Animated cartoon director, producer, writer, and voice actor Isadore Sparber.
I think with Theodore being such a timelessly popular name, Isadore deserves some use too (not quite as much as Theodore though please, it needs to stay somewhat unique!). Izzy is an awesome and adorable nickname!
If we have a son we're either naming him Isadore or Isidore, I like the English spelling and pronunciation while my husband likes the French spelling and pronunciation. I like that the Greek origin means "gift of Isis".
Definitely masculine. But I love it!
I didn't know it was a masculine name, got confused why it was Joe Lieberman's middle name.
I think this is a very cute name.
What is a dore?
Is it bad that I honestly see this name as feminine?
This is my son's name. He was named after his late great uncle.
Also used as a feminine name in the Incubus song Isadore.
It probably sounds feminine due to its similarity to feminine names like Isabel and Isabella. There is a feminine form, Isidora, which is quite pretty.
This spelling is really ugly. Why not go for Isidor(e) instead? Plus, this spelling makes me think of a grouchy old Jewish man.
Unironically, it's Joe Lieberman's middle name, who is Jewish.
This name seems feminine to me.
If you want to use this for a girl, I would go with Isadora. (Which I also personally really like!)While I really like this name, I also am not fond of the meaning "Gift of Isis." Firstly, while I do like a person being considered a gift, I'm not so hot on the Egyptian goddess thing. Secondly, since it is talking about goddess, the meaning doesn't sound too masculine. However, and luckily, there are two Saint Isadores (may also be spelled Isidore), that help make up for the maybe not so desirable meaning. Saint Isidore the Farmer: Born in Madrid Spain in the 12th century. It is said that angels helped him work the fields. Patron Saint of FarmersSaint Isidore of Seville: A bishop of Seville in the early 600s. Wrote and encyclepedia of knowledge known as the Etymologies that was popular for 9 centuries. Helped establish a seminary in every diocese in Spain where he made sure they learned every branch of knowledge including art and medicine. Doctor of the Church.
This name sounds like you're saying the person "is a door".
Isadore and its variants are interesting names. Classic, yet unusual. However, I'm not sure that I like the meaning.
This is not a feminine name at all; it isn't even related to the name most contemporary people would think of, being Isabelle. Which is why it has a feminine reputation in the first place.At any rate, if you name your daughter this, you're doling a cruel and unusual punishment. In France and especially French Canada this is a name frequently used for boys, and a female with this name would garner more than a few confused looks.
This is a funky name. It's the name of Corbin Bleau's character in the movie JumpIn!
I prefer this as a feminine name.
A famous bearer of this name is Isadore Freleng, commonly known as "Friz", who was a Warner Bros. cartoon director.

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