Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine
Pronounced Pron. KIS-ə  [key]
Other Forms FormsKitzia

Meaning & History

Possibly a diminutive of names such as Christina, Charissa or, more likely, Keziah (compare Keziah's diminutive Kizzie), influenced by the word kiss (or perhaps Finnish kissa "cat").

(In the case of Kissa Kouprine, daughter of the writer Aleksandr Kuprin, it seems to have been a short form of /nickname for Kseniya.)
Added 3/26/2006 by Quynh
Edited 12/13/2014 by Frollein Gladys and SeaHorse15

Gender Feminine
Usage Ganda (?)

Meaning & History

Allegedly a Luganda name meaning "born after twins".
Added 10/27/2009 by Vampiress
Edited 2/11/2019 by Frollein Gladys and SeaHorse15