As a person who's name is Curtis, i think that this is a great name and in the future I'll plan to name one of my future children Kurtis named after me.
Kurtis Trent is a character from Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness. He is an ally of Lara Croft and he is even playable in a few levels - a rare instance of a character other than Lara being playable in a Tomb Raider game.
I also used to dislike this name when I was little, but now I just like the name. It's a good name for a boy, but I'd rather use it as a middle name than a first name.
Kurtis is a great name, I have always liked it. It sounds handsome and rugged but also gentle and kind. Kurt is a good nickname. Not overly popular which is nice.
― Anonymous User 4/26/2006
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