I can't help but like it, it sounds so warm and sunny! I like Julie too.
I personally always thought July was more of a BOY'S name, it just doesn't ring as feminine to me.
Best month name EVER!
Nice, but I would not name a child this maybe a pet though!
Quite pretty.
July is the name of one of the orphans in the 1974 musical Annie, as well as the corresponding movies.
June and July are both so warm. I perfer June though, July is alright.
It's alright, although I prefer April and June. These are the girl month names I rate from most to least favorite: April, June, May, July.
July is probably my favorite name that is also a month!
My rankings for month names from best to worst would be April, May, June, August, October and July maybe but all the rest are extremely strange, haha.
It's alright, although a bit weird. Better than September, however.
May, June, August are month names that sound normal. Not like this one here.
In my opinion, July is a much better month name as opposed to September and November. Those ones are just weird (and not in the good way) to me.
April, May, June and August are month names yet they're used, so what's wrong with July? I think it's a nice name.
I actually can see why you think this name sounds a little masculine. Because it’s originated from Julius Caesar. I still like it best for a girl.
July is my birth month! July 24 2003! I know this can be used as a name for a boy or a girl. Personally, I don’t like it for a boy, I apologize. To me, it just sounds feminine like Julie. For a boy, I prefer August or September. July seems like a very beautiful name for a girl though. I believe this name deserves namesakes. September is actually more uncommon as a first name than July despite July having no namesakes but September does.
Lately I've been reading about US history and I keep coming across men with this name. They all seem to have had incredible adventures too. One example is Michael Jackson's great-great grandfather July Gale who was from the Choctaw tribe. In other instances it's been used as a nickname for Julius.
I love July as a name. Yes, it's my birthday month, but that's not why I love it. I don't even like the month of July, in spite of my birthday being in it. I just love the sound of July as a personal name.
I love the month of July but wouldn't use it as a name.
I love this name from Lonesome Dove's July Johnson. He was a he. I don't think I'd name a child this but I would love to name a dog this, boy or girl.
I'm hoping for a July baby sometime in the near or distant future. I love the month on top of several other reasons. Though I cannot see "July" being used as an actual name. I just don't think July really works. In fact, I don't think it works at all. It's a great month but not so good name.
June on the other hand, along with April, May\Mae\Mai\Maye & August work well. And damnit, I wished that my birthday was in July! );
The name/month of July comes from Julius Caesar. I really like this name. When someone says July, I picture a flower in my head, I don't know why. Also, I'm born in July.
July was given to 12 baby girls and 8 baby boys in the USA in 2014.
I really like this name, probably because my birthday is in July. I also like the names June and August, but I'm not a huge fan of April and May. Maybe it has to do with the summer months.
I like the pronunciation "ju-LYE" better than "JU-lee" with this spelling. Even though it's a month, I still really like it.
Buhahahaha, a bit of a silly name if you ask me.
Month names such as april, may/mae and june work. The rest are just borderline silly! ^_^
I agree with the maze runner fan, names like April/May/June are okay but the rest are silly.
Ha my birthday's in July, it's a great month and a great name. Although it's not very common it's starting to grown on me, like a fungus. I like fungus's.
A nice and pretty name, even if it is a name of a month.
In NY at least, we pronounce the month Jul-eye. Maybe a nice alternative spelling to Julie, but it would get confusing with the month in terms of pronunciation. If you're trying to name the child after the month, then vice-versa.
I like the month, alright, but as a name, this doesn't sound right. The ending is bad. I don't like Lorelei either, so I guess that explains why it doesn't sound nice to me.
Probably first used as a variant of "Julie."
Ehh. July's OKAY. I wouldn't say it's good or bad, but I prefer any other month names (April, May, etc.) I mean, the JOO is kinda pretty, but then the LI is kinda ugly. Six out of ten.
Can also be pronounced like Julie.
In Canada we pronounce the month like JULL-eye. I think July would make a beautiful first name, or even middle name. July Ann is pretty.
In Swedish July is pronounced like ju-LEE.
Knock knock.
Who's there?
July who?
July or tell the truth?
A nice name for a July baby. One of my ancestors was named July Ann.
In America, the second syllable is stressed as "juLIE."

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