Justice is the name of a spirit and companion in the videogame Dragon Age: Origins (2009), specifically from the expansion Awakening.
The name itself is a little tacky, but I don't mind how it sounds. Justus would be better in any case.
This is one of the very few trendy 'noun names' that I actually like and think works as both a first name and middle name. It's nice to see it also being a 'true' unisex name (where it's more or less given equally as a feminine and masculine name).
So beautiful but unfortunately will make you sound like a judge.
I dated a guy named Justice. I’d consider naming a boy Justice but I’d spell it Justus cause it looks cooler. I generally really like the name. I personally don’t see it working on a girl.
I think Justice is a beautiful name, for either gender. It's something that America (and the world in general) unfortunately falls short of sometimes… But it's such a strong and powerful word and virtue, I think it would make a wonderful name. My sister's always loved it, and I like it, as well. I think it's a gorgeous name.
I think this name would work best on a girl. It's a unique name so it's a YES for me.
I think this could only work as a middle name, if you want to use this name how about using Justin or Justina, Justinia.
Justice is the surname of my son’s great-grandmother. I named my son in her honor. My son likes his name and is glad it isn’t so popular. If you don’t like the name, thank you for not using it.
Being so unisex makes the name kinda weird to use for either sex in my opinion.
Justice is a word, not a name.
I am pretty sure this is a name we are now allowed in New Zealand - no titles are allowed. Thus no King, Princess, Sir, Allah, God, Lord etc. (They do allow prophets, so Jesus and Mohammed are allowed.) I quite appreciate these rules. Of course if this is already your name and you immigrate here you will keep the name. And people or their families and friends can informally call themselves whatever they wish.
Great name!
One of my friends is named Justice, he is freaking funny and awesome, so why all the hate?
This is a beautiful name, and I don't understand all the hate comments. Nadia means hope, Vera means truth, and Mila means precious, Mirabelle means miracle. So why can't Justice be used on a person?
The origin of the name comes from the name "Justus".
In my opinion, I can really only see the name 'Justice' on a male. To me it sounds very masculine. Although Justice for a middle name on a female is quite cute. I'd prefer naming a dog Justice though, don't think I'd name an actual human being that. Seems cheesy.
This name means faith and loyalty and if you hate it then you hate the Pledge of Allegiance too.
There’s actor Justice Smith, who will be having roles in the upcoming movies Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and Detective Pikachu.
I literally have one legal name, since the 1990s, but am tired of fighting with computers only to have to throw something into the First Name AND Last Name fields. Getting way too complicated as all that varies, and I really never expected to have this type of problem. So my legal name right now is Crusader. I am a longtime activist. I am toying with the idea of changing my name to include the Last Name of Justice, e.g., Crusader Justice, which would be fitting for me. I have more AKAs than Carter has pills!One legal name, I thought (because of Eminem) would be super cool, but it is a pain in the butt when it comes to computers. By having both a first and last name, all of my records would be more consistent. Just brainstorming.
My name is Justice. I don't understand why the name is looked down upon. Is it because it's FABULOUS?
I love it. Just gave birth 5 months ago to a baby girl and named her Justice. My fiance came up with it because his name begins with a "J" and so does his other 3 children. So we wanted to keep the J going. To me that name means strong and she'll be able to overcome any obstacle that may get in her way.
I love the name Justice. It's strong and I'm considering using it for my baby, I just need a good middle name to go with it well.
My name is Justice. I think it's an awesome name. I haven't seen this many people against it in all my life. Everyone is shocked by my name but loves it. It fits me. I represent this name well :))
Wait, this is a boy's name?
It's not really even a name, more like a word or title that has been turned into a name. It also shares a name with the ridiculously overpriced girls' clothing store Justice.
Justice is a Major Arcana card in the Tarot deck. It typically depicts a robed woman sitting between two pillars, holding a sword and a set of scales.
I love Jensen Ackles but honestly, couldn't he find a better name for his daughter? A bit disappointed to say the least.
Justice: tacky & cheesy
Jay: males name
Justice jay together, sounds like a tacky superheroes name from an old comic."Here he comes to save the day, it's Justice Jay!"No hate. The naming choice just honestly wasn't too wise.
I find this name pretty tacky. It's too pretentious, like you think your child is going to save the world. Justin and Justine have similar sounds if you like the "jus" sound, and they actually sound like names and not perfume brands.
I'm an attorney, so if I heard of a person named "Justice So-and-So," I'd assume they were a supreme court Justice (either state or some historical U.S. one I forgot existed) and that "Justice" was their title, not their first name. At the very least, I'd recommend against picking this name for a baby if your last name is shared by any current or recent U.S. Supreme Court Justice.
I know there are plenty of names that are words. Grace is a word. Rowan is a word. Even Rob is a word - and with a pretty negative meaning too! And I know that for a word to become a name, someone has to start using it at some point.And I know all that. But still, names that have only recently started to become names sound weird to my ears.
Jensen Ackles, star of popular American TV show Supernatural, named his daughter Justice Jay (JJ) Ackles.
I Love this name on a boy. I find it almost too blunt for a girl. I can just imagine a cute little boy named Justice, that is smart and inquisitive with a little mischievous twinkle his eyes. It is also stately enough to work for a grown man.
Honestly, I find this name very cute on a girl. I would never name my child this, but if I had to I would spell it Justyce.
It's really not that bad a name, can be either uncreative or a little too creative, but I don't see why it has to be about religion at all. I know a boy with it and a girl named Justyce.
No offense but I find this name very tacky especially on girls.
Think Justice is great. It's a beautiful strong name. It reminds me of God and his justice and love. What an imprint to put on a person's life.
This is a beautiful, strong name. I reminds me of God's graceful Justice. What a beautiful reminder when you call your child's name.
Not exactly a famous bearer, but there is a popular French electronic duo called Justice.
This name makes me shudder! It's okay on a dog or something but to actually name a person this makes them sound like complete trailer trash.
This name sounds awfully pompous to me. It sounds like a name self-righteous, megalomaniacal parents would pick for their kid because of either their big plans for them or because they are religious lunatics who believe their child will somehow be a part of some Christian revolution.
A charater on "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" is named Justice. Other characters are Chrissy, Missy, Sissy, and of course Jay and Bob.
I personally do not like this name at all. It's even worse spelled "Justus".
Justice and Justus are *not* the same name at all.

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