Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine
Scripts ჯუმბერ(Georgian)
Other Forms Formsჯუმბერი (Jumberi; nominative case)

Meaning & History

Meaning uncertain. According to a Russian source, the name is derived from the Arabic noun جمعة (juma) meaning "Friday" (see Juma) via its Persian form جمعه (jome). If true, then the name likely indicates that the child in question was born on a Friday. Also compare the Middle Persian verb ǰumbīdan meaning "to move".

Georgian sources theorize that the name might possibly be a variant of Juansher, influenced by phonetic and graphic changes.

In Georgian literature, Jumber is the name of a prince in A Book of Wisdom and Lies written by Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani (1658-1725) in the late 17th century.
Added 6/27/2020 by Lucille