Kira is an odd one.
Kira is Barbie's original Asian American/Pacific Islander American friend, starting from the 1980s.
Keira looks better.
I like the name Kira, it suits for Leo Zodiac.
I prefer it to Ciara. Kira looks amazing.
My favorite spelling is Kiera. Keira's weird to me. Kira is nice, too, and I really do like the name.
KEE-rə in English.
Cute and wonderful name. One of my favorites.
My friend was named after Kira Nerys from Star Trek.
Someone once spelt it Keria by mistake on my friend’s place marker for a Christmas party.
"Kira" is also a title given to Light Yagami, a character from The Death Note by his followers. It became very famous in pop culture thanks to the line "Justice of Kira".
Kira is the name Light Yagami gave himself in the anime "Death Note" because "Kira" sounds like "killer" in Japanese. Kira also means "light."
I never thought this name was that common until I got to college. Now I know several Kiras but literally no two spell it the same. I know exactly one Kira, Keira, Kierra, Kyra, and Ciara who all pronounce it "KEER-uh." Until college, I thought only Kira and Keira could be pronounced this way. To complicate matters more, I know a Kiera who pronounces it kee-AIR-uh, a Kiara who pronounces it "kee-AHR-uh," and a Ciara who pronounces it see-AIR-uh.
Kira Kosarin is an American actress. She is known for her role as Phoebe Thunderman in the Nickelodeon series, The Thundermans. Kosarin danced and studied ballet at Boca Ballet Theatre and attended middle school at Pine Crest School. Her parents were Broadway performers, her mother as an actress and her father as a music director, conductor and record producer, so she grew up acting, singing and dancing. After attending an "acting on camera" workshop, she fell in love with television acting and decided to move to Los Angeles, California in 2011 to pursue a career in television.
I like this name, but I'm biased because it's my name. I like that it's short and sweet but there aren't really any nicknames for it so that's not so great. I've never met another Kira (spelled this way) and I would like to so I wish this name was more popular. I prefer the spelling Keira, as Kira can sometimes get a bit boring but it's still a good name.
Kira Hitomiko is a character in Inazuma Eleven.
My bestfriend's name is "Kirah" & she pronounces it Ky-ruh and I think her name is cute! :)
The Gelfling heroine of the movie "The Dark Crystal" (excellent film!) is named Kira.
Other than KEER-uh, an alternate pronunciation is KYIR-uh. The latter pronunciation is common with the American accent.
Kira is Irish and it means Dark or Darkness.

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