Jade Snow Wong (1922 – 2006) was a Chinese American ceramic artist and author of two memoirs. She was given the English name of Constance, also being known as Connie Wong Ong. Her ceramics were later displayed in art museums across the United States, including a 2002 exhibition at the Chinese Historical Society of America. They were also displayed at the M. H. De Young Memorial Museum in San Francisco, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Art Institute of Chicago (a one-woman show), the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., and the Cincinnati Art Museum, as well as shows in Omaha, Nebraska, and Portland, Oregon.In addition to these shows across the United States, Wong's ceramics have also been placed in the permanent collections of New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Detroit Institute of Arts, the Oakland Museum of California, the Joslyn Art Museum, and the International Ceramic Museum in Italy.
― Anonymous User 1/3/2025
Beautiful name. A girl with black hair with green or brown eyes is what I think when I hear this name.
I think Jade is a beautiful name for either gender. It shares a name with a gemstone that is an Irish green, strong, precious, and elegant. Overall, I think Jade is a gorgeous name.
People need to stop being so ignorant, this name is the most amazing name in the whole world in my opinion and it isn't even my name. Whoever has this name is just simply the best person ever. The name is amazing and I love it.
I think Jade is simple and elegant, and I think it makes for a good name, especially as a middle name. Even so, and I don't mean to be rude, I don't see why it's the most popular name in France, because the French pronunciation (ZHAD) is alright, but a little harsh, and personally don't see how it would be tens of thousands of peoples' first choice. I often prefer the French pronunciation of things, but I think Jade is an exception. All that being said, French Jade is still good.
It's a great gemstone name for both men and women. I can imagine both a man and a woman named Jade. And I like this better than Jada, but this may be biased because I usually prefer the version that doesn't end in a.
In early 2000s this name became very popular in Brazil because of the protagonist Jade Rachid (potrayed by Giovanna Antonelli) from the Brazilian soap opera "O Clone" (2001-2002).
I adore this name! It’s simple, sweet, but also badass. And stereotyping this name as well as with any other name as a “stripper name” makes you look dumb honestly, I thought we were over stereotyping it’s 2023. This is one of my favorite names of all time!
― Anonymous User 1/21/2023
This name was one of my childhood favorites. It's still pretty even though someone ruined the name for me to use it but it's still beautiful. 💚💚 I heard it first on a Spanish show and always loved it. It’s so pretty!
My name is Jade and I really like it. People will call me Jadie. I used to think it's annoying but that's what my friends and family call me. I have blue and green eyes. The color of the stone. Jade also is my favorite overall color. I really like my name.
This is one of the few gemstone names that have actually been given to boys, and that makes me happy! It sounds quite unisex to me. I don't know why comments saying 'this is nice on guys too' are being downvoted. The downvoters are probably the same people who are calling their daughters Parker and Mason. It has to go both ways. You can't just praise "masculine" names on girls, but not "feminine" names on boys. We need more unisex names!
Also Spanish (Modern).There are 1,187 female bearers of this name in Spain, and the average age of the bearers is 9 (source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística).
Jade Thyrus (AKA Shauni) is the main protagonist of the 2003 action-adventure sci-fi video game "Beyond Good and Evil", a game widely considered by many to be a cult classic. In the game, Jade is a generous, brave, and intelligent photojournalist living on an alien planet who joins a secret rebellion to defeat the DomZ aliens and the Alpha Sections who have teamed up to suck all the life from her planet. Jade is widely considered one of the greatest female protagonists in gaming due to her determination to discover the truth and bring justice to the world.
Jade is an old swear word. It basically means whore.I am not making this up:"worn-out horse," late 14c., apparently originally "cart horse," a word of uncertain origin. Barnhart and Century Dictionary suggests a variant of yaid, yald "whore," literally "mare" (c. 1400), from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Norse jalda "mare," and ultimately from Finno-Ugric (compare Mordvin al'd'a "mare"). But OED finds the assumption of a Scandinavian connection "without reason." As a term of abuse for a woman, it dates from 1550s; in early use also of mean or worthless men, and sometimes simply "a young woman.Source: https://www.etymonline.com/word/jade#etymonline_v_1636So yeah, you're naming your daughter an abusive term for a woman that could also-depending on your source!-mean whore. No wonder this name gets such a sex rep.
