Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think James is a charming and timeless name that has a historic backing to it that very few names could rival. In conclusion, James has been around for decades and has charmed would-be parents in naming their sons by this nice moniker. Cheers!
Dirt common. So many people named James. So, solution? Just don't use it. Just don't. But I know you will anyway because James are all born from the beast.
It's so sad that I'm able to say this, but I'm not that surprised that people are trying to make James a unisex name. But I just can't understand it... why do people have to be name their daughters James when they could be named something so much more beautiful, like Maria, Clara, Felicity, Lily, Annaliese, Samantha, or Melody? I feel like people are trying so hard to be "creative" with their children's names that they choose the most uncreative options. Seriously, naming a girl James just sounds wrong. Those poor girls.James has never quite been a personal favorite of mine until more recently, probably because it's just always been so common. But it's definitely a good name for boys/men and I've started to really like it, especially because I've met several men named James who are wonderful people. It's a solid name that you can't go wrong with (unless it's on a girl of course) and Saint James is definitely a good patron saint!
Great name and definitely not for a girl!
Seriously, who would ever name their daughter James? It’s a clearly masculine name.
I love this. It’s stood the test of time for sure. It suits any age. It seems handsome and smart to me. It’s my all time favorite.
It doesn’t take many brain cells to name your kid this.
I can’t see why so many people are saying it sounds like a girl name. To me, it doesn’t. Am I missing something? I hope not.
Always thought it was too generic, simple and overused. The nicknames don't make any sense ('Jimmy' isn't a shortening, it's dumb), I just know way too many Jameses I think. Not the worst name ever, and I get why people like it, but it just doesn't impress me.
James is a timeless, classic name that fits at any age.
My name is James and growing up with this name, I never felt it was unique or anything because I had two school mates who shared the same first name. I was always called "Jim" by friends or "Jimmy" by family. (Shrug) Go figure. Now, I don't really care. I like my name, but I wouldn't say it is special nor unique simply because it is very common. Anyway that's my take. Bye!
I like the name James, since it is a family name. With that said, it would not be under any consideration for a hypothetical son as there are already quite a few James' in my family. My husband feels the same way as both uncles from his side of the family also go by James. It gets really confusing during family get togethers. Lol!
Whether one likes a name or not is really up to the individual. What cannot be denied, however is the continued popularity of James and its other variations of the same name, e.g., Jacob, Santiago, Thiago, etc. I think James is ok. Not exactly to my taste, but I cannot complain if someone else likes it otherwise.
Sooo ugly and outdated, please use the name Jack as it's better than James.
It’s very handsome and works very well as a first name and a middle name. It’s very popular though. The form Jacob is a nice alternative. Both are equally nice names. (Jacob is a cognate of this name.)
Way overdone and reminds me of jam.
I like it for a girl.
It's a good name, if a bit overused. I'd rather use a variant of James rather than James itself because the name is just so overused.
I hate it, common and boring, stop naming your kid like this, it’s getting old.
There are trendy names with a vintage quality and then there are classics with a timeless appeal. The name James belongs, in my humble opinion, in the latter category. I like the name, not only because it has an ‘evergreen’ quality to it, but also, at the same token, exhibits a sophisticated appearance that has no age limit. I like this name so much that I have long since added it to my list of possible boy names for a future son.
This name is so not for girls and it is not a bad name.
While I love how timeless and strong this name is, it's a smidge too popular for my tastes even if that banner looks pretty nice, not gonna lie.
I only like this as a boy's name. For girls I would recommend Jamie or Jane.
A classic. I neither like or dislike it. James is just James. James has always been there and always will be and that's just it and whatever.
Just timeless. Can’t go wrong with such a strong masculine name.
I agree that this is a boy's only name. I'm not a hater unless I have a reason.
Awesome name. I prefer it for a boy, but don’t mind it for a girl either.And to all those people who say nasty things about it for a girl, CALM DOWN. People are free to do whatever they want and just because you disagree does not mean you have to be rude about it.
Love it for boys. Hate it for girls.
Honestly, it's whatever, I think it's really over used and because it's so overused I don't think it would be interesting on a girl or a boy. The name leaves a rather bad taste in my mouth, everyone I've ever met that is named James and actively prefers and goes by James has been a jerk, but I've met plenty of guys named James who go by their middle name or by Jim or Jimmy and they’re wonderful people.
James is my middle name and I know of several people called James that are lovely. I like the name a lot.I have quite honestly never met a female James, though... I always thought of it as a 100% male name and I have only ever met male ones. I know Jamie can be unisex, but I didn't know James was as well.
James is a very nice name. I guess I don’t really have any place to comment about it being used on girls. Personally, I wouldn’t, but you can if you want. It would be your child. I love how classy and handsome it is for boys, though. It also seems timeless because James is always on the charts. I also love the nickname Jim.
I really dislike the idea of giving this name to a girl. It makes me think that the parents were expecting a boy and disappointed when the baby was a girl. I hate it when some people think giving a girl a boy's name will make them strong, what's wrong with giving her a female name? She can embrace her own femininity and be as strong as she wants. The double standard is real.
It's a pretty old fashioned name, a lot of older men (30 to 50) are called James, I have two people in my family with that name, I think it would be cute for a little boy.
It's a strong name. I wonder why my husband prefers to be called Jimmy.
