My name, and I love to ask my friends to spell it since it is pronounced as ‘Jordan’ for me. I’m American, so it’s fairly rare to find someone else named Jourdain.
I also love how unique it is, and I suggest to use it for a kid of your own (if anyone even reads these to be honest).
And it’s pretty badass for a savage tween that can draw better than an 8th grader- haha now I’m just flexing.
I like the name Jordan, but this variation is also cool! Interestingly the Jordan river is "Jourdain" in French, but the country Jordan (where the river is located) is "Jordanie".
Pronounced the same as "Jordan" - don't get mislead by French spelling.
Jourdain is a badass name that is very beautiful and can be used for both a boy or girl.
Extremely rare as a name.
Monsieur Jourdain is the main character in Molière's play Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (1670). Jourdain is a middle-aged bourgeois who aims to be an aristocrat.

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