Love, love, love this name. It's unique without having the bad type of creative. Has such a beautiful sound that feels so pleasant to my ears, and ages quite well. 10/10 on my list.
Jade Thirlwall is a British singer who's part of Little Mix.
― Anonymous User 7/4/2019
In Dutch it is pronounced Yah-duh (jaːdə). The J is not pronounced the way it is in English (dzjade) but more like a Y (yade). The A is long, but not an Ay-sound, more of an Ahhhh-sound.
My names is Jade and I like the name that my mom chose for me. When I talked to her she told me that she chose the name because I am her rock, so thinking that Jade is not a good name... well, it is a good name and name your kid Jade.
Jade is such a beautiful name. I didn’t know it was the name of a gem stone. Makes me think of something else. I love this name, anyway. I think Jade is more of a girl’s name though. A little too feminine for a boy. Though I’ll agree it’s a unisex name and it can be used for either gender, I would only use this on a girl. I agree it’s a gemstone too.I’m not saying it can’t be a male name! It’s you guys who are too scared to give your sons certain names. A lot of male names have been banned for males such as Courtney and Madison.
― Anonymous User 1/6/2019
I prefer it for a non-binary person but I like it for a boy or girl too. It's very appealing to me and works best as a first name I think.
― Anonymous User 12/19/2018
I'm a Jade and I have never minded the name! Being short at only four letters it works with my attitude of being straight talking.
In 2018, 8 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Jade who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 724th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens. In 2018, 16 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Jade who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 3, 147th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/16/2018
In Star Wars, this is Mara Skywalker's maiden name. It is also the first name of the actress who plays Astoria Greengrass in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2.
My sister is named Jade. Together we're Jasmine and Jade, which sounds quite nice. Apparently though, both names are stereotyped as "stripper". Neither of us is a stripper and I find the lack of kindness and higher level thinking disgusting. Quite a lot of names have comments like "Trashy" "stripper" or "overused" and I feel that by putting a comment like that you are being horribly inconsiderate.
― Anonymous User 1/5/2018
Our second granddaughter is named Jade Elizabeth. When her mother proposed it, our son said, “Stripper”. Now, since her parents are educated and plan on sending her to college someday, I think she will probably not end up stripping, unless she is trying to finance her medical degree or Ph.D. in French Literature. I will say she is the prettiest baby ever (born in 2017). As her grandmother, I love our Baby Jade, and will remember to whisper in her ear that she is NOT going to be a stripper.
Jade Amelia Thirlwall was born on 26 December 1992 (age 24), and raised in the Laygate neighbourhood of South Shields, Tyne and Wear. She has one-quarter Egyptian ancestry and one-quarter Yemeni ancestry. She also auditioned for The X Factor in 2008 and 2010 but got eliminated at Bootcamp stage. She attended performing arts college South Tyneside, where she studied a range of courses. She revealed in the group's book, Our World, that she struggled with anorexia nervosa after experiencing bullying at school, and the death of her grandfather. Jade is a supporter of the LGBT community, and she considers RuPaul her idol.
I love gemstone names, and Jade is one of my absolute favourites. It's one of the most beautiful short and sweet names for girls, along with Jane, Emma, Ava, Amy and Tara - names that outshine so many of the longer, more frilly ones.
Jade Sheena Jezebel Jagger is an English jewelry designer, socialite and former model. Jagger was born in Paris, France. She is the only child of Bianca, a Nicaraguan model, actress and philanthropist, and Mick Jagger, an English musician and actor with Australian descent. In her early years, Jagger and her family lived on London's fashionable Cheyne Walk in Chelsea. Jagger's parents divorced in 1978 and she spent most of her time living in Manhattan with her jet-set mother and was often dropped off at The Factory to be babysat by her mother's friend, pop artist Andy Warhol. In Manhattan, Jagger attended the Spence School. At 14, she enrolled in the all-girls boarding school in St Mary’s, Calne, England.