I didn't know that people used James for girls, it doesn't sound at all feminine. I really like it for boys, though, but if you want to give a girl a J name, it could be Jane, or Jade, or even Jasmine, all lovely girl names.
It’s handsome, but I think of James Charles sadly.
I like it I think! (Oh and I don’t like it for girls, I don’t even see like 1% femininity in James).
Stop trying to cover it up by saying this name is masculine, this name is TRULY feminine and for girls only! If it’s masculine why does it sound similar to the names Jane, and Jade?
Just because a name SOUNDS similar to another one doesn't mean it is.
Eh, pretty much like Michael, very overused. But I think it’s way worse on girls.
I’m telling you, a girl will be bullied for having the name James. Stop it with putting boy names on girls and name your child Jamie. I’m 100% sure you wouldn’t name a boy Isabella.
Not a horrible name, but so overrated.
I am against naming James on girls, I think this name only works on boys. It sounds handsome and simple. For girls you can use Jacqueline, Jamie-Lynn, or Jamesine/a. Jane and Jemima are the closest sound too!For the people who named their daughter James might think this name "sounds strong and desirable for her, and the other girls' names are too soft and feminine", or like: "this name shows female empowerment" you subconsciously saying to your child that masculine things are better for her and feminine things are not. How do you think this name is showing female empowerment if you are using A MALE NAME?
One of the most dignified names. A name for all seasons, and it will never get old. It's not for girls, by the way!
James Charles ruined this name!
Wow, look at the U.S. popularity chart for this name. Hopefully no male names like Ezra, Adrian and Julian will be unisex in the future...
Although it's pretty common, James is one of those classic names that no matter who has it, it will always be one of the best. I can't believe people use this as a girl's name, James has always been for a boy. James is one of the most handsome names out there, and is definitely a good option.
Such a HANDSOME name!
James sounds like a really cool name. Any boy named James must be a super star.
This name is boring and overused, but it makes a great middle name for boys. This name is disgusting on a girl and should be kept for boys only. Use Jamie for the girls.
I hate it, it’s old and common and should not be used anymore.
Fits way better on a girl!
Somehow despite the popularity, James never gets boring to me. It's simple and timelessly classic and effortlessly handsome on all genders. It can suit a plethora of different personalities as well as any age. The nicknames are difficult to dislike, even though I prefer just James. There's something really nice about Jay or Jimmy, though.
Honestly, seeing that everybody apparently hates this name as a girl's name makes me want to name my daughter that. Especially because to me it seems more like a diminutive of a longer name for both boys and girls. Like Jules is a cute nickname for people called Julia or Julius, James could be a short version of names like Jamson or Jamina.
If you love the name James, but are having a girl, here are some alternatives:Jacobina
JacobaYes, feminine forms of male names exist if you, say, have a man in your family who you want to name your daughter after. Just don't go around giving her a guys' name. It looks awful TRUST ME, and a girl will get so much s*** for having a name like 'James', 'Richard' or 'Andrew'. Names have genders just like people. On another note, I can't believe nobody has mentioned James Charles...
I am not a misogynist, so I don't mind unisex names and if people want to name their daughters James that's fine with me.
Morgan has always been unisex, James is not, it's male.
Well if people are naming their daughters James, ok let's name our sons Isabella, Rebecca and Rosie. Hate it huh? Isabella on boys that sounds illegal! Well this is how we feel when someone names his / her daughter James!
This is my name and I really don't like it not gonna lie. When I am 18 I'm gonna change my name to Jasper because it sounds and looks cool, thank you for all the complements on my name.
I really like James. It's a strong, timeless, masculine name that has so many great namesakes and can fit a male of any age, but it's just way too common.
It's currently #6 in the U.S, and has been no lower than #19 for AT LEAST 141 years.
James is such a classic, handsome name for a boy. There is NOTHING feminine about it.
I ADORE this on a girl!
James is my middle name. I like it a lot. I am surprised to hear that some girls have been called James, as I thought it was entirely masculine. I know that Jamie is a unisex name, but I didn't think James was.
I like this name! Honestly, it's ok on a girl in my opinion. Jaime is a cute nickname (or Jamie).
I think James is a nice name. A strong timeless classic.
Handsome, ancient, silky name. Like the name Katherine, it’s endlessly classy and shimmers like the night sky.
James is one of my absolute favorite names for boys. James Matthew and James Xavier are my favorite combinations.
I definitely prefer James as a masculine name, but I don't see the issue of it being used for a girl. I think there are better names for girls, but it wouldn't be a problem at all.
Alright, it's time for me to get this off my chest…
I've read a decent amount of complaints about girls with traditionally-male/male-dominated names... I can understand how, especially considering the rise in unisex names (specifically for girls), guys might feel as though, pretty soon, every name is going to become unisex, and guys won't be able to have “any names to themselves”. Although I understand where those people are coming from, it's honestly pretty selfish. I mean, say you're a dude, and your name is James, alright? If you meet a girl named James, that doesn't make you any less of a man, and it doesn't make your name any less of a masculine name. Nor does it make her name any less of a feminine name. Her name says a lot more about her than it does you. Her name has everything to do with her, and nothing to do with your masculinity. Besides, you need to take into consideration the reasoning that goes into these names for girls... If you're a guy, you don't really have to deal with sexism in the same way that women do. Parents (specifically mothers) might desire to give their daughter a predominately-masculine name in hopes of breaking the mold, bending gender rules/expectations, and encouraging female empowerment. For guys, I understand that it may be easy to overlook things like that, but if you really take time to think about it and take all of those important things into consideration, it'll give you a greater sense of empathy, and perhaps even a different opinion on traditionally/predominantly-masculine names for girls.
