My mom's name is Jacqueline and she usually goes by Jackie. She's always hated being called Jack, but she's never minded when people call her Jax/Jacks. I think some people use it as alternative to Jack since it's more gender neutral — or at least less strictly masculine.Personally I adore it.I understand some people find it too trendy or whatever, but it's really not that different from Max both in origin and sound. Maybe once upon a time Max was viewed as overly trendy, as well… I believe this conception of Jax will pass, with time. Eventually it will become as common and ordinary as Max. Judging by its current position on the charts, it's well on its way there.
Extremely similar in history and usage to Max:
✓ short form of a surname (Maxwell, Jackson)
✓ aforementioned surname was originally formatted as "[Name]'s [x]" (Mack's well, Jack's son)
✓ the plural became combined with the original name over time (Mack → Mack's → Max, Jack → Jack's → Jax)
✓ original name is slang for man (ex. Guy)
It’s the TADC rabbit!
"Jax" was a purple bunny with red overalls and the second main character in "The Amazing Digital Circus".
It feels a little bit young, though I'm sure that will change as all the Jaxes grow up.
Tacky and immature, but at least it isn't Jaxx.
Jax is a nickname for Jaxon.
Combined meaning of “brave warrior” and “sent by god”, like someone said before: rooted in the traditional Ajax or Jonathan.
It's cool, although Idk what is the purpose of this...Can't you use Jack?
So cool! Loving this name!
Cool name! I don’t get why so many people hate this.
A fresh twist on the name combinations of Ajax (“brave warrior”) and Jonathan/Jack (“gift from God”).
Oh my god I can’t believe that I used to like this name. It’s gross.
Cool-guy name. I personally like it for a little boy and also for a grown man. Especially if paired with a long/traditional last name or middle name.
Masculine and cool.
Immature and tryndee. Won't sound great past the age of 10.
I REALLY LIKE THE NAME! I think it's very pretty and a good thing is it's gender neutral (at least I think it is XD) and after I finally came out as enby and changed my name to Jax, I really like it! I mostly get positive comments from people :3 and IT SOUNDS SO COOL :0.
It’s a little weird. I prefer Jack or Jackie.

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