It's also sometimes a variant of Johnny.
Also Spanish (Latin American): Swedish and Norwegian:
I much prefer Jonathan, as that ages better. I love that name, it is REALLY mature, and fits any age, and is kind, soft and gentle! However, Johnny and Jonny are gummy, rough, immature, not aging well, only fits mean boys! Dear moms, go with Jonathan, that's much better!
Hate it! So immature!
I love this name because Jonny Buckland has it! He’s the best guitarist in the world and I love him very much. I created an account just to comment about him.
Jonny Quest is a media franchise that revolves around a boy named Jonathan "Jonny" Quest who accompanies his father on extraordinary adventures. The franchise started with a 1964–1965 television series and has come to include two subsequent television series, two television films, and three computer games.
Jonny Labey (born as John William Labey) is an actor known for playing Paul Coker in EastEnders.
Jonny Greenwood is a member of the British band, Radiohead. He plays the guitar among many numerous instruments.
Jonny is short for Jonathan as well. The entry for Jonny at the moment only notes that it is a variant of Johnny.
[noted -ed]
Jonny Buckland is the lead guitarist of the greatest band in the world, Coldplay! I love you Jonny! :D
As a side note, Jonny Buckland's real name is Jonathan Mark Buckland.
An old classmate named Jonny pronounced the 'Jo' as 'Yah'.

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