If you want your daughter to hate you, then go ahead and name her James.
A common name, but handsome and timeless. I just don't understand the comments that girls are named James. Jamie is good for either gender, but James... NO!
A classical, safe, and beautiful name.
In my opinion this name is unattractive.
One of the reasons I hate the US is because of people just turning all the good masculine name into feminine names!
First was Morgan. Then Ariel and now James.
I can see in future the US is going to let the parents name their daughters William, Andrew or Aaron.
Stop it please! James is a BOY'S NAME!
James is one of my absolute favorite names for a boy. It's so classy and sweet, and could fit just about any type of person. Plus, the nickname Jamie is just precious. And while it's not my favorite on a little girl, I think that if you want to name your daughter James, go for it! Use the names you love.
There're so many classic names which fell out of favor out there, like Walter and Francis, why do parents give their children names as OVERUSED as James and John? I just can't understand. For people having much too common surnames like Smith and Jones, using overused first names may be catastrophic.
I love this name. It's a timeless classic that should never be altered or shortened. I knew a classy Englishman with this name. I love Jim from The Office but I just don't care for his name because it sounds trite and stupid and seems more suited to an old man. James should never be changed to Jamie because that sounds too girly and is usually said as a condescending remark.
Don't ever name your daughter James, please! Don't do this to your daughter! What did she ever do to you? NOTHING don't give your innocent daughter such a masculine boy's name, leave James for the boys please!
This name is quite a classic that has been around for ages. No wonder most people refer to it as timeless.
As far as most commenters are concerned, I am inclined to concur with their sentiments on this name as an exclusively masculine one. PS- I am a James myself and it is unheard of where I come from to give this name to girls.
My name is James, and as a James I feel I have the authority to decree that if parents want to name their daughters James then it's none of my business. Just like it's none of anyone else's business.
I love it. It is a timeless, classic name that suits all ages. James is my middle name.
When I was growing up my mom used to read, 'James and the Giant Peach', before I went to sleep. Therefore, I genuinely associate this name with the book and fictional character.
Very handsome name! It's common yeah but impressions could be blank because of that. The names are toss ups like you get James Acaster or James Corden, very big difference!
Even though this name is really common, I still like it! (not because of James Charles lol)
Definitely better as a middle name, but has biblical meaning to Christians.
Love the combo James Charles. HEY SISTERS!
Everyone who is getting mad about James being used as a gender neutral name needs to calm down. You don't like the name James for a girl? Okay, don't name your daughter James and mind your own business. I think it's a nice name for anyone and I have a nonbinary friend who named themself James. It's a classic name that works for anybody!
I only just found out that St James is the Patron saint of Spain and I love that country, I loved the name James already, it's common in Scotland and England too, great name.
I cannot believe some people are giving their daughters the name James. I understand Jamie, as it is a unisex name, but James? What's next, William? Nothing about it sounds feminine. Not every name needs to be unisex. There's not many options for nice masculine names, but SO many for feminine. Not saying you NEED to pick a strictly feminine name, but why not something actually unisex, like Riley? Heck, if we can make every male name unisex, why not female? From now on, my son is named Emma. James has been a masculine name, is a masculine name, and will stay a masculine name.
Really boring, there is really not that much good in it, just a another popular name, little bit annoying. Well, not that bad, but, just boring.
Please get your facts straight people! Boy names on girls is not cool. It’s ridiculous! It’s not unique to give a girl a male name at all! Please keep boy names for the boys only. The male-to-female trend should come to an end.
I agree. The female-to-male trend should end.
Hate it for girls. Love it for boys.
I can’t believe people are using boy names on girls because boys would look very awkward being named Jasmine or something.
But some parents think that it’s better for boys names on girls which makes me sick.
James isn't a good girl's name. I know that some people are like "Boy names on girls is a popular trend, stop being so close minded.", but why would you use a name that's been used on men for CENTURIES, when there are so many beautiful girl's names out there to choose from?
Classic! James can work on a child but I think most people see it as an adult name. That might soon change however!
The name James fits on a handsome, intelligent man with class.
Good solid name. Best nicknames are Jimmy and Jamie.
My name is James and I like my name mostly because its in the bible.
One of the best names a male can have and no need for nicknames - it's strong, classic, women seem to like it (apparently it's one of the sexiest names), it won't lead to bullying and it can suit any age, from a toddler to an old man - the perfect name.
A classic name that fits a man of all ages. I really dislike the nickname Jimmy though.
James is a nice BOY name.
I honestly can barely imagine this on a girl. I guess you just have to wrap your head around it a bit. Anyways, like it or not this is pretty much unisex now.
Males can't have any names for themselves now I see. Soon every name will be unisex.
The only girl I know who has the name James is Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds' daughter. Otherwise, I guess James is a unisex name now.
It's sad how people decide that my name, which has been historically masculine ever since it came about, is suddenly unisex or some stuff like that. Just why? Would people like it if a man was named Betty? No? Thought so. It's the same for my name, James.
