Comments (Pronunciation Only)

On second thought the pronunciation is not entirely correct. I've checked the key carefully and it seems that it should rather be "ka-ta-ZHI-na" without the "h"'s. Although using them probably looks intuitively more accurate to English native speakers. Nevertheless the key says the "h"'s shouldn't be there.
For pity's sake. There is NO "r" sound in this name! Don't be such ignorants pretending you know something you have no idea about. "Rz" in Polish is pronounced like "j" in French (je, Jacques, etc.). So why are you trying so much to put the "r" sound in there? Why do you even bother if the pronunciation given here is already correct? Before making a complete idiot of yourself you could at least check it out on wiki, seriously, guys.
Pronunciation should be kah-tahr-ZHI-nah.
It's my name and the pronunciation is like cat-are-zhina, but "i" sounds like "i" in this not like "i" in bit.
It's hard to say this name but it's a bit like cat/are/zjin/a.
Pronounced [k -A - t - A - Z - I - n - A ]
Unfortunately the phonetic alphabet doesn't work here, so I replaced it by:
A - pronounced like the beginning of diphthong in "eye"
Z - something like "s" in "measure" and french "j" in "Jaqueline" "Jaques"
I - like "i" in "bit"
I believe Katarzyna is pronounced "cat-are-ZHNEE-na." I think it is such a beautiful name!

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