As a person who's name is Curtis, i think that this is a great name and in the future I'll plan to name one of my future children Kurtis named after me.
Kurtis Trent is a character from Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness. He is an ally of Lara Croft and he is even playable in a few levels - a rare instance of a character other than Lara being playable in a Tomb Raider game.
Meh...boring. And low-key ugly. Its abbreviation, Kurt, is just so much sexier.
Kurtis Conner is a popular Youtuber who makes commentary videos. As of November 2020, he had over two million subscribers.
The name Kurtis was given to 99 baby boys born in the US in 2012.
Kurtis Stryker of the Mortal Kombat video game series bears this name.
I also used to dislike this name when I was little, but now I just like the name. It's a good name for a boy, but I'd rather use it as a middle name than a first name.
Kurtis is a great name, I have always liked it. It sounds handsome and rugged but also gentle and kind. Kurt is a good nickname. Not overly popular which is nice.

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