One of my favourite male names - Can suit all ages and social standings and I don't see the need for a nickname - Still popular here in Ireland till this day, not just because of the Catholic influence, but due to it being a great name! I will probably use it and adorn another James to the Emerald Isle.
How come people are quick to reassign masculine names and feminine names but would never consider naming a boy Sarah or Angelina?
Anyways— I like this name. It’s short and easy to spell and has great associations and a few good nicknames. However, because it’s so popular, I wouldn’t consider this for a child.
Again! This name is masculine. Jamie can be for a girl (like as a nickname for Jasmine). Not James.
James isn’t a unisex name.
Use Jane or Jamie if you're considering using James for your daughter.
This is actually a very nice name. It's sad now how it's getting overused.
If anyone had a daughter in my family and named her James, I would die of embarrassment.
James is a strong, classic, timeless name that fits all stages of life. Bullying will not occur from this name due to its standing (although the nicknames Jim and Jimmy are awful IMO). Despite everyone seeming to know one, I genuinely can't see this name dying out as what John, Robert and Michael have seemingly started to do etc, and with good reason. There are also many things in the world that are not to be tampered with, one of them being with this name such as adding a Y in the name or even, dare I say it, using the name for females... anyone who does that shall be cast away for eternity.
A great and timeless man's name that ages very well.
Love it for a boy, just as wonderful on a girl! I love the spelling Jaymes as well, it freshens up a common name!
Hi everyone! My name is Beatrice and my hubby and I just had our nine pound baby son last week. In all honesty, we were really having an issue in choosing a name that was suitable to both of our tastes. Oddly enough we came to a decision right after I gave birth because the doctor, who helped deliver my son, was also named James. So we just thought, "What a nice name." And that's pretty much how we chose the first name for our special little guy.
Hey, how about that? This is my name. Lol I think it's pretty cool that people give mostly positive comments. Although, being a guy I am kinda confused by some people saying this is a gal's name. Hehe. First time I've heard of that one before! ;) Anyway, to each their own. I like my name and thanks to all the folks out there for the positive feedback. Bye! :)
This name is a very masculine name that is definitely suitable for a boy and NOT, I repeat NOT for a girl or "non-binary" individual as BookerButch continually asserts without looking for actual gender neutral names that could work for either a boy or a girl. James certainly doesn't fit into that category as it is exclusively a boy's name. Enough said for now.
Nice name for a boy. Not for a girl.
It’s amazing how I go by James now and I am a woman and I can legally do that! My whole family calls me James now! I am not trying to claim that James is not *historically* masculine but rather that your personal taste with names doesn’t mean that it *only* belongs to the most *manly men to ever man*. It’s all just sounds out of your mouth anyway. If any girl or nonbinary person named James sees this, it is a beautiful name to have and you should feel no shame in it. If it makes you comfortable and happy, I am glad for you!
Do not name your daughter James.
May I repeat! Do not name your daughter James!
Hmmm...okay name, but way too common where I'm from.
Honestly though, there are other way more interesting names besides James!
This is a cool name that belongs to my little bro. He goes by Jim rather than Jimmy as he used to. :)
The name, James, is an exclusively masculine name that has been the namesake of illustrious individuals such as Kings of Great Britain and other eminent personages. It need not be within the purely absurd assertion that it must be gender neutral when it isn't as BookerButch would have it.
I'm sure nearly everyone in The UK knows a James as it has been popular forever, but I would still name a child this as it is one of the strongest most traditional names around. You can't go wrong with this name.
I’m a nonbinary lesbian (they/them) and I’m going to name myself James and there’s nothing y’all can do about it. It’s a beautiful name for anyone who resonates with it and the only barrier in naming in regard to gender is your own comfort with your own name. I know it’s not conventional but it reduces my own dysphoria. Y’all need to relax your gender binary bullshit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
James is not a unisex name. Period.
There are Americans who actually name their daughters this?!
James is a classy name for a boy. Terrible name for a girl, however. The male-to-female name trend has gone way too far now! Naming a girl James is just going to set her up for a lifetime of teasing, bullying, and constantly being assumed a male! You don't give a name just to seem "unique" or "cool", which is quite selfish may I say.
If you want to name your daughter James, then at least consider Jamie instead.
I'd honestly love to use this name if I were to have a boy, but my father already has this name and I don't really want to name my child after my father since he's a deadbeat. However, my grandpa was named Jim, so I could name my child after him to honor him :). You just can't go wrong with this name as the user above said. It's truly a classic.
Beautiful, strong and classic, you really can't go wrong with this name.
No one names their child this to be special and cool. It's a common name, I understand people's points about names being considered feminine stop being usable, but that shouldn't stop woman who want to name their daughter James, from doing so. People name their child because that's what feels right, and if it's James then it's James. Some women resonate with James because they want to honor their relative and they aren't guaranteed it's a boy the next time or if there is a next time. In that moment, James felt right even if it's a girl and I don't respect the harsh comments about using it for a girl. It's such a classy name to have such a negative opinion about.
A great classic that will never get old! It is easy to say, spell, and like! It’s a great name.
Very classic and timeless! I think James is a great name.
I like James on a boy because it's timeless and classic. It's honestly sad that people are trying to turn classic male names into feminine names.