Jade Cloud is a Vietnamese American dancer, she started to dance before the age of two, she was 6 months old when she was adopted from Vietnam by her mother. She has three older siblings named Chris, Brett, and Hayley.
I think this name is very beautiful. If I ever did have a daughter I would aim for this name. I like the gemstone very much so I think this name suits my tastes very well!
I absolutely LOVE the name Jade. If I have a daughter, I'd like to name her Jade Alison. I think the gem is so pretty and makes me think of rich-textured things for some reason.
― Anonymous User 1/2/2017
I named my cat Jade after her eyes and she's a Burmilla. I like it as a name for anyone. It's too subtle and sophisticated for many people commenting here to appreciate.
I think this is a cute name. I like it as a middle name because it's short and sweet and goes well with a lot of first names. By the way, Jade is definitely not a boys name. Also, Jade is a nice colour.
― Anonymous User 7/23/2016
The name Jade was given to 46 boys born in the US in 2015.
I like the name, as jades are pretty gemstones and it's a pretty name. Still, it sounds a little harsh on my ears, and a little bit immature for a grown woman past the age of thirty. I still find it to be pretty though, and it's miles better than Jaden for a girl.
My name is Jade I believe it is a beautiful name although I wouldn't have chosen this name but I like it. I have come to know the name Jade as a very common name. I have lots of friends named Jade but with different spellings.
― Anonymous User 10/28/2015
I know a middle-aged guy named Jade. I like it for a boy.
I love this name! It's my favourite of the names of beautiful stones. (Amethyst, Ruby, Gemma, Sapphire, Opal, ect.) I understand why people think it's hard, I used to think that too, but I've grown to like it. When I hear 'Jade' it reminds me of a courageous, strong, beautiful girl. :)
My full name is Jade-Madeline. It's French and I absolutely love it. I move around to different of the parts of the country, and sometimes I go by just Jade, or usually Madeline. My family calls me MJ. Pronounced correctly, it's "Jud-Muh-doh-lyn", but everyone in my country just says Jade or Madeline like the cartoon. :)
My first name is Jade. I find it quite a pretty name, and if I were to choose my own name out of any name in the world, I'd choose the name I have now 'Jade'. Many people at school comment about my name, and I already have 3 Jades at my school. It's not a too popular name so that makes my name a little unique actually. I know people called Jaide, Jayde, and Jayda. I don't really fancy those names. (Please do not take this as offensive to others called those names- I'm only 9) :(
I love this name! It's so simple and sweet! It would be a perfect middle name for the name 'Ava'. Ava Jade! It has such a lovely graceful sound to it! Even as a first name, it would be beautiful, too. Pretty dark haired, green eyed girls always come to mind when I hear it!
Jade is a really pretty name and the gem colour is stunning, but it was so over used in the 80s/90s I couldn't use it now. I don't think it's ready to be used yet, not in England anyway. In about 10-20 years time maybe, but it's still beautiful in my opinion.x.
My name is Jade. I don't mind it. I think it's about the personality of the person, not the name or if it sounds bad or the spelling is wrong. But you're allowed your opinion. P.S. I LOVE THE COLOUR AND THE GEM.
I actually know a guy with the name "Jade", but his parents spell it Jaid and it's pronounced the same way. It's not a very normal name, but it fits him pretty well.
My name's Jade. I'm actually very quiet and I'm currently at uni so I'm pretty well educated. I like my name, I don't see how the name can be ugly to be honest, its just a simple, short, and sweet name. Also, I don't know why people are comparing it to the Bratz doll. There have been other characters called Jade too, so? It's not as common as some other names, there were only two people named Jade when I was at school. My parents called me Jade as it is known as a jewel. People call me Jadey sometimes, which sounds kind of cute really. I also have blue/green eyes which matches the colour Jade, which is a very peaceful beautiful colour so it all makes sense. Jade is awesome, that is all.
