Love this name! So cute!
My name is Kaleah with an h. Although I have an h in my name I'm not supposed to- my birth certificate even says so.
My name Is Kalea and I am actually a boy. People often pronounce my name Kuh-Lay-Uh but it isn’t the correct way. The correct way to pronounce my name (Kale’a) is actually Kuh-leh-uh and it's also true that my name means Joy. Well, at least according to my parents.
My name is Kalea and it is pronounced Kuh-lay-uh. People have been saying it wrong my whole life. The name that looks similar to this but is pronounced Kay-lee-uh is not Hawaiian and neither is Kaylee. The meaning is happiness or bright but I have never heard or seen the meaning as "clear" so no idea where that came from.
My name is actually Kalea, and my mom got it from when she lived in Hawaii as a child.
She thought it was a really unique name and I strongly agree! But if you plan on naming your child this, just know most people will butcher their name. I’ve had people ask if my name was pronounced as Kay-lee, Kay-luh, Kuh-lee-uh, and even ky-lee. I really hate that, but I still love my name!
My name is actually KAH LEE AH and I got this name from the singer aaliyah and my mom just decided to put a k in front of it. I don't think my mom knew it was Hawaiian at the time since no one we knew was Hawaiian.
I'm not sure this is the correct meaning. When I looked it up every baby name website says the name means clear.
I wish people learned the correct pronunciation of names before they judged them. As a user stated before, this name is pronounced kah-LAY-uh, which sounds nothing like Kaylee (not that there's anything wrong with that name). Kalea is a beautiful name.
Looks like another Kayleigh or Kaylee to me.
I'm surprised to find out that this is an actual name with a (really good) meaning. I thought it was just a kreatyv spyllyng of the hideous Kaylee. Kalea isn't one of my favorite names, but it still sounds nice.
The correct pronunciation is Ka-LAY-uh. In Hawaiian, it's actually spelled Kale'a, with a glottal stop between the e and the a.
Pronounced Kay-LA or Ka-lee-ah.
I think of a dark-skinned Hawaii girl for this name.
This was a character in a book by Andrea Shophas, called 'I'll always love you, Mama" in which Flame is a young collie puppy who's mother dies and is orphaned, but is rescued by a woman who then names her Kalea.

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