Wow uh... My name is James and I had no idea it was so common. I barely know any Jameses...
You simply can't go wrong with this name.
My middle name is James (after my godfather) and goes well with my first name. I love it. I love the many lore and historical references to the name, even the bad ones: like Jesse James. And I love James Taylor, the singer songwriter. A lady friend's middle name is Jamie -- and another friend's son is first-named James and known as Jimmy. James is so classical a name, it goes well with everything, like cooking: James Beard and music Etta James.
Please don’t name your daughter James! I am sad to see a lot of great traditional masculine names with true male history become feminine just because a bunch of parents want to give their daughters straight-up boy names, just because it’s “cute” and “different"! Well it’s not “cute” or “different” to give your daughter such a masculine boy’s name like James. James is a really gorgeous name, but not for a girl. I love this name for a boy, and I don’t consider this name feminine or unisex in any way. There are plenty of unisex names that are appropriate for girls, like Casey or Jordan, but James does not fall under the same category. You wouldn’t name a boy Alice, so don’t name a girl James. There are some masculine names that shouldn’t be given to girls. James is a handsome name for a boy, and it’s on my list for when I have a son.
I completely agree with someone else who commented. Giving your daughter a masculine name like this is not "cool" or "special" Please do not do that to them. Especially with such a traditional name like this. It is not a unisex name, and nor does it even sound like one. It is meant to be used in a masculine way, not feminine. That goes the same for plenty of other names. It honestly makes me sad that people find this "cute".
James is a handsome classy name for a boy. I might even name my future son this. I know most boy names are so common, but that’s because there are limited boy names to choose from. I still like this name. I know that some people use this name for girls, but I’m not even worried.
I know it's really boring, but I also think it's one of the most handsome names in the English language.
This name never left the top 20 since 1880, it needs a break.
James puts the class in classic. I despise Jim (gym).
To protect the world from devastation: Name your son James.
James is a good proud masculine name, and Jamie is so cute for a girl or young boy.
I am named James after my grandma Murray's brother who passed away just before I was born. I've always liked the name and I like the way it sounds. Growing up if my Mom was not angry with me she'd call me Jimmy, if she was angry with me she'd call me James. I was a pretty precious kid so she called me James a lot. My wife's name is Barbara Lynn so we named our daughter Jamie Lynn.
I love James for a boy! So strong and handsome! On a girl, I personally prefer any forced feminine form of James that you call ugly but I call unique, such as Jamesine. There are some boy names I’m willing to give to a girl like Logan, Caden, and Dylan, but names like James, Alexander, and William aren’t any of them. But James on a girl, it’s fine! I respect you naming your son or daughter James. It’s cute for you guys. I don’t have anything against traditional boy names on girls like James on girls, but personally, I would name a boy James but not a girl. What’s so wrong with Jamesa or Jamesina. Yeah, they’re kinda forced but underused. You want a unique name for your girl, Jamesette is a great example. It’s not ugly or stupid. Personally, to me, I think James sounds far more masculine than feminine because it’s a boy's name, not a girl's name.
I love this name but I hate the nicknames Jim and Jimmy. They sound so silly and old fashioned. Jay is better.
James is such a cute name.
James is a very cute and lovely name.
My sister’s middle name is James, (Emily James) after our grandfather and I think it’s really beautiful.
James is a strong traditional name of many great people, but it is way overused and has somewhat lost its beauty as a classic boy's name that goes back to biblical origins. The only nick-name I really like is Jay. Still it's a cool, nice name though.
James is a wonderful name especially for a boy/man. I don't care for the new trend of giving the name James to girls. No way.
Handsome, elegant, strong and classic. Simply beautiful.
I don't think James is an awful name, but it is especially overused as a middle name to me but it still sounds like an okay middle name. This name also has no flavor at all to me.
For me, I like this name because it is a name that was given to most important people in the whole world. Such as American presidents, Apostles, and among others.
So, this is a name for the most important people but not ignoring other people's name's values.
James is just one of those names that has always been popular, and still remains popular to this day. I love this name, but it is way too overused. I only knew one James throughout my life though.
I like James as more of a first name than a middle name since it is so common. I prefer Jameson though, since my brother that my mom lost had that name, and it is not so popular.
Poor girls named James. Why would someone name their daughter this? It's like naming a boy Samantha or Sarah. It makes me think that the parents wanted a son and they were so disappointed when they had a girl, that they didn't even bother to find a name for her.
James is gorgeous, stylish and classic. I don't care how popular the name is, because I absolutely love it. I don't think that it needs a nickname, although Jim and Jimmy are cute.
I actually really like this name. Usually I don't like popular names, but this one is an exception. It's just so rugged and old fashioned. Very 1930's. Gosh, so much better than the overused Jacob.
This name is noble and strong, but average. There are so many James' throughout the world, it could be anyone's name. It is just like Abigail, business-like and noble, but average and boring. And the diminutives are boring as well, Jim, Jimmy, Jamie.
Wow, people actually named their daughters James? I'm assuming those parents really wanted a son.
I much prefer James for a girl. I don't know why, I just do.
