Extremely similar in history and usage to Max:
✓ short form of a surname (Maxwell, Jackson)
✓ aforementioned surname was originally formatted as "[Name]'s [x]" (Mack's well, Jack's son)
✓ the plural became combined with the original name over time (Mack → Mack's → Max, Jack → Jack's → Jax)
✓ original name is slang for man (ex. Guy)
It’s the TADC rabbit!
"Jax" was a purple bunny with red overalls and the second main character in "The Amazing Digital Circus".
It feels a little bit young, though I'm sure that will change as all the Jaxes grow up.
Tacky and immature, but at least it isn't Jaxx.
Jax is a nickname for Jaxon.
Combined meaning of “brave warrior” and “sent by god”, like someone said before: rooted in the traditional Ajax or Jonathan.
It's cool, although Idk what is the purpose of this...Can't you use Jack?
So cool! Loving this name!
Cool name! I don’t get why so many people hate this.
A fresh twist on the name combinations of Ajax (“brave warrior”) and Jonathan/Jack (“gift from God”).
Oh my god I can’t believe that I used to like this name. It’s gross.
Cool-guy name. I personally like it for a little boy and also for a grown man. Especially if paired with a long/traditional last name or middle name.
Masculine and cool.
Immature and tryndee. Won't sound great past the age of 10.
I REALLY LIKE THE NAME! I think it's very pretty and a good thing is it's gender neutral (at least I think it is XD) and after I finally came out as enby and changed my name to Jax, I really like it! I mostly get positive comments from people :3 and IT SOUNDS SO COOL :0.
It’s a little weird. I prefer Jack or Jackie.

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