A famous bearer of the name is professional basketball player Jimmy Butler (1989-), who is currently playing for the Golden State Warriors and was the 30th pick overall in the 2011 NBA Draft.
Jimmy Caicedo is an Ecuadorian Paralympic athlete who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
Jimmy from the 2024 horror game "Mouthwashing".
Rest in peace, President Jimmy Carter. America honors you.
Jimmy Fallon is a famous bearer.
I’m surprised nobody’s mentioned Jimmy Butler.
Also Guernésiais:
Just a funny sounding name, belongs to kind, funny people.
Hi there, I'm MrBeast. The origin of my name is pretty simple - my real name is Jimmy, and "Beast" was a nickname from pressing the randomize button on my Xbox. As for my history, I started out making videos on YouTube as a hobby, but eventually, it turned into a full-time job. Now, I'm known for my philanthropy and unique content, and I'm grateful for all the support from my fans.
Jimmy Buffett died on September 1st, 2023.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned attorney James “Jimmy” McGill, also known as Saul Goodman on the award-winning series, “Breaking Bad” and its spinoff, “Better Call Saul”.
Wilbur James "Jimmy" Cobb (1929 – 2020) was an American jazz drummer. He was part of Miles Davis's First Great Sextet. At the time of his death, he had been the band's last surviving member for nearly thirty years. He was awarded an NEA Jazz Masters Fellowship in 2009.
Sean Penn won an Academy Award and a Golden Globe Award for his beautiful performance as Jimmy Markum in Mystic River.
Jimmy Hoffa was an American labor union leader and president of the Teamsters Union, who was linked to organized crime and went missing in 1975.
James Chi (1948 – 2017), best known as Jimmy Chi, was an Australian composer, musician and playwright. His best known work is the 1990 musical Bran Nue Dae which was adapted for film in 2009. He was of Bardi and Nyulnyul (both Indigenous Australian) descent and also of Chinese, Japanese, and Scottish descent.
Jimmy O. Yang (Chinese: 歐陽萬成; born Au-yeung Man-sing) is a Hong Kong-born American actor, stand-up comedian, and writer. As an actor, he is best known for starring as Jian-Yang in the HBO comedy series Silicon Valley, as Dr. Chan Kaifang in the Netflix comedy series Space Force, and as Josh Lin in the Netflix romantic comedy film Love Hard (2021).
Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerr beeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssssssst ohoooooh(Mr. Beast theme chorus)
Jimmy is the best name and if you disagree I will fight you.
Jimmy Savile-Some Pedo I really hate.
I prefer Jimin.
Jimmy Donaldson is the real name of the really popular youtuber MrBeast.
James "Jimmy" Woo, from the Marvel Comics, as well as the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Just no. Jimmy is referred to as a condom.
In TV anime 'Tonde Buurin' and related media, one character is named Jimmy Matsumoto (ジミー松本).
Jimmy is the name of my crush and he is the cutest ever so any hate you give is worthless.
How do you get Jimmy out of James? Like I just don’t really get it. Also I associate the name Jimmy with jerks. Even my own father who went by Jimmy was a complete jerk. I don’t like Jimmy Kimmel either. However, I do like MrBeast.
Jimmy Donaldson aka MrBeast.
MY name is Jimmy. As others have commented, it's amazing how many people have the testicular tenacity to insist that our "actual" name is James. On numerous public occasions I've registered my name as Jimmy only to have my name "corrected" and listed as James. My birth certificate lists my name as Jimmy, not James.
My father's name was Jimmy making me his Jr.. With all this said, I do realize that the name Jimmy, in the English form, is historically a derivative of the name James. I'm also aware that the name Jimmy is translated differently in various languages around the world. Perhaps my favorite translation is the name Jacob. Ultimately, however; and regardless of derivation, please respect and without argument believe us when we say our legal name is Jimmy. Additionally, please resist the urge to call us James. After all, no one shall know one's name better than the one who bares the name.
Jimmy Urine (most notably, obviously), Jimmy Page, Jimmy from South Park, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, it's also slang for penis.
My name is Jimmy but that is my real name not James. I really hate how people judge me because of my name. I love the name otherwise.
This name may be on the wane and a slight bit light, but it's not redneck nor jerk- related. Two of the hardest working people I've ever known are named James and Jimmy, and one is my uncle.
I'm mixed about this name, don't like the meaning of jimmying doors to burglarize something, but I always felt neutral, I guess, thinking of a likable Jimmy Stewart goofus. I've known only one and he was tall and good looking and had 3 jobs and I dated him briefly. Heard he died in his 30s, I don't know why. I don't think of it as a red neck or hillbilly name... maybe more gangster if I had to associate it with a group. LOVE the names James and Jamie, hate the Spanish pronunciation of them, ughs!
In 2018, 63 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Jimmy* who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 227th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens. *as a first name, not a nickname.
It's a silly stupid name and I can't help associating it with that idiot Jimmy Carter and - yeah - corny so-called comedian Jimmy Kimmel. I'm not surprised both of those jerks carry this name.
