Jacqui, Jackie, Jaye, Jae, Jet, Ettie, Etta, Ketsy, Ketsie, Keke, Kiki, Kitty and Kitsy could be nicknames.
Jacquetta May is a British writer, actress and theatre director. She co-founded the award-winning new-writing theatre company Plain Clothes Productions, commissioning, producing and directing for the company. She directed Her Sister Tongue at Lyric Theatre in Hammersmith, London, in 1997.
Very unusual name today it’s quite unique. It makes me think of Jacquetta of Luxembourg the mother of the Medieval English queen Elizabeth Woodville.
Not being racist here, but it's a pretty stereotypical name and even if it wasn't I still wouldn't use it, it sounds so forced and made up.
Call me crazy, but I actually prefer this to Jacqueline. Despite loving the sophisticated way Jacqueline looks, I never really liked saying the name. (Needless to say, I don't like the spelling Jaclyn at all.) But Jacquetta? That's awesome!
It's a bit frilly sounding, as most -etta/-ette names are, but it's also kind of pretty. Jacquetta of Luxembourg is a cool historical figure, too, so that makes this name much better.
Jacquetta of Luxembourg was the mother of Elizabeth Woodville, who married King Edward IV and was the grandmother of Henry VIII. She was the first commoner to marry a British sovereign.
Jacquetta Hawkes, British archeologist.
I don't like it. It reminds me too much of the Spanish word "chaqueta," meaning "jacket."
Jaquetta Wheeler is an English fashion model.

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