Yea, it's pronounced INN-uss. It's an old family surname and one of my favourite names. I personally would prefer to use it on a boy, but I can see it on a girl too. I just wouldn't want people to mistakenly think it's pronounced ee-nez, like the Latin name - sorry to anyone named Ines out there, you have a lovely name, it's just not what I'm going for.
Incidentally, this name tends to be pronounced 'INN-uss' by Scots speakers, rather than 'INN-ezz' or suchlike.
I like it as a boy name but not on a girl.
Innes is an incredibly noble, classic sounding (and looking) name to me. I'm having a hard time thinking of middle names that would flow well with it though.
Some websites suggest this name also means island in the river, which seems related to the idea of strength in oneness.
Ynys is the Welsh spelling.
Ynys isn't the Welsh spelling of Innes, it's the Welsh word for island and is pronounced UN-is.
It has been very occasionally used as a name, though.

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