Jing is one of the sea lions from Seal Team. She is in a relationship with Geraldo.
― Anonymous User 5/17/2022
Xu Jing is a Chinese female archer. At the 2012 Summer Olympics she competed for her country in the Women's team event, and in 2014 became the world number one ranked archer.
In Chinese, different characters or 字,can sound the same but with different meaning altogether. So Jing can have 3 different sounds depending on the tone. It can be jīng,jǐng and jìng,but never jíng because no such Chinese character exist. It is pronounced as dz(j)ee-ng depending on the tone. It can be of any character, such as 静(silence), 京(the capital), 净(clean), 晶(crystal) etc. For me my given name is 璟,which means the luster of jade.