― Anonymous User 8/14/2014
My name is Jade and I LOVE my name. And no, I'm not a brat... Or a stripper... Or uneducated. I always get compliments on my name and boys always sing Jaded by Aerosmith to me. Lol. Also, sometimes when I tell people my name they insist upon calling me "Jane" regardless. Lol.
When I first heard this name I thought it was very cool for a girl. I think of the pretty green stone and it has an exotic and daring ring to it like the name "Rogue" on X-men. Pretty and yet could be tough. Later on I met my best friend who is "Jade" and I like calling her Darth Jader :P.
I think of Jade as a unique, adventurous girl growing up in asia. With clear blue/green eyes. I want to name one of my future daughters this. Maybe why it is so beautiful to me is because I grew up in Asia, where many women are named Jade in their local dialects-- but I think it would best suit a girl with Jade-like eyes.
As for it being prostitutey--- grow up! So what if trash culture has used the name, why don't we steal it back? Take an ill-reputable name and by good character, make it known as a good name! We can powerfully change the world if we believe we can.
It didn't become a name until the seventies, therefore I think it'll sound ridiculous on anyone over the age of thirty. Ruby is pretty, but Jade sounds a little too modern and hippie-ish to me. But it's a lot better than, say, kaylee or Madison. I'd have to say I prefer Jane to Jade though, but I know a lot of people would disagree.
― Anonymous User 2/2/2013
My name is Erica Jade but I've gone by Jade my whole life, it is the name my mom chose for me and Erica just went with it well and Erica Jade sounds a lot better than Jade Erica... I love my name, I haven't had any teasing due to the name however when I introduce myself I often find myself spelling my name because people want to call me Jane or Jay. I do however hate all the different spellings or similar names people use such as Jaede, Jaden, Jada, etc. I think Jade is different enough as it is and it should be left that way J-A-D-E... call me old-fashion I guess.
While I am not crazy about the English pronunciation (jaYde), I love the way the French say it: zjahd. To say it: Say the word "should." Now say "should" with a "z" sound at the beginning, like "zhould." It should sound like "zhood." Now take that z/s sound and use it for the "j" in "Jade." You should come up with "Zjahd."
Jade Ramsey is a English actress best known for her role as Patricia Williamson on the Nickelodeon television show House Of Anubis.
― Anonymous User 5/1/2012
Well what can I say? My first name is Jade. I love it. My entire life I have had such a unique name. I always get complimented and to be honest... I'm glad it's not so common. I get compliments daily... yet I am always the only Jade. SO.. I love it! I plan on naming my first daughter Jade. I love the fact I am so unique and yet my name is so simple.
This was supposed to be my name, but one of my parents' friends told them the name sounded "like a black name and she will be made fun of when she is older." but honestly, I was named Rylie and I don't know ANY African-American girls with this name nor do I think it sounds "black". In fact, I know NO ONE with this name. I wish my parents would have never met that ignorant friend who, in a roundabout way, stuck me with such a ghastly name.
I like this name. It's my dog's name, and she's a female. It's also my friend's name, and he is a boy. Here in Brazil we pronounce it as j AH geeh, and in Arabic it's pronounced jAHD.
People don't use the term "Jade" anymore. Neither do they use Jezebel or Parnel, which historically were slang for the same thing (Parnel falling out of use toward the end of the Medieval era). What do these names have in common? They're all *lovely*! Parnel is a little exotic, yet simple and easy to remember. Jezebel is a gorgeous alternative to the uber-popular Isabella, with the potential nicknames "Jez," "Bell," or "Bella." However, out of these three names, I would most likely use Jade. As a first *or* middle name, I think it's beautiful. It flows--it's a very soft name--and it goes with just about anything. Additionally, I think of gorgeous Jade jewelry when I hear it. I just hope Jade doesn't become the new Marie (which is the middle name of nearly every girl I know).
I personally think Jade is a *very* pretty name! I know 2 girls with this name, one of them has it in their middle name though. I love that it isn't some modern goofy made up name like "Kade" or whatever, and that it's actually from the gemstone.