Hames comes from the Aramaic name of Hamza, it's present in Arabic in the same pronunciation and in Turkish as Gamzet, in Arabic it's حمزة The rounded t in the end is silent or Hamzeh, the J in old Aramaic can change to a Kh or a silent J "Yamza" hence the modern Arab name... Hamza has the meaning of a strong steadfast person, and is one of the names for a lion.
James is a fine boy's name (I would never call a girl James). It is a truly timeless name and works on both a boy and a man. Notable James's in fiction include James Bond, Private James Frazer and James the Red Engine. In reality you have at least 4 presidents (Polk, Madison, Buchanan and Carter), James Callaghan (Prime Minister of Britain from 1976-79) and 2 Kings as well as actors James Stewart, James Dean, James May, James Beck and James Earl Jones. A truly great name.
Sorry but I don't like this name, it's so boring. It's such a plain, bland, flavourless name. It's been getting so popular I feel like it's become too dull and unoriginal for my taste.
I LOVE this name! It sounds really masculine and noble.
Sorry, but I don't like the name James; I never loved it. It's so strange and different from the original version in the Holy Bible that is Yaacov (like the patriarch). It is a fact that James is another version of the name Jacob, but the last one is a lot better than it.
Its a good name if you want an old fashioned name, but personally to me I would use this as a middle nameMy uncle's name is James but everybody calls him Jim.
Personally, I hate that I can envision the name James on anyone. It makes the name feel so dull and stale to me, like it lacks its own "flavor," if you get what I mean. It's not a bad name at all, but it's so common and overused that it doesn't stand out, and I find it extremely boring.
I think it's classic, timeless, and adaptable. You can envision a James as almost anyone. I especially like it as a middle name (it's my middle name; Annelise James).
James is such a plain, boring name.
Overused and sounds like an old man's name.
This is my name, and I think it is a cool name, but I will never call my child that. Even if my name wasn't James. I just wished that it wasn't so popular. My uncle is called Jamie, there is another 3 people called James at school, 1 is called Jamie. So I know 5 people (with Jamie) called that. And my mum knows about another 2 people called Jim. I have heard of 7 people called that (8 including me). 5 at school, 2 that mum knows, my uncle and me. I even know more people called James than William, my family name (and my middle name!) Now, back to James, I don't mind Jim, but I just don't like Jimmy too much. I like it a little tiny bit, but the y sound (ee) just got very annoying. It is just a little bit tacky. And I, for some reason, don't mind "Jamie", despite the ee sound, but that might be because I don't get called that. But the name "Semaj" is tacky and just horrible.
I abhor this name, I really do. I mean, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it and it's much better than "Jayden", but the beyond rabid overuse and constant overrated-ness makes me despise it.
Great name! Better than all of these newly popular weird names like Declan, Reign, Leif, Cayden, Camden, and so on... Stick to the classics and your boy will grow up to be a good strong man and not have to prove himself because of a ridiculous name.
It's soooooooooo popular but I've loved it since I saw the Great Gatsby.
UGH! I really don't like that name at all! :(
I like the name James well enough, even though it's perhaps the most consistently popular male name in all the United States (today it's more popular than John). But I dislike the nicknames. Jamie sounds like a kid - and also I know tons of girls named Jamie, so it has a feminine vibe - and I can't stand the sound of Jim / Jimmy. Or, God forbid, "Jimbo."
I really love the name James, but if I named a son this, I don't think I'd really call him Jim like many James' get called... I mean, you named him James for a reason. And it's far too lovely a name to not ever call him that.
If I have a son, I want to name him James. It was my grandfather's middle name, and also the name of several people I like and admire. Hopefully its rise in popularity over the past few years will cease.
An awesome name even though it's incredibly popular.
I love this name, and I would definitely use it if it was not so common! It has a strong sound to it, yet it's still subtle and handsome.
James sounds like a very classic and mature name.
Masculine. Strong. Confident. Refined. Honest. Endearing.You can't go wrong with a name like this. Very dependable name in my opinion. Simple and uncomplicated. No mispronouncing here. No confusion or misunderstanding. James is James. Give a boy a solid base to start off with a good classic name and he will make the name his own, grow into any type of James he so chooses.James the athlete
James the artist
James the scholarGive a boy the name James and he will do all the rest.
Love this name, and I really can't find anything bad about it. The popularity doesn't really concern me, because unlike most popular names nowadays, it deserves to be used often.
James is one of the best names, in my opinion. It definitely ages well, and the nickname jimmy is awesome, although Jim sounds a little too middle aged man to me. I knew a little boy named James and he went by Jamie, which I think is cute :)
In my opinion, this name is boring and overused.
Very popular as a middle name, but makes a good first name too.
There are just some names that feel... right. And this name is one of themIt makes me feel warm and at home. It's comfortable and familiar. It reminds me of home. A James is someone you can love. A warm-hearted, good natured boy, honest, nice and sweetMaybe it's because I know exactly 5 James' in my life.James makes me feel safe and happy. It's a good name. A very strong and Charming nameThis name is just amazing and love.
I love the name James, it's strong, undeniably male, easy to pronounce, and it has a long history of famous bearers for a boy to look up to.
I detest Jim and Jimmy and Jamie because I love James so much, I want him to be called James.
One of my favorite traditional names. It has a sophisticated sound without being too stuffy. I think the nickname Jimmy is cute for a preteen/teenage boy.
