Comments (Personal Impression Only)

If I were a boy I would have been named Isaac. It’s pretty cool and won’t seem dated in 30 years. I do think it might get overused in the next couple of years though.
The meaning is gorgeous but I can't get over the "sac" part being weird.
I like this name. Some say the double "a" looks weird but I say it looks cool.
Hrmm, pretty good name. Would be good for a little brother's name... kinda twisted.
Sounds weird, ngl.
Isaac is the best name ever!
Isaac is an amazing name! The meaning is wonderful. Overall an awesome and amazing name!
Isaac has and always will be one of my favourite names. It's not that it's unique but it's different than any other name with the hard I sound and the double A. I love the nickname Izzy!
Old fashioned name.
Isaac is such a cute name, please name all of your children Isaac, no matter the gender, I have known at least one Isaac and he isn't that sexy so you should name all of your children this to ensure at least one of them is sexy. Love you Isaac, even though you aren't sexy.
I think Isaac is a really sweet sounding name. It's masculine and strong, yet not too rough or harsh. I think it's a good name.
My name is Isaac, and I don't care for it. Everyone wants to spell it differently, and everyone says it a bit differently. I say "eye-zick", but others say "eye-zach" or "ee-sock" Mostly I don't like that it ends in "sack", like a cyst or nutsack.
Iscah would be a good "sister" name. They have different meanings, but are very similar in spelling. Jessica is a Anglicized derivative of Iscah.
I like this name, it's cute but formal, and I like aa names in general.
I love the sound, but the aa looks ugly.
I would probably use Issac instead of this.
I like the name Isaac but its popularity spurt has ruined it for me and y'all know I can't stand popular names. Lol!
Something about it I just don't like. It's a NO from me!
Love the name Isaac:) This is the only name with an "aa" in it I like.
A very simple, yet classic name. "Isaac" sounds very intelligent and cheerful. I really love its meaning and just the sound of it.
I would love to name a child of my own that some day.
Isaac sounds handsome.
Hate this name. YUCK! Super-super ugly and super weird for a weirdo boy. This name is not smart it’s just a childish name for weirdo parents who want to name their child a weirdo name.
I disagree. I love this name!
Don't really like this name to be honest, it sounds very childish to me personally.
My second favorite boy's name at the moment :)
Too dated.
Great name.
I really like this name. It sounds very intelligent and it has a wonderful meaning.
Isaac is a good name. You people do not know what you are talking about. You go with the flow of what OTHER people say and you do not know that there are good things about the name Isaac.
I love it! So joyous!
I love this name so much.
Isaac is not, and I repeat NOT a good or smart name.
My brother is named Isaac. In my family, apparently every name of my brothers (besides mine) are from the bible.Jonathan; my younger brother. Lucas, my second youngest brother. And Isaac, my youngest brother...That's really funny.
Isaac means laughter - what more can you ask from a name? Told his teacher this and she thought it was fantastic - and they've a project about names on the go!
I really like this name for some reason. I'm not sure why, although it may have something to do with the sound or the associations I come up with. I would so use this!
This is my second son's name, one of the strongest sounding names from the bible in my opinion. Such a mischievous boy but also very empathetic and sweet! I think his name suits all these traits.
In 1970 we named our son Isaac because we (Bill and Debbie) were looking for a classic name that wasn't common. I'm shocked to see how popular it's become. As a child he wouldn't let us call him Ike or Izzy, but we could get away with Yitzhak now and then. As an adult, though, all his friends know him as Ike and only family still calls him Isaac.
My name is Isaac. I got the name for my birthday and have never heard any bad comments about it. The opposite, people love my name.
My granddaughter, who just had her fourth child on August 16, 2016 named him Isaac Jude.
Her mother and I and her stepdad all think it is a great choice. We are glad that for their last child they gave him a biblical name. Isaac is a strong and wonderful name.
Love that it means he will laugh, he will rejoice. We all in our family both sides have no other Isaac's in our families and I never knew anyone named Isaac so to us it it a different name. We realize it is a basically Jewish name but we love it and we are biblical Christians.
I love it! I was in between Lucas or Isaac and decided on Isaac as this name is so unique and classic yet very masculine for a boy!
I know HEAPS of Isaacs and all of them great people. I have never heard people nickname them 'Izzy' it sounds to girlish. But I love the name so I would definitely still use it.
It's too common for my taste, but I like the nickname Izzy enough to encourage its use. Plus the meaning is sweet; "he will laugh."
Whenever I think of "Isaac", the word "Asimov" comes immediately into my mind. I am a devoted Asimovian, so this name is a very literary name to me. I am not religious, and am not a fan of the "Binding of Isaac" video game, so Asimov is the only Isaac that is noteworthy to ME.
In my opinion, Isaac is a really cool name. I would use it for a fictional character.
Isaac is such a handsome, sexy, classic beauty of a name.
Name of the day! One of my favorite boy names. So handsome and classic. Very smart sounding.
It's a nice name, but its gotten too common. So sad, because it could've been such an classic and unique name! It seems like this type of thing is happening to more and more names these days :(
Handsome boys name with a beautiful meaning.
It's got a pretty good meaning, some nice history, and you get the cute nickname Izzy out of it, but I've met at least six Isaacs, and the sound isn't exactly pleasant.
Eh it's ok but it sounds dorky. I've seen far worse, but I've also seen far better.
Strangely, I have never met one Isaac. I like the name. I think "Izzy" would be a cool nickname.
Great meaning and sound, but it's really popular :(
I love this name. It's great for a little boy and a grown man :) It's adorable!
Nice name! I also remember the song "Isaac" by Madonna off her album "Confessions on a Dance Floor". I also find interesting the biblical history/origin of Isaac. And to conclude, it's a very cool and unique name.
For me, this name conjures an image of a gifted scientist or mathematician. It has a great meaning, too. If only it weren't so popular.
My name is Isaac and it is not all that often that you will see me laughing. Many people have said that I am the most stoic person they have ever met. My name means "laughter", that's as much laughter as I need.
Cool name for a boy! It's so great! The Bible names are such good ones.
What a great, handsome name for a boy, with a great meaning too. And hey, sharing a name with arguably the world's greatest mathematician doesn't hurt either.
This is a great name. If my wife and I ever have another son, his name will be Isaac. My son's name is Asher, which means "happy" and his little brother would be called Isaac, which means means "laughter".
This is my favorite boys name. It sounds so smart.
I absolutely love this name. I think it sounds nice and the meaning is great.
This has always been my fave name. It has the best meaning and a good sound. I always associate it with cute little boys and like handsome people. It's the best!
This is an incredibly brilliant name. Its meaning is undisputably great, and it is terribly cute for a little boy, and very masculine for an adolescent and adult. It doesn't seem to lose its youthfulness with age, either. I also somewhat fancy the nickname "Zak", myself.
I love the name Isaac. I have a cousin named Willem Isaac and his name suits him perfectly. He's seven and in his entire life, I have never seen him unhappy. He's definitely the happiest person I know.
Isaac is a great name, sounds strong. I also love the meaning of this name. We all need laughter in our lives. It is increasing quickly in popularity.
Isaac is a noble name with a nice meaning. It's not very common these days (at least where I come from). If I had a son I might call him Isaac.
I absolutely love the meaning of this name -- "he laughs." It makes me picture a sweet baby boy giggling with an adorable grin on his face. It's such a sweet image.

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