This is a guilty pleasure name for me. I love the sound and look, but I would NEVER name a kid this. It must work for fictional characters, but not real babies.
Don't name your kids after characters if the work the character is in hasn't been completed yet. They might turn out to be evil. Who wants their kid to be named after a character that ended up being evil.
Like no one would pronounce this name as it is in Dothraki. In Dothraki: /ˌxa.leˈ (Kha-le-E-si, /x/ being the sound in loch / "gargle sound" in Russian) In English (probably): /ˌkʰəˈ (Kə-LEE-see) /x/ becomes /k/, /e/ becomes /i/, and a syllable even disappears.Easy way to have your child made fun of.
― Anonymous User 11/1/2022, edited 11/1/2022
I honestly like this name because it sounds pretty but the fact that it’s just a title from a fictional book and tv series ruins it for me.
― Anonymous User 10/14/2022
Terrible name to give your baby. It’s not even a name. It’s just a title from Game Of Thrones.
― Anonymous User 5/22/2022
I’m sad because I really like this name, but the whole Game of Thrones thing makes it seem like a bad name. I really wish it wasn’t connected to Game of Thrones.
― Anonymous User 5/3/2022
There is a meme that goes like this: Naming your child after a fictional character"Hey there Khaleesi, how was school?" "I hate you with every ounce of being"Naming your child after x "I'm so proud of you, x".
This is the title of the character, not her actual given name. Her given name is Daenerys.Daenerys is perfectly fine but Khaleesi really makes you look like someone who watched the show but didn't really pay attention and never read the books which you should have before giving the name/title of a character to a child.
― Anonymous User 3/27/2021
Pleeeeeeeeease tell me that I'm not the only one who likes the name Khaleesi!
This name sounds more like a breed of butterfly from Madagascar than a name you would actually give to a child.
― Anonymous User 11/1/2019
I get why people like this name, but I think you should go for something that means queen or ruler instead of this. For example, Regina Rhiannon Juno Dione.
The final episode of "Game of Thrones" was recently aired, meaning that the series came to an end. You might want to amend the description of this entry to reflect this, i.e. "Game of Thrones" (2011-2019). Also, English is not my native tongue, but I think you might have meant 'adaptation' instead of 'adaption'. [noted -ed]
I think people - even despite the storyline of the character, - like the sound of the name, and interpret its meaning as 'Queen'. People make up names all the time, and many people love the intricacies of the books. Ultimately, Khal makes me think of Khan, a warlord of the Mongol Empire and so it may have more history than we think. I wouldn't blame anyone who did name their child Khaleesi.
It's fine to be a fan of the show and book series, but this is such a selfish name to give a child. It has a very specific connotation and she may not even enjoy the stories her name was based on. She'll feel like she has no roots.
― Anonymous User 10/27/2018
This name is so ridiculous. It’s not even a name, it’s just a title from a crappy TV show.