This is my name and I'm from Mexico My name with "k" just doesn't exist in my country. They always write it with "c" and think that when I put it with "k" it's for pleasure or joke.
That's my name! (I'm 21)It's a very VERY uncommon name in France, but I'm half Polish, hence my name, and in Poland, it's one of the most basic names ever.
Karolina (real name Karolina Goceva) is a Macedonian singer who represented her country in 2002 Eurovision and 2007 Eurovision. Her songs were "Od Nas Zavisi" in 2002 and "Mojot Svet" in 2007. She did not crack the Top 10 in 2002. She qualified for the semi final and yet again did not crack the Top 10 in 2007.
In Lithuania the name Karolina is pronounced with a short I (like the word in). But foreigners pronounce it as ee. Don't know why it's hard to others to pronounce it correctly in Lithuanian.
Karolina Dean, also briefly known as Lucy in the Sky, or L.S.D., is a fictional character, a superheroine appearing in American comic series "The Runaways" published by Marvel Comics.
― Anonymous User 5/3/2018
Also Czech.
― Anonymous User 6/6/2017
Also Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian, and Greek. In Greek, it is written Καρολίνα. The Russian pronunciation is "kah-rah-LEE-nah".
I knew a girl named Karolina in my first year of high-school and she said that in Poland it's pronounced like Caroline and she gets mad when people pronounce it with a at the end.
I love this name. It looks so ethnically German, which I love. I love the pronunciation, it is also very unique. I picture a beautiful German girl or woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. Karolina is pronounced Care-uh-lee-nuh.
-Кароліна_(ім%27я) (in Ukrainian)
-Список_українських_жіночих_імен#К (in Ukrainian)
-ïne (lists only bearers living in Ukraine)
- Karolina Protsenko (b. 2008), a Ukrainian violinist: (in English)