My name is James and I always thought it a noble name but a bit formal, as such, for Americans. I do like the nickname Jim, which is more approachable and democratic. I am surprised at the widespread dislike for Jim. In Conrad's classic Lord Jim it was used as a form of acceptance by the natives. Most speakers of other languages can say the name Jim without difficulty.
I love this name. It's simply awesome.
I like the name James despite its popularity. It's kind of a family thing that your son's name has James in it. MY younger sister and I often argue over who gets to use it as a first name because cousins with the same name doesn't quite work for us.
My brother-in-law wants to name his son James Lars Kirk after his heros. I personally think he might as well name his son Metallica for what it's worth.
This is a classic name, and one I have always liked as it works nicely on a child, teenager and adult.
Cool, but way too common.
I really like this name. I like it as a middle name, short and sweet. I do not like it as a girls name, but I really like this name and Henry together. One of my favorite names.
James is a good traditional name.
A very common name in England and common to a bit lesser extent in the U.S. A very nice, classic name though. It's not trendy and it would age well.
I'm sure everyone has the middle name James.
MY name is James and I like it! It's a very nice and sophisticated sounding name! Sure, I get a lot of annoying nicknames (jimbo, jimmy, jim-bob, jimmy-bob to name a few!) but it's a very good name. Annoyingly, it's also a very common name. I feel I am a nice person, but I know A LOT of horrible people with this name. My grandfather and father are both named James, so that makes me James III! I also plan on naming any male children I may have James, to continue the tradition!
James is one of those names that is hard to not like. It's timeless and classic, and it's strong as well. It's a family name, there are at least 4 people in my immediate family that are named James, so if I do use it for a child, they'd have my preferred nickname, Jay.
James is a nice name. Even though it is common I don't really know many people my age named James. Jimmy is a cute nickname though I think Jamie sounds really feminine (I might be influenced by Jamie Lynn Spears). I don't like this names for girls and I don't like it spelt "Jaymes". To me, that is a very ugly spelling of a classic name.
This is my most favorite middle name for a boy, and if I ever have a son, this will most likely be his middle name! It sounds great with any first name. Also, I love the nickname Jimmy (but I'm not a fan of Jim, and I can't stand the name Jamie)! And, who wouldn't want their kid to share their name with the amazing late actor James Dean?!
Oh, James! I don't care how popular it is or how "plain," I just love this name so much. It's adorable on a little boy, strong on a teen, and mature on an adult.But please. Don't call him Jimmy.
I really love the name James. It's classy and masculine and rolls of the tongue easily. Not to mention the many great namesakes. I am planning on giving my second son the name James for a middle name.
No offense to any James fans or those with this name, but I just think this name is too plain.
This is my older brother's name. I always thought it was funny being Jessie and James during the time Pokemon was at it's peak of popularity. It's a shame we didn't name our cat Meowth!
If it wasn't for him, I think I would find this name sophisticated, almost rich and snobby sounding, but in an okay way. Insanely popular, of course (along with most known J-names), though he's the only James I've ever known.
I think this name is very sexy for a boy. It's short and quick but it still has a nice sound to it.
I love this name. Everything from the way it sounds to its meaning. I would use it as a middle name, only because the popularity does bother me. But it really is a great name: simple, masculine, and will suit any boy perfectly and carry him into adulthood. For nicknames I like Jim and Jamie. I've also known a little girl who had this as a middle name, after a family member, and I don't think that's a completely crazy idea (middle name, that is), but that definitely does not make it a girl name. Leave this one to the boys, please.
James is my favorite boy name! It is handsome and masculine. Popularity doesn't bother me - I don't have to be "unique". I'm very sad to see this name used on girls! And Semaj makes me *puke*.
I like the name as it is. Jamie sounds too youthful on grown men, especially of the fat and ugly kind, and I absolutely cannot stand the hickish Jim and Jimmy, so I don't like the nicknames much, but the name itself is good. It's short, simple, fairly pleasant in sound, and as a monosyllabic name, it doesn't really require a nickname. It's overused, of course, but you can't reall go wrong with it, as it sounds fine on pretty much any type of guy.
James is a really solid-sounding name in my opinion, you can't really imagine a person called James with a wishy-washy personality.
This is my real name, and I have always pronounced it [jei:mz], making the letter "e" silent. I never let anyone call me "Jamie", "Jim", "Jimmy", or anything else, though through grade school I had another nickname that I will not list here.This name is by no means feminine, and I hope to never find that I share this name with a girl.Oddly enough, I have a brother named Jacob, though we are nothing alike.
I love this name, it is so sexy and masculine.
I love love love this name! It is so distinguished which is exactly what I look for in a name. It has always been popular, so my kid will have to share but in this case it is so worth it.
James is an awesome name. There are a few people in my grade named James, but I think they go buy Jim or Jimmy.
James is a strong, firm, but old name, I think of Bible James before I think of the twentieth century James! But some people pronounce it Ja mez, I don't know who, but I'm sure some one does!
I think this is an okay name, like, I have nothing against it, but it's so popular I think it's too boring.
Spencer James Smith is Panic! At The Disco's drummer.
Do not name your girl James! This name is not feminine at all.
I adore James as a first or middle name. I would use Harry James as a combo, even though most people would think of Harry Potter.
I know many people with the name James. They all either go by Jim or Jimmy. I love James as a middle name.
