Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine & Feminine
Scripts 鯨, 勇魚, 勇那, 勇和, 功名, 功和, 沙那, 伊紗那, 伊紗奈, 依沙奈, 依瑳菜, etc.(Japanese Kanji) いさな(Japanese Hiragana) イサナ(Japanese Katakana)
Pronounced Pron. [i.sä.nä]  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

From 鯨 (isana), an old name for a whale now known as kujira in Japanese, sometimes written as 勇魚 with the addition of 魚 (na) meaning "fish." Another reading for 鯨 is simply isa and it may appear to be the same element used in the verb 勇む (isamu) meaning "to be in high spirits, be lively."
The final kanji can be substituted with one that can be read as na, like 那, 奈, 和 meaning "mild, calm," 名 meaning "name" or 菜 meaning "greens." The first kanji can also be substituted with one that can be shortened to isa, e.g. 功 meaning "distinguished/meritorious service" or 沙 meaning "sand." Mainly occurring on girls, it can be split into two kanji with an i kanji, like 伊 or 依 meaning "reliance, dependence," and a sa kanji, like 沙, 紗 meaning "gauze" or 瑳 meaning "polish, shine."

This name is rarely used.
Added 6/1/2017 by lilolaf
Edited 3/8/2020 by Mike C and m4yb3_daijirou

See Also

User submission Isana