Jonna Aaltonen is a Finnish Paralympic equestrian who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
Another Jonna is Jonna Mendez, a veteran CIA field agent who was also Chief of Disguise at one point. Her husband was Tony Mendez (of Argo fame). Her videos for Wired and other channels are fascinating!I think of this name as: ✔ Feminine without being frilly. The -a ending gives it a flair without being sickeningly sweet or overly cutesy.
✔ Strong and confident. Jonna sounds like someone who knows what she wants and works hard for it.
✔ A nice tribute to a dad, grandfather, etc with the name John/Jon
✔ Fresh and underused.
✔ A good name for all ages, from baby to older adult.
Usages: Low German, Faroese, Norwegian (Rare)Meaning: Short form of Johanna as well as a feminine form of Jon.
Source: Tammena, Manno Peters: "Namengebung in Ostfriesland", Norden, Germany, 2009 (page 876)(Information from name #7229 originally submitted by user Diane)
It sounds a little harsh...not really my style, but it's interesting!
In English, it's pronounced as JAHN-ə in the US and JAWN-ə in the UK.
Usage: Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian, EnglishPronounced: YUWN-na (Swedish, Norwegian), YON-nah (Finnish), YO-na (Danish), JAHN-ə (American English), JAWN-ə (British English)Meaning: Scandinavian short form and English variant of Ioanna (see JOANNA).
Jonna is a character in Camilla Läckberg's novel "The Stranger."
I'm starting to like this name a lot. Except I like it as a feminine form of Jonathan or John and pronounced JAHN-ah.
Also Low German, Norwegian, Faroese usage.
This name is also used in English as a feminine form of John, pronounced JAHN-ah.
Jonna Mannion was a contestant on MTV's The Real World Cancun.
Jonna Löfgren of Boden, Northern Sweden was announced as the newest drummer in the lineup of "Glasvegas", an alternative Scottish rock band in 2010.
I really think this name is a bit too youthful for grown-ups. It's very common in my age group (I was born in 1985), and women named Jonna are going to wish they had a more mature name by the time they're 40, I'm sure.
The Dutch pronunciation is YAWN-nah:.
Ville Valo's on/off fiance is called Jonna.
Jonna sounds simple and sweet. Uncommon but not unusual. Very Swedish.

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