It goes without saying that Jair Bolsonaro has ruined this name. I can't hear this name without thinking of him or his deluded, violent supporters. I think he's the worst president we've ever had.
Jair Bolsonaro is a fantastic user of this name.
According to Wikipedia, it's pronounced as /ʒaˈiʁ/ in IPA [noted -ed]
Jair is a strong man name. I am Jair, equal to the best president that Brazil has ever had! Jair Bolsonaro.
Jair's meaning is so inspirational.
We named our son Jair Ziggy in 1996. Ziggy after his maternal uncle (Sigmar) not Bob Marley's son nor Ziggy Stardust, I assure you. First heard the name in my early 20's from a (Dutch) work colleague and fell in love with it, not knowing the meaning at that stage. As Jair is now nearly 24 this year I am yet to see him live up to the name meaning "he will lead or shine etc" still, he's a good son.
Jair Ohmsford of the Shannara books, brother of Brin and son of Wil.
The name Jair was given to 222 boys born in the US in 2016.
Jair Bolsonaro is a far-right Brazilian politician. I hate him with a flaming passion - he's very racist, sexist, and homophobic.
The name Jair was given to 198 boys born in the US in 2015.
Or would it be JIE-ər?
Actually, this is pronounced JAI-ər (there's a slight difference between AY and AI).
This name disgusts me. But still, it's quite common where I live. I prefer Jairo.
Spanish version: Jairo.
Argentinian singer, also known in French-speaking countries
This name is pronounced yah-eer in Hebrew.

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