― Anonymous User 4/29/2009
There was the Big Brother star Jade Goody, who sadly died of cancer.
― Anonymous User 3/23/2009
I'm surprised so many people don't like this name. I don't think of a whore when I hear this name at all; I'm not prone to think of whores, so maybe it's just a personal thing. I think of the beautiful jade stone when I hear it and think it sounds sweet and a bit exotic. I've never met a single Jade, but I'm pretty sure their parents didn't name them with the intention of them becoming whores. I've met slutty women and men with lovely Biblical names, so I don't really think the name matters all that much. Bratz dolls, however, are revolting no matter what they're named.
I love this. I think it is awesome as a boys name. Jade Puget is the guitarist of AFI and he is also in Blaqk Audio. He is a very awesome musician. I wanna name my son Jade.
Jade is one of the ugliest names I've ever heard. I'm sorry to all you Jades out there, as Jades are usually nice people, the name just doesn't appeal to me.
Here are some definitions of the word "jade" from Webster's 1913 dictionary: 1. A mean or tired horse; a worthless nag. Chaucer. Tired as a jade in overloaden cart. Sir P. Sidney. 2. A disreputable or vicious woman; a wench; a quean; also, sometimes, a worthless man. Shak. She shines the first of battered jades. Swift. Also, some definitions of "quean," since now most people probably don't know: [1913] 2. A low woman; a wench; a slut. The dread of every scolding quean. Gay; [1828] A worthless woman; a slut; a strumpet. That's pretty repulsive, and despite there being a gemstone Jade, and given names made from gemstone names, these other meanings degrade any positive connotations of the name 'Jade' and make it entirely unsuitable for any respectable girl or woman.
My name is Jade. I personally think my name is a bit boring for my personality. I thinks it's a child's name. Grandma Jade doesn't really have a ring to it. But all these people saying it's a whore's name, seriously are you trying to tell me every prostitute is named Jade? I mean come on that's just being stereotypical.
Please! This is an old-fashioned synonym for "whore". One of the Bratz (or shall I say Slutz) dolls is fittingly named Jade. When a girl named Jade does research on her name, she won't be flattered.
I have a male cousin named Jade, and he isn't the first man I've know with this name. Is this also used as a boy's name? Where did the male usage originate?
My name is Jade and I've always loved it. I've never met anyone who got a bad impression of me because of my name. My full name is actually Jade-Marie but I just go by Jade. My parents are French and the name was very popular in France in the early 80s when I was born. I've only met two other Jades in my life and I've liked them both. Although I wouldn't change the spelling of the name since it's already a different name and it would be very frustrating to have an unusual name and have it spelt weird. I think it's a great name to have, because it always gives you a conversation starter and it makes you seem more interesting before they even get to know you. :) Also, my oldest daughter is four and she is obsessed with the Bratz and her favorite is named Jade like her mommy! So I suspect the name will become more popular in the US soon!
I love this name. Really pretty and I love the way it sounds. I personally believe that the name should be more fit for a girl, then a boy. But too bad people like Jade Goody exist. She ruins everything.
I really like the name. I live in Asia so I don't know what is the general impression of this name in the States right now, but I think it's easy to remember and pretty.
― Anonymous User 12/9/2007
Very trailer trash. And it's being used as a filler middle name for everything now.
The main character's name in the novel The Nature of Jade by Deb Caletti is Jade. It's a wonderful book about a girl who suffers from anxiety, and is about to graduate high school. Anything by Deb Caletti, I would recommend. She's a fantastic author, and I find that both teenagers and adults enjoy her literature.
― Anonymous User 7/20/2007
This name is also used in France. It is pronounced j-AD.
― Anonymous User 7/18/2007
Even though this site lists the name Jade as feminine, I have heard it used a few times as a male's name. I think it works fine as a male's name; it is as similar in sound to Jake as it is to Jane.
I personally dislike the alternate spelling of Jayde or Jaide. I mean seriously! Anyhow, the only good thing about this name is probably the stone, or the colour, or the prettier alternative Jada.
I don't really like it, I think it's kind of tacky. Sorry.
