Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine

Meaning & History

Allegedly means "mine" in Oromo.
Added 2/26/2007 by anonymous
Edited 10/6/2012 by SeaHorse15

Gender Masculine
Usage Persian

Meaning & History

Means "king" in Persian.
Added 9/8/2008 by anonymous
Edited 7/9/2018 by Evil

Gender Feminine

Meaning & History

Meaning uncertain. Could be a contraction or diminutive of the Mitanni name Tadukhipa, or possibly a variant of the Ancient Egyptian word for "monkey". Mitanni was an Hurrian-speaking state in northern Syria and south-east Anatolia from c.1500 BCE – c.1300 BCE. Kiya was a wife of Akhenaten. Her titles of "The Favorite" and "The Greatly Beloved," but never of "Heiress" or "Great Royal Wife" suggest she was not of royal Egyptian blood.
Added 10/13/2010 by LullabyMoon11
Edited 7/14/2024 by jocatchi, Ora and LullabyMoon11

Gender Feminine
Usage Indian

Meaning & History

Means "cooing of a bird".
Added 2/7/2016 by lilolaf
Edited 1/4/2019 by Evil