Jimmy The Bass Player.
Jimmy from South Park is a famous bearer in the fictional world.
I don't like this name at all, it sounds silly to me.
James Isaac "Jimmy" Neutron is the protagonist and title character of the animated series Jimmy Neutron, as well as Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Happy Hour, the single greatest fan fiction ever.
My son's name is James, but we have always called him Jimmy. We are Irish American and every generation has at least one "Jimmy" My son likes his nickname, and still uses it rather than James. I always thought that he would switch to James as an adult, but he didn't. Neither did my brother, or my uncle, or my uncle's dad...
For me it is a very childish nickname; there are a lot of better names. I can say that I never loved the name James and all his nicknames. Jacob is so much better.
Jimmy is the name of the incredible lead guitarist of the band Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Page!
Jimmy is the name of Sara's best friend on the cartoon Ed Edd n Eddy.
OK, this name isn't the WORST name in the world, I just think that it should be used as a nickname. People called me this until I was 5. And while I said it isn't the worst name, I still don't like it. It is too informal, and too common.
This was my nickname and I don't like it, too childish.
Jimmy Whetzel, an American YouTuber, bears this name.
My favorite nickname for James. It's better than going by just plain old Jim or Jamie.
I think Jimmy is a cool nickname for James.
Jimmy Price is a crime scene investigator on the television series "Hannibal."
Really quite unusable in the UK in light of the Jimmy Savile scandal.Disgusting man. Makes me sick.
An INfamous bearer is Jimmy Savile.
Jimmy Palmer is a character on NCIS, played by Brian Dietzen.
My favorite nickname for James! (And the only one I like) It's so cute and fits all ages, but ONLY as a nickname! I really disagree with the people who think it's a redneck name... I don't get where you came up with that! But anyways, it's strange to me how people actually name their children nicknames as full names, what if they actually want to be someone important in society? If you want to call your son Jimmy, I'd say name him James and call him Jimmy. It's adorable :) also, I know someone who uses this as a nickname for Jaime, the Spanish equivalent of James.
I think Jimmy is sweet name. It reminds me of how in Britain sprinkles are called jimmies. Sweet!
Jimmy Cooper is the troubled teen protagonist of The Who's 1973 rock opera Quadrophenia, which was later turned into a movie. It's my favorite album of all time, so I'm kind of partial to the nickname.
James "Jimmy" Sullivan is the drummer for the band Avenged Sevenfold.
I love the name James, but I would never, ever call my child Jimmy. Simply because it ruins the regal sound of James.
James (Jimmy) Bartel is a professional Australian Rules footballer. He plays for the Geelong Football Club and in 2007 won both the Brownlow (highest individual honour for an Aussie Rules player) and the Grand Final.
Comedian Jimmy Carr bears this name who is very popular in the Uk and known for his appearances on many game shows (8 out of 10 Cats, Would I lie to you?, QI and Have I Got News for You).
It is a redneck jerk's name. I've never met a nice Jimmy, and I've met quite a few. Plus I don't like that it's a nickname of James, they're pretty much the same length so it just confuses and annoys me.
In Adventures in Odyessy, one of the characters (the little boy in the Barclay family) is named Jimmy Barclay. He fits the role of the stereotypical "annoying little brother". The writers of Adventures in Odyessy have said that his name came from Jimmy Stewart's.
This sounds like something redneck jerks are called.
Jimmy MacElroy is one of the major characters in "Blades of Glory", played by Jon Heder.
Whenever I hear the name Jimmy, I automatically start singing in my head, "Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care." It's rather annoying.
Jimmy Ingram is the guitar player for the band Spur 58.
Jimmy Olsen is Clark Kent's buddy at the Daily Planet in the Superman comics and movies. His character was also just recently added to the TV show, Smallville.
Famous bearer: the amazing Jimmy Page.
Famous bearer: Jimmy Buffet.
When I was young, I remember meeting a girl named Jimmy once. It was very strange and also somewhat funny since she was very girly with pink bows and all. I always thought of questioning her if it was her real name or if it was a nickname but I was always too terrified to ask.
To "jimmy" something is to forcibly open it, as if with a short crowbar (which is called a jimmy). (He jimmied the door open, for example.)What are often just called "sprinkles" and are put on ice cream are also known as "jimmies." Though jimmy is the older term, it is sadly dying out. (I'm a jimmies loyalist, I'll admit.)
Jimmy Neutron is a show on Nick. Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genuis! Not that I watch it or anything!
St. Jimmy is the name of a Green Day song off of "American Idiot." It's a kick-ass song and I also have an uncle called Jimmy.
Jimmy Robbins is an acoustic musician with a band called Too Sorry for Apologies.
Jimmy Stewart was an actor who starred in many movies including "It's a Wonderful Life."
My ex-father named Jimmy has proved a right disappointment leaving at the beginning of this year so I now have bad thoughts of the name! I used to love the name but now it gives me very bad images.

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