My brother's bagpipe teacher's wife had this name. The teacher was from Scotland; I don't know whether Keitha was too or not. I think it's an interesting and unusual name, a bit old-fashioned. I wouldn't have remembered her name otherwise!
You are all aware that this is just a name right? Too many people are getting up in arms over a name. In my opinion it's an average name (Mostly because it's the feminine form of Keith, and that is such a basic name). Maybe it's because I personally don't have a very common name and that sometimes gets joked about (My name is Tabitha). I can't believe a high school student has to remind a bunch of internet strangers that if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all.I also think that Keitha is a bit like Keira in a way, take whatever you want from that.
― Anonymous User 12/11/2022
Don't like it at all. Very ugly in pronunciation (just leave it like Keith, for men). My opinion, my freedom of speech if you don't like it.
Love my name all you idiots slating it should keep your nasty opinions to yourself as you don't know the meaning behind mine!
― Anonymous User 5/6/2020
Just created this account to address the comments re the name Keitha. Happens to be my name. Thanks to the few who find it pretty or strong, or who would name the female child Keitha. To those of you who chose to make crass or derogatory comments (i.e. 'butt ugly') - you're idiots. Why on earth would you waste time making derogatory comments about any name? You need to get a life. Is it 'lazy' or 'reaching too far' to name Robert's girl Roberta? Or George's child Georgia? I love my name and am proud of it.
I really love this name! I'm a writer, not professional or anything, but I'm using this as a middle name for one of my characters, mainly because my English teacher's first name is Keith. Anice Keitha is the character's name by the way.
Since my husband's name is Keith, Keitha would be a great option if we ever wanted a little girl! It is pretty and strong and yet not over the top like some female to male versions. I LOVE IT.