Very youthful sounding. I think parents should use the full version, Jacob, and then let their kid decide if they want to be called Jake instead of making that decision for them.
― Anonymous User 6/14/2024
This name reminds me of a loser teen who has a buzz cut and thinks he's some sort of school heartthrob, but is actually really arrogant and brash and rude. "Jake" is a garish, ugly and overbearingly chavvy name.
― Anonymous User 6/12/2024
I like the name, and since it was originally a variant of Jack, I think it's fine as a first name. Also, who even is Jake Paul? The name rings a bell, but I forget who he is, so he hasn't ruined the name for me.
SO over-used where I’m from. There were at least a few in every grade in my school. It does sounds nice though.
― Anonymous User 3/26/2023
I dislike it. It sounds ugly and atrocious for me.
― Anonymous User 1/18/2023, edited 1/18/2023
A cool sharp sounding name but I don't like a lot of the twee boyish associations Jake and the Nederland Pirates, Jake from the Tweenies, Jake the Dog.
― Anonymous User 7/19/2022, edited 7/19/2022
Haven't met one guy named Jake who wasn't a cool person! Great name! (I like how everyone here is bashing on Jake Paul. I also dislike Jake Paul!)
If I was to describe this name in one word it would be wholesome. The name is simple, pleasant sounding, and cheerful. Added to which, I can’t think of a single guy (including fictional characters) named Jake, who aren’t 100% wholesome.
The name itself isn’t bad. But it’s pretty heavily associated with Jake Paul. A person I myself don’t even like. Then again who actually likes Jake Paul?
I like the name Jake. It sounds cute for a little boy. You don't hear it much. I heard it on the movie "Lorenzo's Oil" (1992), one of the characters is named Jake. He's a sweet and cute little boy. :)
This is only a nickname. Most names can be nicknames but also have their own separate meanings but Jake is just a nickname and should NEVER be used as a first full name.
― Anonymous User 8/13/2017
I think Jake is a very good name, it is nice.
― Anonymous User 5/24/2017
I love Jake. I think it's a strong, masculine but cute name, that works for someone of any age. I do like Jacob, with Jake as a nickname, but prefer Jake as an independent name.
This name is savage and awesome and epic in every way!
― Anonymous User 3/6/2017
Jack and Jake are childish nicknames in my opinion, and don't work as full names for me. I prefer the longer versions of the name rather than the shortened one because Jake is just a kiddish name just like Billy or Joey.
― Anonymous User 2/15/2016
I like this name because it is simple and quite a kind-sounding name.
I love the name Jake! It's cute and simple and has an obvious masculine sound to it. ^_^ I think it's VERY underappreciated these days! :(
― Anonymous User 11/8/2014
Though names like this are normally not my style, Jake is one of my favorite boys names. Which is strange since I don't even really like Jacob. I picture Jake as either an adorable, brown haired little boy who is very active and kinda cheeky, or a 20-30 year old guy who is really laid back. Definitely a great name, I'd prefer to meet ten million Jakes over another that rhymes with Aiden.
Since I see how many people like this name, I won't be too harsh. But I honestly dislike this name. (I know at least six Jakes). Very overused. I don't like how it sounds, in other words. It gives me the image of an obnoxious football player (though I am sure there are plenty of kindhearted Jakes out there, don't get me wrong). But I respect the opinion of those who like it.
― Anonymous User 11/7/2010
My stepbrother has this name. I think it's pretty nice.
Jake is such a boring, flavorless name. There are like 50000 Jakes at my school.
― Anonymous User 10/3/2009
I really like this name. It has a boyish charm, yet; it can by strong and manly too. I don't like the name Jacob (maybe because of the association with Jacob Marley in Ebeneezer Scrooge's Christmas Carol) and I would never name a girl Jake.
My son's name is Jake I hate the name Jacob, and absolutely love the name Jake. It is such an attractive name. I think it all started with "Jake Ryan" in the movie Sixteen Candles. I thought he was so hot and the name stuck with me.
My brother's name is Jacob aka Jake! My mom really loves the name Jacob. My dad didn't like Jacob, so my mom said they can call him Jake as a nickname after the John Wayne move, Big Jake!
My brother is named Jacob but always goes by Jake. I like the name a lot. It really suits him. He's fun and outgoing and always likeable (unless he's being annoying - but he's my brother, what can I say?) I really like the name though. It's cool.
― Anonymous User 10/26/2006
I adore the name Jake, my second son would be Jake. He would be Jake Alfie. I love it so much, so simple and natural.