Jackie is definitely not a typical Polish name, its equivalent would be Jakubina I guess but that's not very common, but Jackie has still had some usage. As of January this year, there have been 6 women named Jackie in Poland. 12 others have Jackie as their middle name. A Polish Jackie could celebrate her name day either with Jakub (March 14, May 6, June 1, July 25, August 6), or perhaps with Jan (January 4, 27 and 31, February 8, March 8 and 28, April May 27, June 12, 24 and 26, July 12, August 19 and 29, October 20, November 21 and 24, December 27), or even Jacek, which is totally etymologically unrelated unlike what a lot of Poles think, but a lot of Jaceks go by Jack as their English name equivalent (February 10, July 3, August 17, September 9 and 11, October 29).
― Anonymous User 7/16/2023
The name Jackie was given to 93 girls and 89 boys born in the US in 2015.
Also French: