Josephine Agius (née Warrior; 1934 – 2015), known as Aunty Josie, was an Aboriginal Australian health and culture educator and elder in South Australia. A Narungga, Kaurna, Ngarrindjeri, and Ngadjuri woman, Agius became well known for her Welcomes to Country at events and organisations.
― Anonymous User 10/12/2024
Josie Long is an English comedian. She started performing as a stand-up at the age of 14 and won the BBC New Comedy Awards at 17.
― Anonymous User 10/12/2024
This name is also sometimes used as a diminutive of the masculine name Josiah.
It's kind of a "meh" name to me. Nothing specific I dislike about it, but I just don't like it for some reason. Could be the "JOES" at the beginning, idk.
My name is Jocelyn, my friends call me Josie. A lot of years people have made fun of my name. For a long time, I looked at comments and some are nice and and some mean. I wanted my name to be Ari, but you know what, I don’t care anymore. I love my name so if there are comments or people who tell me that it's stupid or that it's bad, I don’t care what you say because I am proud of my name and I will always be Josie. Josie is a really cute name.
― Anonymous User 10/18/2021
I'm really sorry, but I can't take this name seriously. It sounds very silly to me, I'm really sorry about that, but I can't help it. Seriously, Josie?Let's see, as a child nickname for a little girl whose name is Johanna or Josephine and only her family and close friends call her that, okay. Seem right. I like Jo, Hana or Phina better, but whatever you want. Josie is fine.But if the girl is older or an adult, or as a full name, no way. Who would take a grown woman by the name of Josie seriously? Imagine a lawyer, judge or politician with that name. No, not that. Please. It sounds ridiculous.
As someone else said, Josi is a really cute, sassy and offbeat alternate spelling.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2021
The name Josie is packed with sugary sweetness. It's so cute! You could name your little girl this. I'm sure she'd love it. It's adorable, cheerful and positive. It sounds bright and bubbly.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2021
Josey Cirrini is one of the protagonists in the book 'The Sugar Queen' by Sarah Addison Allen. She is sweet, slightly insecure, addicted to candy and head over heels in love. Nice, responsible girl.
I actually think this is a really cute name/nickname. I think it's an awesome nickname for Josephine! However I do think it seems like it would be a little girl's name though.
Nice enough name, but knew a not so nice girl with it and can't get past that association.
― Anonymous User 6/12/2020
Great as a nickname.
― Anonymous User 5/18/2020
One of my best friends' name is Josie, but it’s just Josie. Her identical twin is named Olive and their older sister is named Ruby. I personally really like the name Josie but I never really liked it until I met the girl. I think it’s really cute and pretty and it sounds sexy and attractive.
Josie may have a lot of meanings, stemming either from "Joseph" to "Josaiah" to "Joshua" and "Hosanna" and even "Jessie". But if you want to transcribe it in Hebrew, or link it to Hebrew meaning, you need to pick between Joseph and the others because the S (samekh) in Joseph is different than the S (shin) in the other names. The sound of Josie can be pleasant to hear and easy to pronounce for everybody. But after a few days of thinking about it, this name makes me extremely sad. For me it has become cloudy, grey, since the old song "Georgy Girl" keeps popping into my head. It's totally out of my control. Josie is so phonetically close to Georgie that I can't help it. I can't stand the song Georgie Girl- it not only makes me sad, but even nauseous. It is a good name, but that song is ruining it for me personally. Maybe Josie sounds too boyish, I don't know (though unisex names are cool)Note: in Arabic, Josie is transcribed with z (zayin) and it's meaning is the same as Joseph.
My name is Josie, and I really love it! It sounds so springy and happy. Mine's not short for Josephine though; my full name is Josette. Also, I've only met about three other Josies in my entire life, so definitely good if you want a unique name.
Josie Kellyn Bates Balka is the daughter of Gil and Kelly Jo. She is married to Kelton and has one daughter, Willow.
― Anonymous User 5/19/2019
Josie Brooklyn Duggar is the daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle of “19 Kids and Counting”.
― Anonymous User 5/19/2019
My name is Josie and I can’t imagine having any other name! It's short for Josephine but no one calls me that and I don’t really like it so I’m Josie. I’ll have my friends react really weird to sub teachers calling me Josephine and one time a kid was like “there’s no one in our class named Josephine!” I don't mind though. I have only ever met two other Josie’s in my whole life so I’m not sure how common it is. Some people say it Jo-See and others say it Jo-Zee and there isn’t really a difference to me. Good middle names are Belle, Iris, violet. I just like those.
― Anonymous User 3/26/2019
Josie can also be a nickname for Joseph. If Josie can be a nickname for Josephine, it can be a nickname for any Jose- names.
― Anonymous User 1/20/2019
I like the name Josie, it sounds jaunty and friendly, but I prefer it as a nickname to Josephine. I have a friend called Josephine who alternately goes by Josie, Jo, Feeny and Fifi.
― Anonymous User 10/19/2018
In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Josie* who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 1, 040th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens. *as a first name, not a nickname.
― Anonymous User 10/8/2018
My little sister due soon in September is "Joseigh Belle". Pronounced (JO-SEE). I just love her name so much. Joseigh Josey JOSIE Jose Josi Josea Josee Josei.Our middle name options were: BELLE Fayth Iris Adrian Constync Rose.
Billy the Kid, an outlaw from the Wild West, had a brother named Joseph who was recorded to go by the name "Josie." So no matter how feminine this name may seem, know that there was at least one male "Josie."
I think this name is adorable. My best friend/cousin is a Josie and she is the cutest little 12 year old I've ever seen. She's so tiny and I call her Josie most of the time but occasionally JoJo. Her birth name is JOSIE not JOSIPHEEN (or how ever you spell that) you don't have to name your daughter Josepheen in order to call her Josie! Some cute "Josie" nicknames: JoJo Jose (Ho-say) Jo Josie Wosie Jopsey Middle names: Josie Ann (my cousin name) Josie Rose Josie Marie Josie Camille Josie Lynn Josie Margarat Josie Eloise.
Josie Geller, played by Drew Barrymore, was the main character in the 1999 romantic comedy film "Never Been Kissed" (she mentions that she was named after Josie and the Pussycats). It's an adorable, funny, romantic film that I very highly recommend!
Josie is sooooooo much better than "Jo". Josey is such a beautiful name, like "Rose" but better. I can't believe anyone who doesn't like this name! I'm going to name my daughter Josephine just so that I can call her Josie. :)
I find that the majority of parents whom choose this name pronounce it Jowz-ee, which, for some reason bothers me! If it is spelled Josie, then pronounce it Jows-ee! That way, it sounds more puerile (in a good way, of course), tranquil and prepossesing to the child, so people can probably expect a child that is eagerly compliant in living her life.