― Anonymous User 3/12/2007
I wouldn't use this name for a daughter because, as mentioned, it can mean "loose woman"/"prostitute", also "tired, worn-out horse"! Try Amber instead.
― Anonymous User 3/6/2007
I love the name Jade! It's one of my best friend's names. Her mother named her Jade because of a Jade-stone ring given to her by her father. It's a really sweet story when told properly. And I have to add to amber_monkey that Jade is not a rebellious name at all. It does not come from the word jaded which means bored.
Even though many of the Jades I know have rubbed me the wrong way - it still doesn't turn me off from the name. It's very pretty! I really like it a lot.
I think this name is a little harsh for a girl, and due to some people I've met, it makes me think of an obnoxious, somewhat low class person when used for a girl. (I mean no offense to anyone). However, this is one of my favorite names for a boy.
― Anonymous User 2/19/2007
I think Jade is a really cool name, and it's just fine the way it is. Don't bother with Jayde, Jaide, or anything.
Jade is one of the main characters in the book "The Prophesy of the Stones" written by Flavia Bujor, when she was thirteen years old. It's a terrific book for someone of her age; beautifully written. Jade has got to be one of my favourite books, aside from Opal. She has a very strong personality, and developed deeply throughout the story. This is definitely a book that I'd recommend to everyone.
My name is Jayde, although it's not spelt Jade, it's spelt JAYDE, I don't know anyone who spells their name this way, so yeah, I like it because it makes me unique!
Later on in the Starwars Saga, I mean much later after episode six, if you read the books, Luke Skywalker marries a woman by the name of Mara Jade. I love that combo!
― Anonymous User 1/2/2007
This name should be the name of a brave, pretty, daring yet loving, and true-spirited girl.
My name is Jade. I would like to say that it isn't common where I live. I know one person here named 'Jade' other than me. I have never heard any stereotypes for the name but everyone seems to like my name and a lot of people--mostly adults, or really little kids--seem to like me. I would like to say that the name is a very nice name that may or may not have origins in the word 'jaded' or the other usage of 'jade', but is most definitely from the jade stone, which was believed to cure colic, as well as other diseases.
This has always had a kind of exotic link to it. It makes me think of a treasure owned by a king in India. Simple yet strong, I definitely will keep this name in mind when my first daughter comes around.
I really like this name! I like better the Spanish pronunciation, which would be Ha-de, I think. Also, the main character of a Brazilian soap opera was named Jade.
Jade is a very pretty, simple, elegant name. I have known a couple and they are very sweet, pretty little girls.
― Anonymous User 9/12/2006
This is a name that should NOT have a creative spelling. My daughter's cousin's middle name is spelled Jayd. Horrible! The name is beautiful if spelled right.
LOVE THIS NAME. It's the middle name of one of my best friends and she uses it almost as much as her first name (Allison). Plus it's the name of her bouncy polka dot loving main story character!
I LOVE THIS NAME. :) I think it is so beautiful & pure. Green gemstone is a great background symbol for a name! I'd love to call someone Jade. Or maybe even Jayde.
If you look at the stats, you will see that Jade has dropped suddenly out of use in the UK in the past couple of years. This is certainly due to the ghastly non-celeb Jade Goody.
― Anonymous User 3/11/2006
Jade n.2. "A woman regarded as disreputable or shrewish." ^ Another, not-so-great meaning of "jade".
― Anonymous User 3/11/2006
I think Jade is a beautiful name, simple but pretty! When I am a mom I want to have a girl named Jade!
Her ceramics were later displayed in art museums across the United States, including a 2002 exhibition at the Chinese Historical Society of America. They were also displayed at the M. H. De Young Memorial Museum in San Francisco, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Art Institute of Chicago (a one-woman show), the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., and the Cincinnati Art Museum, as well as shows in Omaha, Nebraska, and Portland, Oregon.
In addition to these shows across the United States, Wong's ceramics have also been placed in the permanent collections of New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Detroit Institute of Arts, the Oakland Museum of California, the Joslyn Art Museum, and the International Ceramic Museum in Italy.