Jana Burčeska is a Macedonian singer. She represented Macedonia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 in Ukraine, with the song "Dance Alone". Burčeska first came to prominence after placing fifth on Macedonian Idol.
Jana is the most ordinary and most boring Czech name ever! Totally run-of-the-mill. I have never understood why, for God's sake, so many parents give their baby-girls this name. Czech pronunciation is YAH-NAH.
Model Jana Doležel Model Jana Dvořák Model Jana Horáčková Model Jana Křečková Model Jana Leskotová Model Jana Pohanková Model Jana Schwarz Model Jana Stejskal Model Jana Šálková Model Jana Šmídová Model Jana Vojkuvková Model Jana Zábojník
It's a very common Czech name. Pronounced YAH-nah. Nothing special, boring. But it usually fits to every surname. I'm glad that my cousin was named earlier than me so I got another name. :)
Contrary to one of the comments above, this name IS used in Poland, even if it's rare. In 1994, there were 119 women registered with this name (source: Kazimierz Rymut, Słownik imion współcześnie w Polsce używanych). In 2015, sixteen girls were named Jana (ranked #175 along with Adriana and Stella).