Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I find this name so beautiful.
It is an awesome name that isn't common in the United States. I hated it while growing up, but like it now. I was thinking Janica or Janafer is cool.
It's a name of my Czech friend. I like it and she does too. It's short and nice sounding, and doesn't need any nicknames.
My name is Jana pronounced Jan-uh. I've only met a couple of people with my name. Growing up I hated it but I grew to love it.
I once had a German penpal called Jana, pronounced YA-na. I've always thought it is a really pretty name.
I love this name, especially the pronunciation.
I prefer the pronunciation "Jan-uh".
In the US this name is very rare. It's really a pleasant feeling to know that my name is shared by others in other countries as well.

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