So many Bl@ck and Wh!te people love to use native Hawaiian names because they think they’re being “unique” and “original” by naming their kids an “exotic” name, and they don’t realize that the names become ambiguous, tacky, trendy, corny, or ghetto sounding when they start using them. Kalani is one of the names that this phenomenon has happened to. It used to be DISTINCTIVELY AND CLEARLY Hawaiian with a beautiful meaning. You now can’t even tell that it’s a Hawaiian name because it’s been overused by people that aren’t Hawaiian. There’s nothing unique or original about naming your kid a random name (that you can barely pronounce) from a culture that you have zero connection to.
I was born in 1970 and bear the name of Kalani. I've never been to Hawaii, but my parents knew the great-great-great-grandson of King Kamehameha. His game is Tom Konahele. I was named after a short version of his mother's name. Her name was Kalani'ho'o'kaha Konahele. At the time, Tom was the director of the Polynesian Dance Club at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, where my parents went to University. They became great friends. And I got his mother's name or part of it. I've always believed it means "The Heaven" or "The Heavenly One" referring to a person. I've always thought my name is beautiful, and I've loved my name, however, it is a tall order. However, it gives me something majestic and wonderful to work towards.
Just one thing to note, the correct translation of this name would be "the heaven" because "ka" is a singular article in Hawaiian. The plural form would be Nālani, meaning "the heavens" because "nā" is the plural article in the Hawaiian language.
Great name. I prefer this to Kehlani.
I wanted to use this name if I ever had a daughter since my husband is Hawaiian cousin who for some reason thinks she needs to compete with me, took the name knowing we were looking for Hawaiian names for our family...I might still use it though. It goes perfectly with our surname and I can't find anything else. Kalani has such a beautiful meaning and just sounds great overall.
Means, "My fish" in Finnish. "Minun Kalani".
Perfect and gorgeous name for a girl or adult woman.
Better than Leilani. I think this name is stunning.
Kalani is such a stunningly beautiful name, the meaning is amazing and overall it's great.
I'm so glad to see the popularity of this name going up. I was born in 1977, so you can imagine it was a very rare name growing up. I've always loved it because I've always felt like it made me more of an individual. It's funny though because I'm from Minnesota, my parents are from Minnesota, and I have never been to Hawaii, though I would love to go. Maybe someday I'll find a key chain with my name on it! Lol.
I love this FEMININE NAME soo much! It ages well it’s so nice and pretty. Not a load of people have this name, you should totally name your kid this, because for sure I am. Oh, it also reminds me of Kalani Hilliker, she’s a great dancer.
Kalani Brooke Hilliker is a dancer known for starring on “Dance Moms” for four seasons and “Abby’s Ultimate Dance Competition”.
Kalani Brooke Hilliker is an American dancer, actress, and model. She rose to fame in 2013 as a contestant on the Lifetime reality series Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition and subsequently appeared on Dance Moms, becoming a regular cast member in its fourth season.
Wasn't this a kid on dance moms?
The name Kalani was given to 177 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
I would love to name a boy this. It's masculine and yet pretty. Reminds me of Keanu, but without the connotation (not that it's a bad connotation!).
"Kalani" means "my fish" in Finnish. ^^;
This is the name of Kalani David, an 8 year old surfer.
A famous Bearer of the name Kalani is surfer Kalani Robb.
I believe a variant of this name is Kailani, said ky-LAH-nee.
My favorite Hawaiian name. I love it!

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