Karla is also a modern Spanish variant of Carla. It is more used in Latin America rather than Spain (source: https://forebears.io/forenames/karla).There are 1.958 bearers of this name in Spain, and the average age of the bearers is 15 (source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística).
Usages: HungarianSource: https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karola -- mention Karla(Information from name #348563 originally submitted by user epresvanilia)
More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Karla are female. Also Lithuanian and Yiddish.
― Anonymous User 6/6/2017
Also the Croatian form. This is the most common form used, its variant Karola was once commonplace but would be considered old fashioned today. [noted -ed]
· https://www.euskaltzaindia.eus/index.php?option=com_ecoeoda&task=izenaIkusi&Itemid=472&lang=es&kodea=1379&mota=izenak
· https://www.ine.es/widgets/nombApell/index.shtml