I really like the name James, it's one of my first picks. But it is so popular in my family I might not use it just for that reason.
I love this name, but I like it more as a middle name. It is so common now. James is a family name for me, so I plan on using it as a middle name for my future son. About the nicknames, the only one I care for is Jim. I guess it's because they called my uncle (who was named after his father) Jim and his son was called young Jim.
My name is James and I like it. I don't, however, like Jim, Jimmy, Jamison, or Jamieson (honestly, who thought of these names). The nickname Jamie is OK if it is applied to a small kid, but it doesn't really sound right to apply to someone over seven. It would never, ever work as a girl's name.
I really like this name, but not so much the nicknames. I hate Jim, and Jamie seems sort of feminine now. The old "Jem(my)" is okay but too close to Jim, and too similar to feminine names like Gemma.
This is my last name and I like it for a last name. James is a good name but I know that most people who have it as a first name don't like it much and usually end up using Jim.
Great name. Common, but it has a lot of nicknames.
I have two uncles on both sides with this name. I have a nephew with this name. Heck, I unfortunately have a niece with this name! I HATE this name. It's so common and has an ugly sound to it. If used as a middle name it sounds like a filler. If I HAD to name my son James I would find some sort of nickname to use, like Jaime. I absolutely hate the nickname Jim, Jimmy is okay. Jamieson is another example of a horrid name. DO NOT NAME YOUR SON (or daughter, which this shouldn't even be considered as a girls name) JAMES.
Dumb. Too common.
I imagine someone named James as being uber-hot (tall, dark, and handsome), sweet, chill, and funny, and saying "dude" a lot. But, please, everyone, call him "James," not "Jamie" or "Jim" or any of those other tacky nicknames!
This is my grandfather's name, and my uncle is named after him. Our family being Scottish, doesn't call my uncle Jimmy or Jim, we call him Jamie. It is also my middle name. I think it's a nice name and I think it really suits my grandfather well, it fits very nicely.
I really do love this name. In England, it's quite common, and yet I don't know many Jameses. It's a very strong name that should only be used with caution. I named my son this, and have every bit of confidence in him that he'll live up to it like his father.
I hate this name! I don't know why. It goes with every name imaginable but I still don't like it. I know someone that isn't a nice person, that's probably why. I don't know, just don't like it. With a passion too!
I love this name! I am so naming my kid James! Awesome name, go for gold!
Not one kid in class is named James which sucks because I really like that name.
I like Jim or Jimmy as nicknames for James, but Jamie sounds like a girl's name. Above all, I prefer the original, James.
I don't think James is really all that common, at least not where I live. I only know one James under the age of twenty, and he's pretty cool. He has a horrible temper and gets in a lot of trouble, but I think he does care about people. I like this name, and not just because of him. James and Jacob are two of my favorite names for boys.
James is an awesome name for a boy, I also would keep it as James, not Jim, Jimmy or Jack. I also like Jameson/Jamieson, Jamie isn't too bad while they are young.
I prefer this as a girls' name.
To the previous commenter who prefers this as a girl name: PLEASE! Let's leave some boy names their dignity by not giving them to girls! Especially classic names like James!
It's such a cool name! I've decided to make it my future boy's name! All the James in my school are super cool, like James Bond, lol, and very nice, and some are really hot, LOL!
I like this name! It sounds so high-class and cool, like James Bond, but to me its nicknames, Jim and Jimmy, kind of kill the feeling. Who thought of those nicknames?
James is a wonderful name. Very masculine, but in a sophisticated rather than a 'macho' way. Reminds me of royalty. All voiced sounds and no plosives, smooth and soothing. Connotes a gentleman; a deep thinker, a man of perhaps a little mystery, whom a lover would need to pursue. It’s the only name I know of that sounds like a plural.
James is a nice, timeless and classic name but not one of my favorites. It's ideal for a character. A nickname of my choice (that would be only sometimes) would be Jay which is ok for a nick.
I agree James is a timeless, classic name. But yes please just leave it as James, I dislike the nicknames Jimmy or Jim. Even Jamie sounds silly. I've also thought that if James has a second name such as say, Marcus or William then he go by "J.M" or "J.W" pronounced as the initials of the first name.
I think this makes a fine, respectable middle name, especially if it has familial significance, but as a first name I don't care for it much because of its unattractive nicknames.
Yes, the name James has been a popular name for generations but it is a timeless classic. I don't know of any in my kids' classes at school. I wouldn't shorten the name though, I would keep it as James. Jamie as a nickname isn't bad but not Jim or Jimmy or Jack.
James sounds a very heavy name to me.
It is my favorite boy's name, by far.
The name James is way overused and really gross.
I think James is a very sexy sounding name - you can't get any sexier than James Bond.
I really like the name because even though it is extremely popular it sounds very strong and I like it. My dad's name is James, but when he was a kid everyone called him Jimmy and now everyone calls him Jim.
Although it's an old name, I wish people would stop calling their kids this. No kidding, I know at least nine James's. It's a cool name but give them a name that not everyone will have.
Succinct, pleasant and masculine, my boyfreind's name.
Although his level of natural intellect augmentation may appear to be subordinate when judged against his surrounding associates, his level of common sense is of high ability and he finds it effortless to create companions. Although a minute amount aggravating at times, he is a true friend when thought upon.

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