In The Simpsons, Kumiko Albertson (née Nakamura) is a manga artist from Japan who stops in Springfield during a tour of America’s Saddest Cities. She eventually is courted by, and married to, Jeffrey “Comic Book Guy” Albertson.
I love the meaning of the name! To me beauty refers to the person as a whole. The word pretty just refers to looks but the word beautiful to me refers to the heart and soul as well as the outside of a person. I could never call a person with a terrible personality beautiful even though I could call her pretty or good looking.So to me this is an extremely nice meaning because it implies that the person will always be beautiful, inside and out, and therefore a good and kind person. It doesn't mean that the person is fake or perfect but that in general the person's soul is good and I really like that.
Kumiko isn't a good name to me. The meaning implies that you'll never show your true colors :(
Kumiko was one of the most popular Japanese girls names of all times.It entered the top 10 in 1949. It peaked in 1962 and 1975 at #1. It was last in the top 10 in 1982.It is spelled 久美子 (long time + beautiful + child).
Kumiko Kimura from Desiderata Valley, the neighborhood shipped with The Sims 2: FreeTime is a bearer of this name.
Kumiko The Treasure Hunter film starring: Rinko Kikuchi from the movie, "Babel".
The name of Toru Okada's missing wife in The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami.
Kumiko is the name of a character in a popular online manga/comic, Megatokyo.

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