Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Jesus, this name is awful! This is a case study on why I hate the trend of weird spellings of names.
What kind of name is this? I personally prefer Justin. The Y vowel does not always have to make it a feminine name.
A tragedeigh.
This isn't (exclusively) a baby name site. It's, rather, a name "Wikipedia". I don't really like this name, but all names are good in some way. I like the pronunciation but not care for the spelling.
I'd like to buy a vowel.
Honestly, I think this would be a wonderful name for a baby girl.
Funnily enough, even though many modern parents choose to curse their child with an absurdly-spelt/invented name like this in order for them to be “unique,” it’s actually the timeless, classic names like Irene, Rose, Ada, Eve, Marie, etc. That have become rarer these days and actually make the user stand out more.
Be really for real right now… Jaxtyn? Hitting them with the double made-up-spelling name whammy, or is it a triple? It’s like a joke.
Only in UTAH💀.
It's an ugly and idiotic name. Just use Justin, it's better.
This name is incredibly ugly and unprofessional-sounding. I can't see it on a resume.
When I see this name I can picture a white British teenager who is a disgusting little greasy scumbag who hides crisp packets under their bed.
This is so weird. No thanks.
Huh!? 10% rating, y’all! That is lower than for the name Rumpelstiltskin! This name must really be a hate magnet or something.
If I was a man and my mother named me this, I'd change my name as soon as I was able to.
I'm honestly glad this name is dropping out of use. Hopefully this name will never come back to the top 1000 at any point in the future.
This name is arson for the eyes.
And the award for the most trailer trash name of all time, goes to whatever the heck this is.
Stripper's name.
To my knowledge, this is the most disliked name on the entire website! Congrats on the TWO PERCENT APPROVAL RATE! Yeah, this name is a dumpster fire.
I think parents are starting to get a little too creative...
People, just use Jaxton! Jaxtyn sounds so weird! Please listen to me, it'll save your child's life!
Yikes...normally I don't hate comment/criticize names, but based on these other comments, I must say, this is bad.
You know, I thought the kre8yve spellings of Jackson were bad enough. This is next level.
Wow, this is bad.If you must have it please spell it Jaxton.
Unnecessarily difficult to spell, tacky and childish. Terrible name all around.
Tinkly, embarrassing name. Forever babyish. This kid, boy or girl, will never grow up.
Atrocious and tacky.
Absolutely the worst of the worst.

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