I named my second son Jimmy, and we often call him Jim. We’re close to his great-grandpa, a wonderful man named Jimmy/Jim and the reason we chose the name. I’ll agree it’s not the most interesting name, and it is far removed from its Biblical roots in Jacob. There are even names I like better. But there are a lot of reasons to like Jim!There are myriad “Jims” from the 20th century we could point to—many good and many bad people. I don’t really bother anymore with who else was a bearer of a name (unless it’s a really obviously bad one). Rather, it’s just something fun to think about. My impression of “Jim” comes from our grandpa, but also there are lots of pretty cool examples. I think of Jimmy Stewart, one of my all time favorite actors. Jim Elliot, a Christian missionary. Jim Hawkins, from the story Treasure Island. Jim Halpert from The Office.I also get the classic Greatest generation/WWII era kind of vibe from this name. It sounds manly, strong, straightforward, classic in an old-fashioned way. It’s not back in style for this generation yet, but somehow that makes it appealing for me. Maybe Jim will come back around as a cool name again in future years.
― Anonymous User 2/19/2024
Redneck name, how could anyone name their son this?!?!? It's lame.
― Anonymous User 11/29/2023
James "Jim" Thorpe (Sac and Fox (Sauk): Wa-Tho-Huk, translated as "Bright Path"; 1887 – 1953) was an American athlete and Olympic gold medalist. A member of the Sac and Fox Nation, Thorpe was the first Native American to win a gold medal for the United States in the Olympics. Considered one of the most versatile athletes of modern sports, he won two Olympic gold medals in the 1912 Summer Olympics (one in classic pentathlon and the other in decathlon). He also played football (collegiate and professional), professional baseball, and basketball.
― Anonymous User 7/17/2023
James McLeish “Jim” Reid (born 29 December 1961) is a Scottish singer/songwriter and the lead singer for the alternative rock band The Jesus and Mary Chain, which he formed with his elder brother and guitarist William Reid in 1983.
Jim is the name of Kim's evil boyfriend in the 1990 movie Edward Scissorhands. He is jealous of Edward and manages to turn the town's people against Edward.
I grew up in Germany. In my early teen years, I read a book series called "Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver" (Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer) by a German author called "Michael Ende". Jim was the main character.
Jim is a character in My Little Pony. He is a dog chancellor in Dimondia, and is only present in the comics "My Little Pony : Friends Forever". He is part of the "Diamond Dogs" group.
― Anonymous User 2/24/2021
I knew a boy called Jimmy, just Jimmy. It sounded a bit weird at his age so I called him Jim.
― Anonymous User 12/18/2020
Jim Pickens is a reoccurring character on the Youtube channel Call Me Kevin.
― Anonymous User 12/10/2020
Ah, Jim was my grandpa's name! I'm not a huge fan of the sound, but because of him I get an extremely positive vibe from this name. I definitely prefer it to Jimmy.
My given name is James, but prefer being called Jim. James has always reminded me of those old black and white 1940's films, where the butler or chauffeur is called James. Like,"James, Lady Winston and I will take tea in the garden today." or "Home James!" Worse than that, James used for some country bumpkin.
In 2018, 51 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Jim* who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 468th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens. *as a first name, not a nickname.
Jim is a character in "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain. He is a slave of Miss Watson who is trying to escape slavery with the help of Huck Finn. The spoken dialect he uses in the book is easily recognizable.
― Anonymous User 2/8/2018
I think this is an awful nickname. It sounds like the name of your neighbor or uncle, and I can't imagine someone actually having this as a full name.
― Anonymous User 1/23/2018
Jim Pohlad is the owner of the Minnesota Twins of the American League. He is the son of Eloise (O'Rourke) and businessman Carl Pohlad. Upon the death of his father, on January 5, 2009, he inherited ownership of the Twins franchise.
Jim Chuchu is a Kenyan film director, photographer, singer-songwriter and visual artist. He first came to attention as a member of Kenyan music group Just A Band and subsequently as director of Kenyan LGBT film Stories of Our Lives.
Despite my strong hatred for the highly-overrated James, I quite like the nickname Jim. It sounds neighborly and humble. Plus, Jim Carrey is a childhood idol of mine.
Another name that I can't stand. It sounds so strange to my ears. I dislike so much James and all his nicknames like Jim. All of them are so far from the real name in the Bible that is Yaacov, used also in many languages for both Jacob and James.
I love the nickname Jim for the name James! There are so many things I could say about it. It's strong, manly, and firm. It sounds like a trustworthy man with a sense of humor, someone friendly, very loyal, and kind. I knew someone named Jim; a middle aged man who was the pianist in my church. He was very friendly, and funny in a way.
Although he's known as James in most of the other incarnations, in the BBC series 'Sherlock', Sherlock Holmes' nemesis introduces himself as follows: "Jim Moriarty... hi!" He's called Jim during most of his scenes. So much about Jim being a name for a trustworthy, good-willed person, who's only up to some harmless mischief... :)
Hahaha, not to be mean, but that comment about Jim sounding like the name of someone you could trust made me laugh a little bit. Because whenever I think of the name Jim, I think of Jim Jones, the leader of the People's Temple who convinced 909 people to kill themselves. He's where the phrase, "Don't drink the Kool-aid." comes from. With an impression like that, I'm not a fan of the name obviously! Stick with James, I say.
A famous bearer is the actor Jim Parsons, who is best known for his role as Dr Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory. Sheldon is my favorite character on my favorite show, and his catchphrase "Bazinga!" is my username.
I've always liked Jim--a heck of a lot more than Jamie. It's a bit of a dying name; I don't know any kids named Jim, they're all James or Jamie. I don't like that. Jim's a nice name, it sounds cool and I don't really like it when there's a nickname for a name and people use the full name. I don't like kids called Henry (I like Hank and Harry), Thomas (Tom) or Michael (Mike). Jim's a cool name, and I wish that more kids were named it.
Jim Hutton was Freddie Mercury's lover. You know, Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of Queen? Of course you do! There isn't any other lead singer, or any other band!
My impression of a "Jim" is someone who is handsome and friendly, and a trustworthy person to have as a friend. Loyal and quiet, but with a sense of humor. Responsible, but not without a willingness to be about a little harmless mischief.
I don't think of this name as a "yaaaawn...booo-ring" name like some of you. Jim is a cool simple name that reminds me of a nice fit man. It's better than half the names I hear nowadays.
There was a missionary named Jim Elliot who was murdered along with four other missionaries in the jungles of Ecuador. His wife, Elisabeth Elliot, has written a book about it titled "Through Gates of Splendor."
― Anonymous User 7/10/2006
― Anonymous User 4/3/2006
I prefer Jamie or Jacey, Jim sounds lame and too "Amish." Brrr.
― Anonymous User 4/3/2006
Not exactly famous, but a bearer of this name is Cairo Jim from the Cairo Jim Chronicles by Geoffrey McSkimming.