaelic Cadhla (a word used mostly in poetry), so is an Irish name with real roots, meaningful, beautiful.
In January 1999, I named my daughter Kyla Ashlin. My husband and I saw the name in a Celtic baby name book. When I saw the meaning I knew I had to name my daughter Kyla. It said "So beautiful that only poets can describe her." She is a beautiful young woman with blond hair and blue/green eyes and fair skin. I have never regretted one day for one moment giving her the name Kyla!
My name is Kyla and as said before, people mis-say the name TONS! I don't get it- people say they love my name... I hate it! It doesn't even seem normal! I just want to be like the other girls, like the name Ashley- I love that name! But I got stuck with Kyla. I know people think it's a pretty name and all that, but I hate it. I am always asked "Is that your real name?" it's so annoying always having to correct people because they never say my name right. No one does! It's so annoying!
― Anonymous User 5/20/2016
My name is Kyla and I like to think of myself as the "original" as I was born in 1957.
I love the name... It's my daughter's name. I have 3 boys and she is my youngest and only girl. I wanted something special but kinda different! Her middle name is RaeLynn, Rae is my sisters middle name and Lynn is my husband whose sister passed middle name, and Linda is my moms name, I love the combination, and it really represents family. People call her Kayla all the time! Sounds just the way it sounds... Ky la! I think the names great, and she likes it too! Only problem is it's hard to find personalizations, my name is same way!
My name is Kyla, and I simply love it! All of my friends and family call me "Ky". I really like that nickname too. It seems to suit me very well, kinda spunky and very unique. I do have problems with many people mispronouncing my name, constantly, but it is worth it to me. For every person who mispronounces it, someone else tells me how absolutely beautiful my name is. I have only ever met 2 other "Kyla"s and both of those women were amazing and beautiful women, inside and out. When I was young I never understood why my mom didn't name me "Ashley" or "Amanda" or even "Brooke", but now I definitely see the appeal in giving your daughter a unique name. I thank my mom all the time for my name. I am the ONLY person on fb with my first and last name combination, and I think that it is awesome. Lol! :)
My name is Kyla and really, I don't like it. Working in retail as upper management, I've had problems in meetings and with customers. Most of it because of it sounding fake or just the constant mispronunciation. Then again, I never liked it growing up either. Nicknames never stuck (except Killa but hey, can't use that in public.) Really, after deciding I was too lazy to legally change my name, I just got to the point of answering to whatever attempt people make then watching the blood drain out of their faces when they hear the correct version later. Just a heads up, if you want to name your kid something unique, just try something that's been around but don't hear often, (Where I live, there are almost no Sabrina's, hence, I named my daughter that. Easy to spell and pronounce at least.)
My name is Kyla and most people call me Ky for short. I love my name & get compliments all the time on how unique & pretty my name is. The down side is I've been asked on many different occasions if I was a stripper & that was my stage name. I'm a pretty good lookin girl but dang, people, REALLY! I've had to whip out my license to prove it was my real name & not a stage name! The worst is when people can't read or say my name right & always call me Kayla or Kylie. I correct people immediately & teach them basic English and how to pronounce my name it's Ky... la. The A makes the Y sound like a i. Basic English right there folks! I've even had to sing the La part to get people to pronounce it right! LoL.
A friend of mine named her daughter Kyla, but she insists on pronouncing it as "kay-la". The girl is now five and constantly has to correct people and tell them she's "Kayla", not "KYE-la". Lately she's given up and now responds to both pronunciations. How sad?I hate the name "KYE-la" in general, but when people begin mispronouncing such a ghastly phonetic slur, I cannot help be question its increasingly negative appeal.
― Anonymous User 6/11/2010
This is my nickname and I'm so pleased everyone likes it. I'm called Michaela which is strangely pronounced me KIE la. :)
I don't like this name. It seems like a forced feminine version of Kyle, and letters seem kind of stuffed. I think this isn't a pleasant name, but anyone who likes it is free to use it.
I have to contribute my love again for the name Kyla, I love it so much! It's such a great name! It's short, modern, and I can really imagine a gorgeous young woman with a name such as Kyla! I also like Kyra a lot but somehow, somehow Kyla outdoes Kyra even by just a tad bit. :) GREAT, BEAUTIFUL name!
Just gorgeous, what else must be said? It's a stunningly beautiful name for a spunky, elegant, little girl and gorgeous woman. I picture a little Kyla with blonde hair made into pigtails and blue eyes smiling. I wish I had the opportunity one day to name my daughter Kyla. I liked a LOT of names before, but Kyla somehow outdoes them all. It's quite modern in my opinion, and just awesomely adorable.