It’s a cool name that is very youthful. I like the more unusual spelling of this name - Jey- with an E instead of A.
― Anonymous User 7/9/2024
In my opinion this is the ultimate queer name. It's a 'true' unisex name, it doesn't indicate a particular gender, and can be short for a bunch of other 'queer' names like Jamie and Jayden. I love it.
Jay is my Fathers first name and my middle name (family tradition- father's first name is son's middle name- worked well for me as Douglas Jay but my Dad got screwed -his middle name was Melvin) I've always liked it and even used to go by Jay in middle school because there was another Douglas in my grade that was a jackalope and I didn't want to be confused with him. Jay has always been a fun loving name to me like "cool as a J Bird". I used to like telling people that my middle name starts with a J and ask them to try to guess it. I always have to tell them that it's J A Y. I think it's a great name.
I believe that Jay or Jaylen is one of the most beautiful names ever in the whole world and nobody can compare to the name Jay or Jaylen because of how powerful, beautiful, fantastic, most worthiest, funniest, coolest, prettiest, cutest, mutest, bestest, wonderfulest, amazingness, happiness, most handsomest name ever. And he gets all the girls!
I love the name Jay:) You could call him Jay-Jay as a nickname. I would really consider using this one day! @ciara23, you are right. It means Jaybird. I like the middle name Axel or Marco.
Jay is a really cool name I would seriously consider for a son (if I ever have one) one day. In my opinion, it’s better than Jayden, Jaden, or Jaydon. And Jay actually has a meaning. I think it’s good for nickname or first name. I also really like the sibset Indie & Jay. Overall Jay is a nice name.
Many people are saying that it is too short, and should be followed by a longer middle name. Do not worry, my fellow name nerds! I choose Jay Rowan (or possibly Rohan. I haven't changed it yet) when deciding on a new name. I like it. Sometimes I worry about it being to cliche for trans men but it's alright that a lot of us choose it.
― Anonymous User 12/28/2018
My name is Jay, it's short for Jasmine! This name could stand well on a woman, because it could be short for names like Jacqueline, Josephine, and many more J- names for women.
― Anonymous User 2/12/2018
Personally, I find just the name Jay with no nicknames as a unisex name. If I ever have a daughter, I will name her Jay. I have always loved it for a girl. I find it to be too feminine for a boy name. But anyways, if anyone reading this is having a girl and somehow stumbled upon this comment made by an eleven year old, then I think you should name her "Jay" or "Jayla". Something along those lines.
My brother's name is Jason and like many other guys sharing his name, he often goes by Jay. I like Jay more as a nickname or as a middle name if used by itself.
― Anonymous User 9/29/2016
It's not so bad, but it's too short in my opinion. I prefer Jake as a nickname for Jacob.
James is my last name, and when I chose a new name for myself (I'm trans) nothing from my first or middle name would work so I took Jay from my last name and voila. So technically it's a nickname but really it's just my name.
― Anonymous User 5/30/2016
I though Jay could be a girls' name too! It sounds like a gender-neutral name to me, similar to Robin/Robyn and Sparrow. It could be a short form of Jamie, Jaime and Jayden, which can all be girls' names.
― Anonymous User 1/22/2016
I'd use it as a full name. I've met guys named Jay and it always stands out and sounds nice. If I do use it, it'll most likely be used as a nickname, but only because I already like a lot of "J" names for boys.
It's alright as a nickname. Although I can not stand it as an independent name because it's rather dull.
― Anonymous User 5/25/2015
I like it as a nickname for another name like James or Jason for example, but independently I don't like it at all, it sounds incomplete and there are 0 good nicknames for it.
― Anonymous User 3/21/2015
It's a nice name on its own; it's not my favorite, but I still like it. It also can be a nickname for pretty much any male name beginning with the letter J :-)
Jay might be nice as a nickname, but PLEASE - do NOT use this as a first name. Middle name, maybe, but not first name. (Unless you like the Hindi name or meaning of Jay.) Anyway, that's just my opinion. I sorta like the sound, but I really think that it should either be short for something or a nickname - never a first name. It has no real structure as a name.
Okay, well, perhaps in SOME cases it can serve as a good first name. *Takes back some of what I said earlier* In my opinion though, it should only be followed by a substantial middle name, or else it won't sound right.
Jay is a good nickname for a name like James or Jacob. It shouldn't be used on its own though, it has no etymology and just sounds like a nickname for a longer name.